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Posts posted by Hog

  1. I hate it when I'm in a queue and I'm next. I go up to the counter and the lady says "Now".

    It's usually in places like Ellon this happens, especially the bank and the CO-OP.

    It's usually ladies in their 50's-60's who are the worst offenders.

    The other one that gets on my tits is when they also say "Well, I suppose". What do you suppose? Why the fuck can you not complete the sentence?!! Meh:down:

  2. Basically I would love to have something resembling this..

    YouTube - The Devin Townsend Project - Numbered

    Layers and layers but not so chaotic that you can't make out what's going on. I love wall of sound.

    Devin recorded this album for around $12000 including practice space, flights for the female guest vocalist, photography, artwork.

    I know he "red-lights" the compression to avoid the layers sounding like mush.

  3. the pc world in aberdeen's tech guys are pretty much hopeless, i wouldnt worry too much.

    Very true.

    I bought a laptop for the wife and needed to use it for my work one weekend. It took Photoshop CS4 over a minute to open a 10 meg image.

    For a 700 laptop with 4 megs of ram that's pretty shit.

    3 trips later they eventually worked out that the laptop was fucked...em....no shit.

    They even blamed Photoshop for slowing the laptop to this kind of speed.

    The classic one was a PC World guy telling me that I needed insurance for a scanner because of the salty air in Aberdeeno_O That took the biscuit.

    Anyway...sorry, back to Utorrent.:up:

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