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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. It's like an h sound really, like in hot. But with a little of the throaty sound you get at the end of loch.
  2. This is a bit mad http://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2013/oct/17/england-seeded-switzerland-world-cup-draw-friendlies
  3. Tuna? Tuna? Vile stuff that doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as delicious cucumber.
  4. I've been watching spooks lately. I'm up to series four now which is further than I got when I first watched it years ago. I was stunned to see there have been 10 series of it, there's no way I'll get all the way to the end. The quality has dropped every series so I can only imagine how bad it is by the end. I've got nothing else I'm watching right now so I'll probably stick with it for a while but I can't see myself getting further than series 5 at the most. I'm sure any character I still care about will be dead or gone by then anyway.
  5. You should get that witch to sort you out with something to give you an energy boost.
  6. They're marvellous. Way better than it's bring courgette cousin. As long as I've got some in the fridge it'll be going in any sandwich I make.
  7. Well it's kind of just taken as being on a whole other level isn't it. No need to mention it.
  8. Yeah that was great too, tough luck for royce da 5'9 having to follow it, sounded weak. I also like the kismet mixtape. Not listened to it enough though really.
  9. Oh my, asparagus! Cucumber! Now my top five is in all sorts of doubt. Cucumber has to be in there. Spinach surely doesn't count as a vegetable?
  10. Good enough for me, Tomato is going in at number 5 in my list.
  11. A south american would not pronounce Joda as Yoda. What are you talking about Jake.
  12. 1. Peppers 2. Broccoli 3. Carrots 4. Onions 5. Can't think of anything else worthy of those four.
  13. I wouldn't, I'd start being racist. And eating people.
  14. Three cheers for all the broccoli love. Good to see most people are here are sensible on the matter. I agree boiling it can make it a bit shit though, if I do boil it it's only for a very short amount of time. One thing I can't accept though is raw broccoli, I didn't even realise this was a thing people would eat raw until last year when I saw a friend take a piece out of the fridge and put it straight in her god. I was stunned. Another friend there at the time said it wasn't strange but I think the majority were on my side.
  15. Also I wish it hadn't been a lyrics video I watched. As awful as the music.
  16. What are your thoughts on broccoli? I know kids / teenagers are famously not big fans of vegetable and particularly green ones but I'm surprised by how many of my students name Broccoli as their most hated food. It's chosen more than any other food by some margin. Broccoli is brilliant, a top 3 vegetable without a doubt. I had some at lunch today so I know what I'm talking about.
  17. What I think should be done with them is this: YoungA and CoolThinker are put together in a room and they proceed to drink all the whisky. They then spend the whole night posting on the board. The rest of us place bets on how many posts and threads are locked / deleted etc by the mods once they wake up in the morning. The winner gets 50 mini bottles of whisky provided by JakeBassist who will at first refuse this role until threatened with the possibility of the event happening next to a school.
  18. Haim | Days are gone - Oddly I always like this while I'm listening to it but there's something forgettable about it. Once it's finished I can't really recall much about it, the songs just don't make much of an impression. Arctic Monkeys | Whatever People Say...... & AM - The first and latest albums by one of my favourite bands going. Strangely I didn't really appreciate the debut as much as I do now until about a year ago, I'd always thought of it as a weak debut album and overlooked it for some reason. Love it now though. The new one is brilliant, their most consistent apart from FWN and will feature in my top ten of the year. Chvrches | The bones of what you believe - Classic pop album style it opens up very strongly with the best songs on the album but the level doesn't dip too much. Solid album.
  19. Pretty funny that England are organising a friendly against Germany for next month. People have only just started liking England and now they're going to get torn apart by Muller and Co as long as they care about playing properly.
  20. Agree with mot of that about Public Enemy except the thing about not getting into it's stride until Terminator X... Don't believe the fucking hype!
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