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Posts posted by Hog

  1. Went to it today.

    40 for a sushi meal with the Mrs at Yo Sushi.

    It's a lot smaller than what I thought it would be.

    Going to avoid it at Christmas so I don't have to jump out of the way of people who are so blinkered they forget to have any spacial awareness.

  2. Hmm, not sure how beneficial it will be for him to have people read a thread that begs the question "Who the fuck's this cunt?"

    And just for good measure, I hear that Ewan Robb tries to lure kids into his gingerbread house.

    His gingerbread house shaped like a pyramid.:up:

  3. Most bricks-and-mortar shops use offline (or credit) debit transactions, i.e. they don't communicate with the bank at the time of the transaction (except to authorise the PIN I would imagine). This means your card effectively has to guarantee that the bank will pay the retailer, regardless of how much money you actually have. It is, when used in this way, just like a cheque.

    I think this is where most people fail with debit cards. They (like I did until I used the mighty googletron) think it works like a glorified hole-in-the-wall card. Treat it like a cheque book and you won't go far wrong.

    I know and appreciate that Ian but it's not like the banks don't have the technology to administer a system denying negative equity accounts.

  4. It is a load of shite, I made one breach of the rules (albeit with two supposed consequences according to you), I should be charged once. You never got charged twice 15 years ago, but in the interim some cunt that works in a bank has come up with this wizard wheeze to screw even more money out of the people who can least afford it. Ironically, I could have afforded to pay it, would have been bloody annoying, but it would have just meant it would have taken a bit longer to pay off my overdraft. I bet there are lots of people hit by these charges everyday who aren't so fortunate.

    And on your second point I'm not annoyed I didn't catch it, because they waived the charges, I have simply recognised it for the pile of shite that it is.

    I agree that you shouldn't have gone into banking though, I'm pretty sure you took my son's picture at Venture a few years ago and it's fantastic, it has pride of place in our living room (next to Hog's wedding photo* ;) ) and my wife and I enjoy looking at it every day. Don't get me started on fucking Venture though, they're almost as bad as the banks. At least Venture tell you upfront that they're going to fuck you up the arse, as opposed to the "potting shed" approach of the banks.

    *The photo Hog took at MY wedding. I don't have any pictures of Hog's wedding, the bastard didn't invite me.

    Now I'm really digressing.

    I hate Venture with a passion, it does nothing but disillusion the publics perception regarding portrait photography.

    The Venture closing in Aberdeen is awesome.

    1) A lot of the samples you see are taken by the franchise (not the photographer who photographs you)

    2) The prices are sky high, my portrait prices are a fraction of the Venture prices

    3) Some of the branches use photographers who are simply not very good/ don't know what they are doing.

    4) Some of the work is shockingly bad (although Dave is an excellent photographer)

    5) People like Lisa Visser kick Ventures ass in so many ways

    The MPA - Master Photography Awards 2009 Presentation

    Venture studios are dropping like flies and I think it's good.

    You shall get an invite to our house warming Bigsby:up:

  5. the size of the charge is irrelevant to the justification for having a charge. it's not shite, you're just annoyed that you didn't catch it before you were charged.

    A charge is justified. If you have agreed to a banks T&C's then fair enough.

    However, the actual charge is extortionate.

    My bank recently offered me a 3 grand overdraft for my business for an annual charge of 200, crazy! They feed off the people who struggle to pay the tax bill.

    I'm very proud that I have never gone into the red with my business and have always set aside money for VAT/tax but I feel that the banks find it an excellent opportunity to feed on the weak when they struggle.

    I'm going off in a different direction now..haha:popcorn:

    Long story short. Charges, yes, but justify them. I know the bank is a business but have some heart too. I know of many people who have been denied loans from banks when they are actually doing well during the recession but they are tarred with the same brush and are held back from expanding. There I go again...digressiontastic.:up: (also please excuse my shit grammer, I'm tired)

  6. and the only one at a sensible length. There is a serious lack of ideas on this album.. yawn.. and i used to LOVE AIC too.. shame.


    It's a shame, AIC had some cracking tunes, Sunshine, Sickman, Them Bones, Bleed the freak.... etc etc.

    Not stuck in the past, just feel that this album isn't as good and it's not because Laney is no longer alive (IMHO). The new guy can do a brilliant Layne impression.

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