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Posts posted by Hog

  1. biffy clyro - probably the worst live act i've ever seen, yet somehow i've seen them repeatedly. saturday superhouse is an alright song, everything else is a bit like childish shouting, really. one of these bands that people seem to like up this way just because they're scottish and doing rather well for themselves. well done to them for what they've achieved, but i still think they're shit.

    Yep, the unusual time signatures....woweee, that's never been done before.

    Unusual time signature songs for people who don't usually like unusual time signatures.

    Meshuggah would eat them for breakfast.

    I do like that "Mountain" song though.

  2. The lack of spacial awareness demonstrated by a large percentage of the general public when shopping in Tesco.

    Honestly, people look right through you and just walk straigh into you. It's like some kind of zombiefest.

    I'm a mild mannered kind of guy but this really enrages me.

  3. He was meaning guitar costs 494 and the cost of EMGs (89 each so 178) brings the total cost of the guitar without the pickups to ~300 so feels 200 is a good price.

    As mentioned, the pickups the guitar had are "proper" EMGs. They don't say "HZ" on the logo which is the determining factor.

    Looks to be an 81 at the bridge (silver logo) but can't see what the neck has (due to lighting). If gold then it's an 85, grey it's a 60 and copper it's either an 81TW or 89 (both coil tappable). May be another 81 (silver) though. Can't remember! Most likely 81 or 85!

    If the guitar has no fret wear and no electronic issues then I think that is a fair price for it.


  4. I have to be honest and say my original cynicism has been replaced by a genuine happiness that RATM are Christmas No.1.

    It's all too easy to be cool, detached and sarcastic about it, but I would much rather that Killing In The Name was number 1 than that truly terrible Climb song. The way I see it is that, two charities have benefitted significantly, Cowell and X Factor have had an (albeit small in the grand scheme of things) reminder that they cannot claim universal popularity, and over half a million people who would not normally give a flying fuck about the charts have made their point.

    Yes, next year might be awful as a result, but I for one will enjoy going home to my folks' house for Christmas and hearing them complain about that awful rock song with the swearing that stopped the nice boy off the telly being number 1.

    Ho ho ho.

    Rep given. A fine post:up:

  5. The guy is talented though. He has a good vocal range and he's a fairly decent performer. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean that other people can't, christ the guy can sing better than you and I combined Scott. Nobody is putting a gun to anyones head to say that they have to buy the X Factor single. People are buying it because they like it. Isn't that the point of music?

    There has been odious shite at number one for the other 48 weeks of the year, why does this one matter so much? It's only another fucking week. Record companies making money from artists like Joe gives them a little more leg room for taking chances with other musical acts that you might actually like. You could argue that point 'til you're blue in the face but it'd still be right.

    This is encouraging people to not support music they like equally as much as it is in some peoples eyes.

    Indeed has does have a bit of talent i.e. the ability to sing well.

    I'm sure there are thousands of other people in the UK who can do the same though.

    Totally agree he can sing better than us although I think I have a wider vocal range (no, nobody start to think I'm better or any of that shite, I am not a good singer at all)

    Interesting point about labels making money so they can take chances with musical acts that I like. One part of me disagrees, I could say that I have been denied listening to a number 1 Xmas song that I enjoy since "Mad World". Mind you, I don't care too much, I can whack on an Ulver or Devin Townsend album whenever I want really. Another part agrees, money can increase the power of a label. Cradle of Filth had a brush with Sony and Devy has had recent flirts with EMI.

  6. I agree with Alkaline......

    As good as they may be.... trying to get RATM to number 1, to spite an X Factor winners single IS a nasty piece of manipulation....

    Market forces an all that??

    The most bought, hence popular, SHOULD be the No 1, be that Joe, or no!

    and under normal circumstances, without this campaign, that would NOT be RATM

    Why support a talentless monopoly? Is it not good to question the entire ethics?

    Of course, some people may really enjoy Joe's song... great, go and buy it!

    However, as a country we're force fed the same old shit year after year. It's not so bad that a band is questioning it.

    I can see why the RATM campaign is cringeworthy. Going back to the smelly metal mentality but TBH who in their right minds consider Joe as a talent? Yes he can sing, Yes, he works hard but can he write a decent song, can he fuck. I don't even like the RATM song that much but I applaud the principle (not in a "fuck the shit system" kind of way)

    Of course we can't change the public perception regarding music. Why bother! Rage is hardly a great example.That's not the point though.............

  7. No hard in a bit of change regarding the Xmas number 1.

    Cheryl Cole called the Rage campaign cruel. Why? This young guy could have a number 2 single, hardly a fail.

    She then said that it's a shame for Joe because of all the hard work he has put in. What? He has worked on singing, yes, song writing, nope.

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