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JJ 10 Easy Wishes

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Posts posted by JJ 10 Easy Wishes

  1. david seaman is what the spanish call 'el terrible'. i was working in a bar in a meldrum. where i work. golden grahams are horrible. there were these really cool cereal things called 'sporties' or something? what were they? like a really fine version of cheerios that aren't round. sporties? i can't remember. they were fine. used to get them in the kellogs variety packs. you're much older than 7. where's my hat?

  2. you have to do what you want to do, not what a committee decides. i come from oldmeldrum which is 17 miles or so from aberdeen, but i go to aberdeen uni. i would never, in any way consider staying at home whilst at uni. no way! i stay in hillhead halls and its the fucking best fun ive ever had. every day you see someone you know you can do something with. the only drawback is you want to spend money all the time to have fun with everyone cos everyone works on different timetables. its brilliant fun though. my dillemma was whether to go to edinburgh, napier (edinburgh) or glasgow (i was accepted for each one) but i decided at the last minute to not go on another gap year and go now, but as i was so late i stayed i aberdeen so i could continue with my band (and my girlfriend) and so that if i ended up in financial trouble i could just go home! im looking for a flat now. i dont have any regrets going to aberdeen. the uni joke is 'so why did you come here? rejected from edinburgh?' but it is a really good university.

    i'm just there to get a piece of paper in the end, but the course is actually fun, and i enjoy having to do shitty essays now and again. my only advice is that wherever you go,go there because you want to. don't feel pressured to go to glasgow/edinburgh etc because you are supposed to move away from home, but if you stay in aberdeen, go to halls because its fucking awesome.

    that's my two cents. good luck!

  3. homophobe. i think hanson are fucking ace! they have some seriously well written songs. mmmmmbop. they wrote that when they were about 4 years old. genius! just because they have a marketing team that pitches them to smash hits and totp doesn't make them shite. good i say! and i defy you to say that you don't think hanson are quite good. when i say fucking ace i mean good. they aren't the who or anything.

  4. He likes to go away - by me!

    He'd like to go away, somewhere where the sun stays out all day

    his collar's filled with sand and he eyes up all the ladies lying around

    G and T goes really fine, with all this red wine

    he tastes their lips and ask

    would you like to see my hotel room with me?

    I'll treat you like a regular queen,

    but there's so many to see

    He takes the drug you see and all this sex just can't be healthy

    well there's nothing quite so fine as the taste of new flesh

    that's why he won't take her home

    The tale of Hamish McClure - by me!

    Hamish was sitting on his own in the cave

    eating soup, which was home made

    while swords and shields were being downed

    by a very, very, very, very young, young man

    no-one in the little village knew, or cared about his name

    on all of the village pub walls was hamish in a frame

    green eyes and lots of beer did meet

    he journeyed up the hill

    'hey hamish I'm going to kill you!'

    'but i don't want to eat'

    doo doo it all again

    sometimes it feels like no one loves you

    when you're a very very very very young young man

    he ran till he was safe again

    'oh no! what have i done?

    no one will think i am a hero unless this fight is won!'

    green eyes and lots of beer did meet as he journeyed up the hill

    'hey hamish i'm going to kill you - i'm going to make you dead!'

    and so he gobbled him up, biting bits off and chewing them up

    the unknown hero never did get home. oh no.

    nice guy hamish just sitting, just sitting on his own,

    thinking of eating village humans - what is this feeling?

    its new to me, it's new to me,

    i'm so hungry, this is new to me

    it's new to me! it's new to me!

    it's new to me! i'm so hungry!

    i need to eat

    ta daaaaaa

  5. the cock master

    not really. i was called jj since i was born and so that's pretty much not my nickname, so much as my real name. one of my friends who shall remain nameless once got a very unfortunate spot in the middle of his forehead and so everyone called him prince abdula. i dont really know why but it was funny. sorry for that. he isn't asian

    fatty franklin made me laugh very loud out loud. but i like you del

  6. some girl walked up to me and asked if i was in onion terror to which i replied "no". and then "actually I am - I am the mastermind" and then i insulted contra for a while. i was pretty drunk.

    i went onstage with ONION TERROR to represent their bass player. jamesy's speeches were the funniest thing i've heard in ages. it was such good fun. i made that guitarist from karloff have his picture taken with me and he didn't really want to which made it funny, nicky casino reading something which didn't seem to relate to anything at all.

    mon the wishes!

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