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Posts posted by Hog

  1. Surely they could have shoehorned the word HORROR into that headline at some point?

    PS. naked + adult + children = PAEDOPHILE STORY...yet no mention of the p-word. Was there a guest editor on this day or something?

    Or of course the obligatory "N/E Woman".

  2. A continuation of the driving theme...

    When I'm on the Dual Carriageway at Balmedie a driver is doing 50 on the right handside lane and has no intention of turning right. Em... are you overtaking or are you just sitting in the wrong lane because you don't have a fucking clue?!

  3. Thanks for you comments man.

    Yeah Chris really went for it with his drumming for this one.

    James kicks serious ass.

    Cool to be compared to Devil Driver, an awesome band although I wrote most of "Of Flame and Retribution" and have only heard a couple of songs from this band.


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