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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. It's the director's literal translation of what are largely figurative lyrics... I wasn't convinced at first but it definitely grew on me after a few views.
  2. A nice tasty 3 and half minutes of modern thrash for you to enjoy. MY MINDS WEAPON - The Killing Horizon on Vimeo http://www.myspace.com/mymindsweapon it'll be up on youtube soon enough, but these sites have destroyed the quality of the video, which is a shame. The real version is razor sharp. It should be up on the tv stations soon as well. Extreme Sports channel made us band of the year with our last video which was pretty nice of them.
  3. Half of 'play dead' we were pretty happy with, so we re-wrote the other half a couple of years ago. We still weren't entirely happy with it so the middle section got re-re-written and the intro and verse riffs got made heavier and more interesting. The pre-chorus and chorus music is essentially the same as the original though! (except in C rather than D tuning) Album got a pretty good review here: New Releases News & Reviews My Minds Weapon could be seen as a walking checklist. Billed as Technical metal, they inject metalcore chug, screamy vocals with big singy bits usually for the chorus, stabs of widdly metal leads, even a bit of Glassjaw shining through. Take the 'Ry Ry's Song'-esque guitar towards the end of 'Lucky Like Kokura' – the promo video for which is included – which also follows the regulated guidelines: Jeans and black tees (old-school bands preferable), abandoned barn with lots of dust, no frills – just the band rocking out. But if you're thinking we're sneering at how generic it is and condemning it as a load of sh*t, you'd be quite mistaken, because The Carrion Sky is bloody fantastic. Taking what you've heard a thousand times before and giving it such a kick up the arse shoelaces spring out of its nostrils, 'Alpha Centauri' is a furious maelstrom of down-tuned riffs with added clean vocals that work so well you'd think it had never been done before. Follow-up 'Six-O-Two' goes a step further: film samples and a perfectly-placed solo adding to the barely-contained fury. It's no surprise they caught the ear of the sadly defunct Sikth's super-team Dan Weller and Justin Hill, who mix, master and even add vocals. Promise for the future is all over the record; the shades of Glassjaw are joined with hints of Textures, Earthtone9 and even a little Poison The Well, which is not your average Hot Topic metal band's influence list. The wheel needs reinventing, but the multitude of production-line bands makes us all cynical, and blinds us from the fact there was a reason so many bands jumped on the bandwagon, and it's the chance to produce excellent, visceral music as powerful as this. They do nothing new, but what they do they execute to near perfection. Rating: 4/5 by Phill May
  4. To be honest, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't with this sort of music. If we started writing simpler music it would just get lumped in with standard metalcore that everyone could play. Also, intricate stuff is more fun to play live, espeically when you can pull it off. I also find I go back to albums which are a bit more complicated far often than simpler ones. Obviously the 'song' is the most important factor, but when it takes 5-10 listens to finally notice a lot of the subtleties I find that far more satisfying than the instant gratification of a catchy song that wears out after a few listens. Oh, and half of this song is actually a re-written version of play dead which is over 4 years old now... It's new to everyone else! We hadn't played it live and most people hadn't heard it. Some of the songs on our album are 4 years old and we had the final mix in our hands about a year ago but I'd still call it our 'new' album. But you're right, it's not new as such... Yeah, the album is in HMV, and some zavvi's too. We popped in to Exeter, Poole, Manchester, Birmingham on the tour and they all had them!
  5. I might be away that weekend, but if not I wouldn't mind attending this; Would be good to see Blessed again after such a long absence. FNG are pretty good too, and haven't seen archives since we played with a Maxi-less Boss Koala in Luton years ago! This thread is good entertainment for once. I'll let you know nearer the time Scott.
  6. That's a well shot video! Suits the song, and some good camera work in there.
  7. ach well, can't please everyone all the time. Cheers for listening at least If anyone's flicking through this months rocksound, we've got a half decent review in it. 6/10 for our album which considering the same reviewer gave the new Shai Hulud album 4/10 (and most of our band really like Shai hulud) we'll take it as a compliment.
  8. Dan G


    And there lies the subjectivity of humour
  9. Dan G


    And yet, ironically, it's not the "retarded American metal-heads" who take it as literal opinion, but the holier-than-thou alternative/indy hypocrites who hide behind pseudonyms and think that pressing play and recording an argos casio keyboard demo is being musically creative. Ha. And it's me that is generalising... At which point in any of my images does it suggest that ALL hindus and sikhs are suicide bombers? Nowhere, that's where. Who knows, maybe the muslim james hetifield in my pictures intentionally disguised himself as a Sikh knowing full well that only muslims are suicide bombers, and therefore dressing as a Sikh rather than a Muslim would foil the airport security thus giving him greater opportunity to pull off his terrorist activities. There are many ways you could interpret those images, but at the end of the day, if you choose to read far too much into them and get overly offended by them in order to defend the opinions of your peers, then that's your prerogative as a pissy little sheep. If you are seriously offended by this thread, then I pray to Allah that your mummy and daddy have the naughty filter set to maximum security on your computer... Wow, you are my intellectual superior. Next time I need to know anything about being a humourless and self-righteous ball-bag, I'll make sure to ask your advice. As much as you dislike/don't get the satire in this thread, you can't deny that's some pretty sweet photoshop-ing.
  10. Dan G


    nice. Islamic sex dolls.
  11. Dan G


    the joys of loss of translation through the internet. potayto potahto.
  12. Dan G


