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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. I think I had mine set at: (similarly, with no buttons pushed in) bass - 9 treb - 5 mids - 5 presence - 2/3 Although, I was also using a tubescreamer in front of the amps distortion (with minimum gain on the TS) so that gave it a bit of a nicer upper mid range.
  2. a lot of people still say and do stupid things in bands now that they are 25/26...
  3. Totally agree on the treble. When I had mine, I used to substitute some treble for a bit more mids. I also found the presence to be pretty treble-y too - and not in a good way. But easily solved by just turning it down to about 9 o' clock. As far as I can remember you also need to have the bass pretty high. Decent valve amp for a decent price though.
  4. Just re-read this post. Fucking hilarious - largely due to it's accuracy.
  5. Do it mouse. JCM2000 DSL 50 Watts, would be a very good decision.
  6. Hmmm... well it's similar I guess. But it's more a case of you pay the money, you get your album in the shops. Rather than due to any belief in the band. It's win win for Casket, because they don't really fund anything, but would only recoup money if any is made. Rising records are kinda similar as well - they have a bunch of small bands that pay a tonne of cash which ultimately funds a couple of bands that the label is actually interested in. This is what I have greatly been led to believe anyway. The songs on the page aren't completely horrific, fit for demo purposes at least. They sound more like Rock and Roll Star by oasis than Sabbath and G'N'R though...
  7. Actually, Casket records do get all their albums in shops nationwide. Although it's not really being signed as such because they charge you a fortune and put out your CDin the shops, rather than fund you on merit of your ability. I'd imagine you also have to have a properly recorded album ready to put out before they even vaguely consider it being worth their while - unless 1000 myspace plays and some imaginary US dates are now a massive incentive for Casket... Their drummer, Fraser, is on youtube hardcore dancing hilariously to clearer the sky.
  8. I'd say; save the 10 that you might spend on a valve and spend it on an amp that will be twice as good. For a tenner you could probably get at least 3 amps that are twice as good as the AVT-100. I'll sell you a jar of angry wasps for 1.20 which leaves you just underr 9 quid to get another two. (I'm joking, yet with overtones of honesty)
  9. I can only guess by your user and band name that you are well into John Petrucci... and he uses one. I've never tried one, but if you pay three grand for an amp it's going to be great.
  10. I used to train with Montrose FC when I was about 16 - back in the classic days of Kevin Tindall, Mark Craib and Mark Haro I believe. Colin 'Judas' McGlashan had moved to Arbroath though. Don't even know if Maxi went to Mo games back then.
  11. Cheers! Recording wise... don't know how in depth you want but here you go!....: I programmed the drums using EZdrummer Drumkit from Hell and recorded all the guitars (other than the 2 solos) at my home "studio" which is simply an iMac with a digidesign Mbox2 with protools. There's 4 tracks of rhythm guitar all through the song: the main 2 parts panned 100% left and right, and those parts are then played exactly the same again, but panned 80% left and right and a few dB lower in the mix. I recorded the guitars using a POD XT, but took a dry line out so everytime I recorded a track of guitar, it recorded my distorted POD XT tone (for a guide, and also a rough idea of the song in context) but also a totally clean dry signal. (i'll explain this a bit later) I sent the recorded drums and guitars to a guy from the french prog metal band Kalisia for him to play bass, a german guy to play the fast solo, and a guy from Chile to play the slow wah solo. Oh, and also to the singer to record his vocals. They all recorded their parts in their own home or studios, and sent the parts back to me. Then I sent the whole lot to a guy who owns Spectre Sound Studio in Canada and he re-amped the guitars (basically put my totally clean guitar signal and played it back through a proper amp and mic'ed it up and recorded that), and then mixed it. I think the amp used was a 5150 into a Mesa cab which was mic'ed with a shure SM57 and a sennheiser 421. He then sent it to a guy with a fancy studio in Germany to master it. Essentially it was a collaboration between a bunch of folk who post on the andy sneap audio engineering forums, at ultimate-metal.com. I got on the metal hammer website again: Metal Hammer Blog Archive Blog: From The Bloke Who Brought You ‘Mastered By Muppets’…
  12. That would be correct. I guess he knew the original too well so wrongly sang the right lyrics... there's a couple of other mistakes here and there as well, including a wrong chord at the very very end of the chorus. D'oh.
  13. Not quite... although on that note Dave Mustaine does find Clipping Death funny. I was speaking to Andy Sneap a few weeks ago and he is out in Arizona recording the new Megadeth album at the moment. He showed Dave my artwork and other stuff. Apparently I "brightened his day". True story
  14. MySpace.com - Clipping Death - San Francisco, California - www.myspace.com/clippingdeath I have teamed up with several people from around the globe to collaborate on this project. The lyrics alone got such a huge response, that we decided to record it. Vocalist was from an amazing late 80's/90s thrash band who released a bunch of albums, but wishes to remain anonymous. please check it out and spread the word if it amuses you, it would be great if this got some notoriety. Cheers!
  15. hahaha. Maybe he did - I just assumed it was some goon wearing a replica dons kit...
  16. I know - but unfortunately my vision isn't such that I can permanently remember someone's face after they've scored a goal 100m away from where I'm sitting. If only there were close up slow-motion replays in real life
  17. I can't be bothered reading all the back stories here, but I wouldn't recognise Darren Mackie if I saw him in the street - and I went to Easter Road and Tynecastle recently to watch a couple of Dons matches. I've asked Santa for an 2008/09 AFC calendar to rectify this situation.
  18. How come you're selling the cab? If I didn't already have one I'd offer for it like a shot...
  19. Cookie Like Kokura. MySpace.com - MY MINDS WEAPON [sign to Drakkar/SonyBMG!] - Aberdeen, UK - Metal / Hardcore / Progressive - www.myspace.com/mymindsweapon Ben will probably just find this funny. A while back our main profile pictures were these: I know we look both terrifyingly hard and extremely cool, but that doesn't mean we can't laugh at ourselves once or twice every blue moon...
  20. It's funny, until I heard it on here I never would have noticed - but on slightly closer inspection you people may be on to something...
  21. Cheers dudes - Not bad considering our singer sounds like the Cookie Monster!
  22. It's lucky Ben is banned - he'd probably just reply with "you're a pathetic drug dealer/your band has done nothing/you could only dream of getting my sloppy seconds... etc". Thankfully though, he is banned so he can't respond to any of your late in the day pot-stirring.
  23. I agree as well, shallow and pedantic.
  24. You'd think so, eh? But I have heard that old chestnut every now and again for the last 5 years and so far it has meant diddly squat. I'm yet to read a single live/album review saying; "I would have really liked MMW, but I did a quick google search and it appears that one and a half of their members act like petty argumentative bell-ends on a local internet forum". By the tone of your post, quite a lot. I'm pretty sure that avenue died 6 pages ago when that cheeky wee scamp Rod Thunder brought up MMW, Neil... So if you are adamant that the only thing discussed in this thread is We Shall You Be Blessed, you should probably close it now. However, that would merely highlight how ridiculously biased and petty (irony there, what with that being a favourite expression) mods can be on "certain subjects" as this thread has done very little worse than going slightly off topic with a sprinkling of mild heated discussion, which has now all but fizzled out. I don't know if talking-back-to-a-mod is against forum policy these days, but just in case it is, I'll PM myself with a warning to save you the effort. *considers smilies....* Oh what the hell, they're basically get out of jail free cards: / /
  25. I played this sort of thing once, but we made it "gag, shag, bodybag"... it was awesome for about 3 minutes.
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