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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. Good win for Scotland and a good performance too. If we'd just won both our matches against wales we would have got a play off place. Bloody cunt Levein.
  2. Joy Division | Unknown Pleasures - Flights brought this up recently and I'll agree with what he said, just a perfect album really. Radiohead | In Rainbows - Not listened to this from start to finish in a long time. Very good album though and today actually I enjoyed the tracks I normally think of as weaker on it. Still I'd probably only rank it as 4th or 5th best in their discography. The Libertines | Up The Bracket - This has got a lot of play over the last month. Has aged very well and still sounds great. The Walkmen | Lisbon - I don't listen to this group as much as I should really, this is one of only two albums of theirs I've heard. (the other being you & me). I always seem to really like listening to them though so I'm not quite sure why I don't listen to these two more often and investigate their others.
  3. I like that the page exists though. I assume it's a new feature that came with the last upgrade. I think I remember someone asking about it a while ago but it didn't exist at the time.
  4. It's the top 20 posts with the best reputation. I had to leave the page for ages and it did finally load. I've got one in there and I'll settle for that. I could have had more but I've never got a phd, met prince charles or become a dad. Plus I don't have / can;t use photoshop. I feel like any of those things are cheating really.
  5. http://seenive.com/u/953450889727918080 my favourite of his https://vine.co/v/hZA2JHhAD19
  6. Except someone to open that motel room door and let him out.
  7. There's some awful reading buried in this thread.
  8. Great show. It's amazing how good it is really when as you rightfully say it is quite flawed at times.
  9. I object because there's absolutely no reason to lock it. If the thread is to die just let it die naturally as no one posts in it. And anyway CoolThinker made Kirsten his assistant so she should be continuing his work I think.
  10. I saw 2 minutes of an episode of the new girl the other day. It was terrible.
  11. I really don't understand why mods delete accounts when people ask. If people want to leave they can just stop using their accounts.
  12. The Ronettes | Presenting the fabulous Ronettes - pretty much perfect songs every one of them.
  13. Yeah one of the very best albums ever made. Having said that on some days I may prefer Closer.
  14. I wasn't that taken by season 1 of always sunny either but fans of the show all say it gets better once danny devito joins the cast in season 2 I think. It's on season 9 or something now so it's probably got shit again.
  15. What chance have they got if you wont trust them a little bit? You call them trouble and maybe they are but have you ever thought that the chance to deliver some leaflets and make some money could just perhaps turn their life around? The thrill of earning, the joy of a hard hay's work. You never know in a few years they could be recruiting other young kids to deliver leaflets for them.
  16. It's just based on user ratings isn't it. People can be stupid sometimes.
  17. I got it quickly but when I first saw 12 million I spend a few seconds thinking when the fuck has there ever been a scotland player sold for that much. The most embarrassing one I didn't get was Ozil
  18. One of McNulty's sons mentions them in season 5 as his favourite band. I had no idea they were even a real group.
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