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JJ 10 Easy Wishes

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Posts posted by JJ 10 Easy Wishes

  1. i think the 'i hate coldplay' album is one of these fag new wave cool things. like hating jamie oliver. remember when he got big and he was cool for about a day before suddenly someone said 'jamie olivers a dick!' and started slagging him off for being in adverts?

    I've given the album a few more listens now and it's magic. also, del, 'be here now' is a brilliant album. just because some 'in the know' people say that it's shite doesn't mean it is. I bet you've listened to to it twice at most, and to be 'anti-popular music' say that it's shite.

    and also, coldplay are only popular because they are good! bands like the backstreet boys or westlife shift units because they are record company cash cows, and appeal to little girls and house wives because they appear in 'SMASH HITS!' and 'hello' (probably). they don't sell records and tickets to gigs because they wrote some brilliant songs and played some superb gigs. instead, they were marketed in a particular way to appeal to girls and young children everywhere in order to shift units.

    Coldplay, on the other hand, got their big sort of break from their mercury music prize nomination. There's no way you can say that 'yellow' isn't a magic song, for instance. i just think the anti-coldplay people are in it because it might make them look uncool to say they like them.

    i do agree with the u2 comment though, and this similar sound can only be a bad thing! it works within the album though. i hate u2 though. their early stuff was really good. but now. hmmmmm.....

    x & y is ace.

  2. you buggers! i made it up, when i recorded that demo on my own at christmas! named after the greatest director of all time


    that's why you get 19s and i scrape through on 14s or 15s, keenan. if only i read more books. calvin and hobbes taught me all my big words.

    i think 'polar mulheron' is a much better name for a band than the welles

  3. i was involved until about christmas and then realised that not buying the paper had lead to me not making any transfers and also tat football manager is much better. in other news, i'm a bad loser so well done to the top spot! lets find a better league to do next season, or at least have people sharing the transfer code

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