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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I've just skimmed over the last few posts. This is all I took in. I'm not going to read more for context I'm just going to believe that ca_gere is a cruel evil bastard.
  2. The reaction of the number 2 is perfect.
  3. Chili was a winner. First thing I've ever tried from the thread and very happy with it. Are there any other recipes worth my going back in this thread to find? A best of Mmmmmmmm Om Nom collection would be nice.
  4. I don't moan about much music. I normally try to just accept that I don't like some stuff but others may do. However I found that Times Like These video very hard to handle. I don't care for the original either so its nothing to with thinking she didn't do it justice or anything. It's that she seems to be following the idea that quiet and slow music is automatically deep and meaningful. I can imagine she feels like she's achieved this great transformation with the song when she's actually done fuck all except throw a whole load of bland at an already fairly bland song. That look on her face with her eyes closed, the arthritis inspired guitar playing, her whispery singing and taking an hour to get through one line of the song, it's all shite.
  5. Just for public record I also had a pizza on Friday.
  6. Definitely worse than doing drugs. YoungA has no right to talk shit about the poor young girl.
  7. Well I think someone needs to take the responsibility for this and be shot.
  8. Is the girl a teenager who lives in 2005?
  9. I had written a big long post but lost it all. can't be arsed doing it again. but for the record in the last few days I've listened to albums by Cosby, Chvrches, Fleetwood Mac, Emma Louise, Elliphant, Danny Brown, DJ Koze, Spoon and Thee Oh Sees and they have all been varying degrees of good. The world will just have to cope without my brilliantly insightful comments.
  10. Why when typing something online does hitting the backspace button sometimes cause the browser to back a page? I was just coming to the end of writing a lengthy post in the albums thread in music and then I lost it all, gah.
  11. http://youtu.be/C7juC9LoG-w Excited.
  12. Friday - Had a beer with one of my flatmates after I got home from work but nothing else. Stayed in and watched a bit of tv before going to bed. Saturday - Went on a walk up to a castle in the morning then came home and cooked chili (recipe from the thread on here). Met a friend to go to the Barca B game, went to a burger place I hadn't tried before for dinner. It was ok but there's not as good as my no.1 burger place. Then went to a bar for a beer before coming home and watching Iron Man 3. Sunday - Went for a cycle down by the beach in the morning. A mate came round at lunchtime to eat the chili I'd made the day before and watch spurs-newcastle. Then we went out to the world press photo exhibition which is in town just now and afterwards went to a bar for United - Arsenal. There was an offer on and we got beers for one euro so by the time the game was finished I walked home a little tipsy. Came home, had dinner, watched more football and went to bed. All in all a pretty good weekend. Was out and about a lot, didn't spend too much money and didn't waste any time hiding in the dark with a hangover, winner.
  13. I wanted Arsenal to win but United winning has certainly left the top of the table in a very interesting position. Top 8 split by only 6 points is great.
  14. But the big question is, how much more than YoungA does she get paid? With child benefit he must be raging.
  15. 3 one-nils for the lower placed team in the tv matches. Swansea - Stoke was the one match that should have been show and it wasn't.
  16. More like buying the "No Way Sis" single. The match had a better atmosphere than I was expecting. There was a reasonable number of Jaen fans there which was quite surprising since La Liga matches tend to have almost no away fans.
  17. So Barca B lost 3-0. I enjoyed the match though, I miss going to actual games so I think I'll pop along to a few more since I can't really afford to go to camp nou on a regular basis. The match kind of went as suspected. All the barca players have a first touch and close control beyond many top players in Britain but there wasn't much else to them. They conceded a couple of goals to very direct attacks in the first half, very clinically finished by the Jaen forwards. Barca improved in the second half after a couple of substitution appeared to make an impact and they became more direct themselves. One of the players infuriated me by constantly doing well to get to the byline but every time dithered long enough for the defenders to group and block the cut back or cross. That same player was sent off in the final moments for taking down a player in the box after a quick counter attack and gave away a penalty which made it 3. The most promising player was Sergi Samper who came on in the second half in midfield and made a big difference. Reminded me a bit of Modric but playing slightly deeper.
  18. I've had this album on my itunes for months. I remembered listening once and not liking it but I think I confused it with something else because I stuck it on yesterday and it's wonderful. Alkaline, I think you might like this based on a couple of the things you've linked before.
  19. I thought Irish football coverage was supposed to be great. Loads of old guys shouting controversial opinions at each other.
  20. Wouldn't be surprised if BT pinch Clive once the deal kicks in. He's a United loving twat but his voice is synonymous with Champs League football.
  21. I'm off to was Barca B against Real Jaen this afternoon. Don't know why it's taken me so long to think of going to one of these games. Competitive football and depending on the match tickets start from 5 or 9 euros. Just a fiver today. Both the sides are down near the bottom of the table at the moment so I'm expecting loads of shite tiki-taka with no penetration. I'm going to spend the whole match shouting at them to lump it upfield, whip it in the box, put in some crunching tackles etc etc
  22. I'm giving that Monster Zero chili recipe a go. It's cooking away on the hob as we speak.
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