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Posts posted by Hog

  1. I would have thought that a Globespan Pilot would be on about half of that. maybe a bit more, a BA captain on long haul would make more that 100k, but globespan are short haul and a smaller airline, so it's more than likely viewed as a stepping stone to the big salaries, rather than a well paid 100k job.

    I wouldn't class Canada as "short haul".

  2. I think Johnny Marr's a brilliant guitarist. The guitar part of How Soon Is Now is infinitely more interesting and impressive to me than some widdly fast playing. I still wonder how he does it.

    Not sure...

    Just use a tremelo pedal and set the timing to go with the speed of the beat.

    I do agree that some widdly stuff can be a pile of shite (although Dimebag did it with feeling and style IMHO)

  3. But that would still be effective range, so the bullet can travel for 1 1/2 miles and still have enough force to penetrate. The aiming slightly above will have to do with curvature of the earth. If it's still effective at 1.5 miles, then surely the bullet could actually travel for abotu 4 miles before coming to an unimpeded stop.

    Very true.

  4. cheer up you miserable c**t, how many years ago was that?

    the tracks do nothing for me as expected, saying that, I would still like to catch you live again at some point

    I'm kidding ya Ceeeeeeunt:up:

    Craig, nope, what's this about a gig on the 8th of Jan. Would be well up for that:up:

    Toasty, the vid is about the Beslan terrorist massacre so it shall be themed around that. Very dark and violent video. Nope, we won't appear on it. Who wants to see my ugly mug in a video :laughing:

  5. Really can't be arsed having another drum conversation. Chris has his thing,I have mine.

    We save that for another thread.

    As I said in my original post I ain't keen on the drum sound. I Like the music and look forword to hearing it in a live atmosphere.

    What's happening with the tracks anyway? Waiting til you go back to finish those other tracks and releasing an ep ?

    Indeed manny.:up:

    We have another couple of tracks to record then it's an EP release.

    Video shortly for "Of flame and retribution"

    Then our usual tour of Aberdeen taking in The Moorings and the Tunnels.:laughing:

  6. I'm not answering for Chris but I don't think he was getting the handbag out.

    Were a band who love Dimmu, SYL, Fear Factory etc and the drums reflect those influences.

    When it comes to ignorance then knock on Maxis door. He thinks Chris doesn't hit hard enough, sorry but neither does Nick Barker.

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