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Paranoid Android

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Everything posted by Paranoid Android

  1. I'm copying this thread idea from another forum I use as it's generated a lot of discussion and become one of the best music threads there. So do what it says in the title post some comments about the albums you have most recently listened to, whether it's for the first second or fiftieth time. And if you like give a rating out of 5 or 10 or whatever. Danny Brown | Old - 3rd time listening to this today and I really like it, think the first half edges it for me but the two complement each other well. I'd been a bit 50/50 with him before but this is great and probably my favourite hip hop release this year. Ke$ha | Animal - Ok I know this wont exactly be the most popular thing around here but I listened to this yesterday for the first time in ages and again today. There are a few tracks I skip and there are better ones that could have been on it but aren't but mostly I still find this brilliant. Big thumbs up. Bill Callahan | Dream River - It's not as good as Apocalypse nor ...Eagle but he'd set a very high standard with those. I'm very satisfied with this.
  2. Yes she should just be silent and not care about multiple rape threats. It's appalling that you would wave what she has to say away because you don't like paper it was printed nor like her music.
  3. That's true of both the finale and the show as a whole. I don't really see what more the final episode could have had.
  4. ooft, I've seen pictures of him from not that long ago and he wasn't nearly that chubby so it must have been quite recently that he piled on the pounds.
  5. I've seen that and was sure it was a joke but all the comments I read talked about it as if it was real so I didn't know what to think.
  6. I don't really know what to say about this except that it shouldn't exist. Sorry if it's been posted before I know it's over a year old but the number of views isn't that high.
  7. I've never worked in a bar but I can understand the frustration with most of them. However I have been a number 16 once or twice.
  8. The Backstreet boys bit cracked me up, great ending. Micheal Cera was fantastic and probably in the film just the right length of time so that the joke didn't get old. I thought Emma Watson's bit was great too.
  9. Nope just the two pens. His general play has been excellent though from what I've seen. And btw Defoe started today, Soldado was on the bench.
  10. Just watched this, the bolded part would probably have been sufficient as a review but I loved it.
  11. A set of nerf guns which Jake wouldn't let him play with.
  12. Purity Ring are getting around a bit just now. They're on a the new Danny Brown album too which I'm listening to just now for the first time. Sounding pretty good.
  13. Ben UFO's essential mix from last night http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03bn5kz
  14. Did you choose your username after I mentioned the name in the footy thread the other day? I hope so. Even if you didn't just say yes to keep me happy.
  15. Four cheese pizza, no film yet, a flat mate appeared and we're chatting and drinking beer just now, maybe still a film later.
  16. I did actually know lockah was playing here tonight but think I'm just staying in now. First couple of people I contacted to make new plans weren't up for anything and I quickly lost my enthusiasm. Went out and bought a pizza and some popcorn and I'll probably just watch a film. I can go out tomorrow.
  17. People cancelling plans at the last minute. Now I've got nothing to do tonight which might have been fine if that's had been the original intention but now I really feel like I should be doing something.
  18. I love humbug but if forced to rank all the albums it would be last. This is one of their very best songs though Does that mean you didn't listen to suck it and see? It's got more weak songs than the others but the run of the last five tracks is absolutely incredible, if the first half was as good it would easily be my favourite of theirs.
  19. I really didn't want to do it. I know it's shit and old patter but it just happened anyway. What do you think of AM? I think it's fantastic, as all of their albums are. Knee socks is wonderful.
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