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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. I assume it was you then Bobby? Either way, it's a pretty funny adjective to describe a vocal style - and I'm aware it's meant as an insult. But I don't actually get it... feel free to explain what it means so I can at least chuckle or, naturally, retaliate appropriately...
  2. haha, touche! If by moaning you mean pornography then yes.
  3. Are you sure that was me or Ben!? Ben thinks they're shit and I'm not overly fond of them... They've got a couple of decent songs and some good grooves here and there. Not really my thing - although one of their guitar players is meant to be pretty awesome live i.e. he can pull off what they play. In their defense - whether it works or not, at least they're mixing it up a little. If you wanna hear a worse version of them check out the Human Abstract. Tech. But rubbish.
  4. That would be a treat... Rune was a joy to behold. I've never heard anyone be so blindly opinionated through a combination of ignorance and sheer idiocy. Still, what he lacks in teeth and brains he makes up for with extra chromosomes, so every cloud...
  5. That's just a show though. It's far more interesting to see someone be a little more cocky and attempt a bit of performance than mumbling boringly into a mic between songs. I just think judging someone based on internet remarks and what they say fronting a band is a little naive... As you fancy being involved in all this, lets make it about you for a moment; On a thread that doesn't remotely concern you, you take a pop at one of my bandmates who doesn't even know you in the slightest. It's not like he can even respond... we all know Ben has a life ban here (can anyone even remember what for!?) and is abysmal at disguising himself when he crops up for 3 or 4 posts every year or so. At face value, that makes you a cunt. I'm sure however, you're actually a lovely chap and I'd more than likely get on well with you. But you being a prick towards a member of my band on the internet is my first perception of you, and as that is all I have to judge you on, I'm gonna assume that you must be a bell-end. Sound familiar? Of course, I say that last bit genuinely in jest as I realise that this is all just internet banter - which ultimately, this place is completely lacking in these days. Hence why I bothered to even get involved in this in the first place... I say bring back Ben - the people that think he's a cock would want that more than the people who like him I'd imagine. (I think his crimes were of horrific proportions so I fail to believe he will ever be allowed to return. He knew the deal; RULES ARE RULES, and they must be obeyed)
  6. Well I'm sure you can base your opinions on him due to all those times you've been in the same room as him, rather than what you've read on the internet or heard someone else say. Ever occurred to you that it isn't his own vocal ability that fuels his ego, but the fact that people like you who he doesn't even know exist go out of your way to care about what he does? A cookie please. I'll give it to ben next time I see him. (I hear he's addicted to them)
  7. Megalolz. Some people like his voice, some people don't. Big whoop de doo. I hope your pretend hatred and exaggerated insults get those much sought after rep points from your peers... Doesn't matter. You're taking it too literally. Agree with it or not, 'Cookie Monster' is a phrase used to describe a certain type of vocals, and Ben doesn't fall into that category. I could record and listen to a bunch of native african's hitting coat hangers off an Iron girder and I wouldn't go up to a guy with the Immortal, Emperor and Darkthrone discographies on his iPod and proceed to tell him that I'm listening to "black metal" and he isn't... "Steaky" vocals. I get it. That's priceless. Did you come up with that one as well? Oh no, that's right - that was a phrase that maxi came up with and you hilariously put into pictures again. Except with a poo on top too emphasise the "shitness".
  8. I'm very sorry, but that is neither original or even remotely accurate. "Cookie monster" vocals refer to indecipherable, low, gutteral growls most often associated with mono-tone death metal vocalists. Listen to Necrophagist or Steve Tucker era Morbid Angel for a better idea of what you're attempting to reference. In future, you might just want to say something along the lines of; "I think your vocals are generic and shit", rather attempting humour by using references that make it painfully clear how little you know about the subject in hand. At least this way you could let Maxi know how much you want to bum him by voicing an honest opinion, rather than simply regurgitating something that you've heard someone else say in pictoral form. 2/10 see me.
  9. Dan G

    I say I say I say...

    How does it smell?
  10. Do a few takes of the same main vocal line. Then experiment to find harmonies that sound right in the context of the music and then main vocal line. Do a few takes for each of the important harmonies. Then depending on your vocal range, additional falsetto and lower "head voice" vocal takes, possibly and octave above and lower the original main vocal line. Reverb and delay them to fuck and back, especially the backing/harmony vocals and sit put them quite low in the mix compared to the main vocal. Basically lots and lots of takes of the same few vocal lines. And being a brilliant singer helps. Autotune will help a little as well... Experiment with a number of different delays on the vocals, i.e. a short/med delay AND a long delay. Devin basically does an awful lot of doubling/tripling up of the same parts, and then great use of verb and delay.
  11. I have some awesome memories and times with the mighty atom. Like Joe says, I'd love to think that every now and again we might get in the same room and jam out a song but you never know. Highlights for me have to be the 12 man atom at drakes and our Lemon Tree album launch with Karloff - that show was rammed I would advise everyone to come down to the Halloween show... we have a very special cover song lined up...
  12. Got my tickets yesterday :D Fucking stoked.
  13. It's not close but I'd offer 80 for it... I know that 's quite a distant 'ono' - but I have been offered a (pretty much) brand new one exactly the same as yours (except non-programmable) for 80. Obviously it's not worth my while offering any more than that, so it depends on how much you need to get it off your hands!
  14. I haven't actually tried one myself, but I know some people that think they can be a little muddy sounding - however they are usually considered as being great amps for metal. However, I absolutely love both my Peavey and Diezel heads so have no reason to swap...
  15. Thanks everyone for the kind words! Haha, we actually got offered a KranK endorsement... But I'm happy with a Peavey Diezel combo. I'm pretty sure it is nearly impossible to get a Diezel endorsement.
  16. We have recently signed a 2 album European Record Deal with Drakkar Entertainment - who have previously released albums by Kreator, Nightwish, and are home to the mighty Lordi, haha. Our album is to be released in November via Sony/BMG and will be available all throughout Europe inc. (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Poland etc). Yippee Here it is on the German amazon: The Carrion Sky: My Minds Weapon: Musik: Amazon.de
  18. Saw the death star one recently - fucking amazing. You're Mr Stevens?
  19. Congratulations Hog P.s. Is this the new Katatonia album cover...?
  20. Cancer Gang-rape Paedophilia Famine Being force-fed raw sewerage and rusty nails at gunpoint, whilst your dad sucks you off and you mum takes you up the arse with a 10" dildo wrapped in sandpaper. In Glasgow.
  21. I did another one, Rubin being zapped by peak-clipping waves:
  22. I'm on the metal hammer website: Metal Hammer - News Article
  23. It's not necessarily "between 5 boys though" say if you're in a band where one or two members have a full time job and the others are jobless/rarely work/lot lower paid. Then it turns out to be the same one or two people funding the petrol after every gig that you don't get paid. That's before you consider the van tax, MOT and insurance etc... Regarding van breakdowns mid-tour; one of the wheel bearings in our van totally buckled once - we had to get towed in the AA from leeds to southend. Cost a good few hundred quid to get the van fixed, as well as hassle, but we managed to sort it out and even get to the next gig on time. Luckily some of us had a few quid in reserve, so just got it covered. The ocassional show of not getting paid isn't a problem, but when it happens a lot it's just annoying. 40 every now and again is neither here nor there but if that were to happen for say ten gigs, it starts to mount up. And to re-phrase your first sentence slightly: surely if ye cant fork out 40 for five boys to get to their next show you are obviously a ding promoter and shouldnt be putting on shows
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