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Posts posted by Hog

  1. Ok...we changed out mind. We played the Tunnels a couple of nights ago after some time off.

    Fuck it, what's to be achieved by not playing locally?...and....what is to be achieved? I don't care!

    We have a strong song...it's about the massacre in Beslan. We shall record soon.

  2. People who are in a relationship and go on and on about it. Every sentence is "myself and my partner". Fucks sake......

    End of the day, your partner probably has herpes and is sleeping around behind your back.

  3. Anyone else like them?

    Been a fan for years... wasn't keen on the last album but love everything else.

    Pete Steele, amazing frontman... sarcastic, witty, a great song writer. Anyone who plays bass with a bottle of red wine is awesome IMHO

  4. May be interested...

    Element is not up to much at the moment.

    Was toying with the idea of starting a band that had a bit of early Type O, Mastodon, Grief, Meshuggah, Frantic Bleep, Opeth, Ulver. A bit experimental/weird. Quite fancy doing some bass/vox.

    Like the "meathead" quote. Rob Flynn...yeuch..:puke:

  5. it obviously didnt affect what the judges thought of them did it....

    Actually, that band did 3 band covers and had one song that was a rip-off of "Ariels" by SOAD. So much of a rip-off that we all stared at each other in disbelief.


    This band or another band stole some of our equipment and the promotor was banning them from the competition...obviously not..

    Bitter? Nope. I just it funny that judge either a) Doesn't stick to the rules or b) Doesn't have much basic knowledge about Metal (i.e. doesn't recognize songs that are covers)

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