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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. As shit as he is, that's not a plus to me. There needs to be Champions League on ITV. The world just wont be right without it. Doesn't affect me now but when I lived in Scotland I would have been furious if there was no free to air european matches at all. BT's premiership coverage is dire. If they stick Mark Halsey on the champions league games too I think anti-BT terrorism would be the only viable solution. They've got good people for their domestic european coverage though so there is some hope.
  2. Looks like BT have outbid Sky and ITV to get exclusive rights to show the champions league for the next tv deal.
  3. Christmas is coming up and the poor lass just couldn't handle all the main present drama.
  4. US tv scheduling. The new season of parks and rec had five episodes shown before a one month break. What's the point? Give me what I want, when I want! And no I'm not going to pay for it!
  5. Coupling was pretty great, I remember it being popular in the UK.
  6. Football cliche quiz http://www.theguardian.com/football/football-cliches/quiz/2013/nov/08/football-quiz-cliches?CMP=fb_gu It's quite good, better than that hipster one. I got 12 but two of the wrong answers I stand by so I'm giving myself 14.
  7. I came into the thread to post exactly that!
  8. I could do that when I was a student. I grew up and now I can't afford it!
  9. SPOON!!! I have been listening to a lot of spoon today. Incredibly consistent band, all the albums are great.
  10. I read something recently that called Eminem the Steve Vai of rap, basically saying that year technically he's great but wouldn't want to listen to his music. As I said I've not really listened to much Eminem to agree or not but hearing that someone is technically great isn't necessarily a comment to make me want to listen to someone.
  11. 4th Highest I didn't know THAT. I watched Juve - Real last night, great game. I'm surprised it stayed 2-2, looked like there was another goal each at least in the game. From what I've heard United looked a lot better last night once Kagawa got moved into the number 10 role instead of being on the wing. Something which nobody with a brain will be surprised by.
  12. What Moyes actually said is just as bad. He should lambast publicly for it. Young's shit, they don't need him, who cares if he gets the hump.
  13. We Need To Talk About Kevin - Tells the story of Kevin, who is psychotic and pretty much evil from birth, and his mum both leading up to and following a horrific incident which leaves Kevin in jail but the details of which are only revealed towards the end of the film. It has a lot going for it and could have been really good I think but actually fell flat. I wouldn't rate this above a five or six. Seemed to be a case of telling a story with lots of flashbacks because the plot wasn't really interesting enough to tell in chronological order of events. Plus for some reason I just never found it believable despite the fact that there are well documented cases of other young people doing things as bad or worse than what Kevin does in the film. X - Men: First Class - I was very surprised by this. Fantastic film. I didn't really like the other x-men films I've seen although it's possible my memory of the first two are tarnished by the absolute turd that was number 3, the only one I can remember well. This is undoubtedly one of the best comic book films I've seen though, the way it works as a comic book film as well as a homage to 60s Bond films is brilliant. I would happily watch another x-men film with this cast following on from this film.
  14. I've never listened to any Eminem album. Mostly due to the fact that during his heyday I would much rather have listened to some Bluteones b-sides than any of that rap rubbish. What I've read doesn't suggest to me that this album should be my first.
  15. I've just corrected some essays written by 15 year old Catalans. None of them have as many examples of bad English in a whole page as there are in every line of that. What a fucking pain to read that was!
  16. And they'll want some revenge. I'd definitely have preferred Auchinleck Talbot at home.
  17. Yep a premier league side away from home is not ideal at all.
  18. I know a few non-rangers fans who did buy into some of the doom predictions, not many but a few. However I'm sure they'd admit they were wrong now. Watched the highlights this morning, very nice goals.
  19. Prisoners - The plot focuses on the abduction of two young girls and the search to find them both by the police and family members, some of whom take matters into their own hands. The cast, including Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhall, Paul Dano, Mellisa Leo and others, are all excellent. Jackman in particular is probably better than I've ever seen him before. Not exactly a cheery film for a Sunday evening but I enjoyed it a lot. Predator - Now don't tell Fatboy this but I'd never seen this until last night. I imagine most other people have so there's no need to say much about it. I'd heard enough about it so that I knew exactly what I was getting so there weren't really any surprises about it. Good film but my attention started to wander a bit in the last half an hour.
  20. Spot on. I'm surprised by how rubbish Soldado is doing, he looked about as interested as an Adebayor today. Hope this game is better, a big brawl or two perhaps.
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