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Danny Doubt

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Everything posted by Danny Doubt

  1. i record acoustic demo's on my bro's computer and put them on a CD-RW an let the band hear them first before proceeding. I use Cubase 5.1 and WavLab and i use zoom's ps-02 palmtop studio as a pre-amp through my line-in 2record the gtr an vocals seperately in Cubase. peace, Danny. p.s. we recorded some full band tracks in Cpt. Toms for a reasonable price, jus havent got round 2 mixin an masterin the last two tracks for a demo CD which everyone has been moanin at me 2 get finished for about a year! LOL!
  2. missed them last time i shall try an get a ticket for this...anyone know wen they go on sale??
  3. oh an metallica at reading were average! thats rite i said average! shoulda jus listened to the cd!
  4. hey dan, i dont really giv a shit wot ppl think of me, but i will go see a live show of an artist before commenting on how pish they are! I never thought much of rammstein till i saw their live show an wen i left i thought they were the greatest band on the planet, recently it has been incubus who hav taken me fancy an now i love them. I know she doesnt take everyone's fancy but she must be doing summin rite!
  5. i think that would be 'memory', ah well u think its pish, i think its great and ur entitled to ur view!
  6. Rico thats fuckin kool man u guys do rawk!\m/
  7. guess ur pissed off that she's minted and playing to thousands of ppl. oh well me 2!
  8. yeh well i got into them after seeing them at Reading last year an couldnt get 'Stuck In America' out my head so i bought 'Start Static' yet to get the new one 'Palm Trees And Powerlines'. But i cant wait thought they rocked at reading! Danny.
  9. i jus bought my tickets! cant wait their new album is pretty decent! Memory is my fave right now! peace, Danny.
  10. i would go an see Sum41 they were awesome last year at reading!
  11. I heard he had his voice in his spellchecker machine changed and he went mental cuz it was tooo high pitched!
  12. so not much money goin to charity then, i woulda done the gig for free!!
  13. i hav been heckled a few time the best bit is someone can only say a certain amount of things that i usually hav a repl for...but i didnt expect the abuse i got one night in drummonds by some dude who jus shouted out 'i am goin 2 lob this pint glass at u if u dont stop playing the chilli's cover!'
  14. Joe Satriani can play...but i reckon Mike Einziger of Incubus is well underrated
  15. yeh he shoulda stayed bein a fuckin monk!
  16. break the cd... problem sorted!
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