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JJ 10 Easy Wishes

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Posts posted by JJ 10 Easy Wishes

  1. If you come along to the tunnels (it's 2 a head entry) on thursday for the granite reef sponsored gig thing, you get to see Diablo and another band ( i think) and you get to see The Welles. Plus, we will be providing you with CDs of a demo we recorded at the Foyer featuring 'June the 21st' and 'Volpone'. Rough stuff, unmastered, but sounds like music.

    Hope you can make it along! I'm not sure what time we are on yet but it will be after 8pm. hopefully much later!!!!

    hugs and kisses



  2. fuck me i can't wait. i'm so excited for it. does anyone know anyone who might be able to get hold of some early copies? either that or it's a midnight thursday trip to tesco to get my hands on the game that will probably make me fail uni.

  3. nah nah nah go to strikers ollie. it's fucking amazin. you can even get a bus up there as well! i play there every week with some friends and we get a fucking magic game each time. although outside is where the proper football is played.

    the benefits of indoor is that you won't have to run and get the ball when you spank it wide every time. ollie.

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