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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Still need to listen to this but I've heard very positive comments from others about it and quite excited now. New Arcade Fire is out now too which I'm interested to hear. From what I'm hearing it will hopefully be better than the suburbs at least.
  2. New cut copy album is streaming on their site http://www.cutcopy.net/
  3. You don't need to tell me that. Just the other week I was shown a song which I'd never heard of and it had about 150 million views.
  4. New Rose Elinor Dougall EP streaming here https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Fplaylists%2F2333155%3Fsecret_token%3Ds-BPmCP&color=ff6600&auto_play=false&show_artwork=true For those who don't know it's the one from The Pipettes who had a great solo album a few years ago.
  5. Omar-s | Thank you for letting me by myself - First listen in a few months, it's a lot better than I remembered actually. I probably would have listened to it a lot more already if it wasn't such a great year for techno. Charli XCX | True Romance - Pop album of the year. Every track is brilliant.
  6. A student got me to watch this in class today. HAve a feeling we're going to be hearing about this far too much soon.
  7. At least Union has enough decent teams to fill the semi finals.
  8. It's probably the worst world cup in the world.
  9. All this goals were good in different ways last night. Only getting one of Ibra and Cronny at the world cup next year is a bit of a shitter.
  10. I'm not sure how many films I've seen him in, the only thing I can think of first hand is Collateral which he was passable in for an average action / thriller. I had no idea he did comedy and what are the stories of him being a shit? He's not someone I've ever had much on an opinion about so was surprised to see someone so anti-him it would stop you seeing a film just because you don't like him. He was good on Gold digger with kanye.
  11. I agree the term can make me cringe a bit too but sometimes they seem to have that something extra for me and do great things.
  12. What's the big problem with Jamie Foxx?
  13. So err what is the story behind this?
  14. The only Tarantino film I ever loved was Kill Bill part one but then the last time I watched it I kind of hated it. I never liked part 2 nor understood the hype for Pulp Fiction. I did like Reservoir Dogs and Jackie Brown but only seen each one once along time ago and might just keep it that way in case I change my mind on those too. Of his more recent work the only one which has interested me is Django and I probably will give it a shot sometime.
  15. High five to ca_gere for the football italia and round the twist picks. And Jester's picks of 80s cartoons are pretty much perfect, cities of gold especially. Loads of other good ones in the thread too. And another classic that surely can't go unmentioned, Fresh Prince
  16. I do wonder if post Rebecca Black they are actually trying to be attention seekingly bad in the hope loads of youtube views and a brief bit of fame.
  17. Zlatan scores a Zlatan goal http://youtu.be/qI8SV0racrY
  18. Lovely 3 points. Some very nervy moments towards the end though. I was calling for the final whistle with about 20 mins to go.
  19. Some ridiculous talk from Man U fans after today's result.
  20. And here it is http://youtu.be/9uUcjadx7sU I think Arsenal have been trying to score that goal for about ten years. edit - erm apologies for 5 posts in a row.
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