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JJ 10 Easy Wishes

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Posts posted by JJ 10 Easy Wishes

  1. I also study film studies and I can safely say that you are talking poo. you sound like all the faux new wave film studies students (which you probably aren't!) who analyse non-western films and call them magnificent because:

    (a) no one else has ever heard of it before

    (b) it has no famous actors anyone has heard of before

    © it's shite, so no one has seen it before

    (d) it's the current trend to slag off anything western as being against art (although a lot of it is shite, admittedly)

    (e) it's the in thing to slag off any new star wars films

    (f) you are a guy and have those thick black spectacles they all have and emo hair as well

    (g) i can't even remember what i'm talking about

    (no offense is meant to be caused. just a rant at film studies students in general. i'm sure you come across them in your lectures)

    Sith is a very entertaining film, and if you read in to the mise-en-scene (see, i do study film!) there is a lot to take in and a lot of it is actually quite clever. On the other hand, Anaking sitting opposite Yoda in a room with black and white light from the window shade things is pretty obvious and over stated, but hey.

    say what you will, but as a star wars film this is ace. as a normal film, this is ace! the special effects are amazing! Apart from Yoda, who in my opinion, should only be seen on screen as a puppet. except for the fight scenes.


  2. but wait, if obi wan knows immortality, does that mean he can choose when to die? which is why he disappears?

    no wait....so by being immortal he is just sort of like a ghost? so does that mean that anakin must learn from the emperor how to live forever, and yoda must know it as well, as they all wave hello to luke in Jedi? is that right?

  3. aye me as well. im just waiting till after tuesday afternoon when i have officially finished first year and then its beer and star wars and pro evo and footbal manager for the next 4 months. I would have said that Plaguus was probably his master, as he also told the story of how his apprentice killed him in his sleep. How would anyone else have known ('it's not a story that a Jedi would tell you'). I thought that implied it was he who did the deed...

    were the bairns not born on the ship? because the others leave to go other places to drop them off.

  4. i saw mystery jets with the futureheads and thought they were pretty rubbish/boring. i'm sure they would appeal to a lot of people though, otherwise they wouldn't be on a headline tour! if you go to the gig, try and work out whether the old guy on the far side of the stage is someone's dad, or the guy that used to have the spare garage to practise in......

  5. haha! i was speechless! i thought it was so magic. christensen was actually really, really, really good in this film. I dunno if i conveyed my opinion the right way in my original post. i also think that Lucas deliberately directs the film in such a way that it is 'hammed' up. His best films were the ones that he didn't direct though (Empire, Jedi) so that has to be taken into consideration when casting opinion on his talents. Think about it - 'a new hope' would be a lot different if it wasn't so over the top. Plus, in Episode 2, Anakin was supposed to be a moody, annoying character and Christensen played that quite well. The love story bits were a bit blurgh in 'clones' but after seeing 'sith' i can completely understand why it was overdone! it all makes sense now

  6. Everything I wanted! Wow! What a film! Dark, moving, sinister and entertaining! McGregor is brilliant in the film and even Hayden Christensen seems to have learned how to act. Well, better than episode 2 anyway.


    right up there with 'empire strikes back'

    i'm going to see it again as soon as i can afford to! wooooo

  7. i would say that stayover sound a lot more american-pop than 10 easy wishes, but 10ew also take influence from american surfy pop punk bands like mr T experience and the queers. stayover fit into the sort of 'current' pop sound and 10ew is meant to sound like a mish mash of loud noise in a happy melody filled tune, with songs about dinosaurs who eat people in caves and business men who have sex in spain on holidays.

    hell i don't really care! new family guy on sunday!

  8. nah nah it is a novel. it has a central story line which eventually ends when Renton runs off to Amsterdam. The book is also pretty much about him, as his chapters focus on his story as a while whereas the other characters just get little bits about them. I can't be arsed explaining but I'll tell you what my tutor says about my answer when I get it.

    The poetry questions are alllllll shite

  9. i thought they were really boring to be honest. I dunno what it was. Perhaps you have to know their songs first. Fickle Public were absolutely brilliant and a joy to watch. They played a really good set last night. The big surprise for me though was copy haho! They were fucking magic! I think I saw them play at Moshulu with Fickle last time they were up and they were dreadful, but they totally owned the stage. Until Fickle came on. The singer acts just like Thom Yorke on stage.

    good gig!

    Reuben tonight! Reasons are Red on Sunday. woop woo

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