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Posts posted by Hog

  1. photographers should be considerate of those around them as we don't have a right to be at the front of the audience. i always try and scoot around the floor for shots or stay near the sides. you get better angles and less microphones in front of faces that way anyhoo.

    Yep, that's the way it should be done.

  2. Nobody's getting their knickers in a twist Sweedy Pah, it's merely curiosity as to why a 42-year old resorts to personal swipes when called on the utter mince she's spouting.

    Don't mistake it for people attaching any importance to what you say. You're a spent force.


    Reputation points given..

  3. Same problem with Element 106.

    We have IMHO got our shit together and are writing our best stuff and a lot of people have told us that we sound way better than Neon days (thank god). I reckon our song "Killjoy" on our Myspace is damn fine however, nobody really gives a shit.

    Pretty much the reason why we are not playing Aberdeen again this year and working with a promoter who can hear the potential in our music.

    I know were not heavy/fast enough to get musical respect from the folk who like stuff like Uncalm, Bonesaw (who are very good bands) etc and also our past efforts are shite so really it's out of Aberdeen or split-up for us.

    Ach well...


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