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Danny Doubt

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Everything posted by Danny Doubt

  1. Yeh should be a rockin' gig. If you want a cheap ticket PM me! on door 5 tickets 4.50 but if ur nice i will do u a deal! l8r Danny.
  2. yeh that is awesome! i think that u can use anyone's password its all the same i think anyway everyone could use mine: crow (first box) murder (2nd box).
  3. agree. good feeling is rockin'
  4. i just learned most of their new stuff on gtr, sweet....mike is a gtr god!
  5. thats a nice gtr, em but unfortunstely i jus bought a marshall halfstack so i dont hav any pennies left.
  6. duh! i was jus pissin about god can no-one take the piss.
  7. i had a few lessons but i started out wiv some tips from my bro an took it from their, experiment look up some tabs and shit, hit the strings!
  8. i wish i had tried out for the rythmn gtrist.
  9. Rammstein - SECC Incubus - SECC T in the park 98' Reading 03'
  10. yeh...pretty decent.
  11. yeh was a gd gig really enjoyed it, hope i get to see them again at some point. and Mike is awesome on the gtr!
  12. Incubus is my 2nd fave gig ever! Only thing was for the first 3 songs the PA sounded really distorted. I wish you were here was fuckin awesome the crowd really got into it then! Yeh was kool apart from getting ID'd to get to the bar an a 12yr old jus walking out and the boucer callin me a bellend.
  13. dont use ur finger use ur pick side-on an cheat!
  14. occupy your time trying to play the other way round, jus do a jimi an re-string ur gtr upside down! Rawk!
  15. hey dudes i met bill last nite in exodus...one cool motha fucker'
  16. yeh wonder how ur gonna afford that one!
  17. they were shite live the singer is pants on the new album!
  18. great last thing we need on a radio station is fuckin bradley!
  19. danke schon! i still have to see SPD'er but i will see u at some point!
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