    I'm not bothered if you don't find it funny, that's your opinion. Plenty of people do find it funny and they are welcome to that opinion too. My hissy fit his aimed at the bare-faced cheek of people that can joke about the grand-scale death of a nation (e.g. the potato famine) before labelling others xenophobic bigots for generalising religious clothing
  13. Dan G


    Sorry, I slightly mis-understood the point of your first post. I don't have a problem with people not liking my sense of humour in the slightest. I'm fully aware of how massively subjective humour is. What I have a problem with is the hypocrites who get all high and mighty after being 'offended' by the stereotyping of a race/religion that they have absolutely no connection with, and throw around terms such as 'racist' with all the accuracy of Stevie Wonder pissing in a train troilet. (actually I probably shouldn't use Stevie Wonder as an example, what with him being black and all...) I wasn't covering ground. I intentionally lumped everyone into the same category and I am very aware of the fact that the taliban don't wear sikh turbans or have hindu bindis. I've also got a picture of an islamic James Hetfield with a bacon sandwich and a bottle of vodka on the dashboard of his fighter pilot. If I ever post it up here I'll make sure to put a massive disclaimer informing you of my awareness that Muslims can't eat pork or drink alcohol. As long as you don't get carried away and make them wear someone else's hat...? You're mocking the disabilities of specific people here. The potato famine caused thousands of deaths amongst irish families. But giving a muslim a sikh's headdress is a step too far... [p.s. I thought both your jokes were actually pretty funny , but I'm proving a point about hypocrisy...)
  14. Dan G


    The old Metallica is back? - Page 4 - Ultimate Metal Forum No one (including/especially) americans complained... Terrorists have hit the likes of Madrid and London in recent times. My images don't refer to, and infact AVOID references to 9/11 or any other specific terrorist attack so I don't see why Americans should be offended by it more than anyone else? If anything, the fact that you assume they would only highlights the U.S.'s paranoia when it comes to middle eastern types...
  15. Dan G


    Wrong! It would be knuckleheaded if I actually thought all Sikhs, Muslims, Hindus were terrorists. I don't. I know the differences. Once again... Have you ever laughed at or told an irishman joke? Now, do you genuinely think every irishman on the planet is stupid? I actually thought of the concept of Metalliban years ago, however; James Hetfield (the singer in Metallica) was recently informed he should do something about his beard before flying because he looked like a terrorist. Airport authorities panic anytime they see someone with a middle eastern beard, even if they're a 100 million-albums-selling rockstar... and I'm the "knuckleheaded xenophobe"? Hetfield Held Up for 'Taliban' Beard - AOL News Even if you don't find Metallica puns, comedy lyrics, decent photoshopping and racial stereotyping in anyway amusing - consider that the Metalliban concept is satirical due to the above news article combined with the general western mis-understanding towards middle eastern religion. KHYBER LIGHTNING Guilty as charged Saddam, it ain't right The Taliban's controlling me Death in the air Strapped in the pilot's chair This aircraft's filled with TNT Who's made of bombs today? I'll take your lives from you Stash C4 inside Don't know how to fly Learning in my plane Wish I'd caught the train Wait for Hassan To flick the switch of death The plane's beginning to descend Nerves, taking hold My bowels just lost control I need a dump, my muslim friend My fingers grip my rear What time for diarrhoea Flush before I fly Turds fall out the sky Burning anus pain Arse can feel the flame Someone help me Oh please, Allah help me They're trying to take my bombs away I just want to die Time-bomb ticking slow The minutes seem like hours Not far ‘til US Embassy How true is this? My pants are filled with piss I wish I still worked for BT American air-hostess scream This is the muslim dream Ash pours out the sky Now it's time to die Burning in my plane Hail Saddam Hussein
  16. Dan G


    I am very well aware of the differences between Sikhs, Hindus and Muslims, and most importantly the difference between all the above and 'fundamentalist extremists'. I'd call them 'terrorists' but you'd probably throw a hissy fit about how referring to them in such light is against their human rights. Half the humour comes from the narrow-minded ignorance of lumping all asian, arab and middle-eastern types into the same category. Have you ever told an englishman/irishman etc. joke? If you have then you're a fucking hypocrite as that is just as much a racial stereotype, and if you haven't then you're mostly likely a boring twat who is all for calling the following; "baa baa rainbow sheep", "refuse sacks" and "Seasonal Greetings" instead of "baa baa black sheep", "black bags" and "merry christmas" respectively - wouldn't want to offend anyone now would we? Funny thing is, I bet you're the sort of person that doesn't bat an eyelid at an english/irishman joke but jumps on your high horse the second the middle east is brought into a satire. To be honest,I think it is more racist to actively AVOID taking the piss out of a specific racial group, than it is to take the piss out of them all. Maybe you don't know the metallica back catelogue inside out, or maybe cleverly photoshop images combined with bad puns is not your humour of preference. Either way, 99% of people, especially Metallica fans (which is what the above is aimed at) find it funny and aren't offended by it... so take your PC bullshit and go and listen to your Spice Girls cds. See above. It's stereotyping. Commonly used in humour. Ever told a blonde joke? Ever watched a stand-up comedy DVD? Ever laughed at anything other than a knock-knock in your life ever, before, ever? I am very aware of the vast difference between all the racial and religious sects that I have lumped into the same category. Jeez... Humour is subjective. I'm sorry that you didn't find it funny. By the way "xenophobia" is a fear or contemp of foreigners, which is not the same as racial ignorance. I neither dislike or am afraid of foreigners, and at no point have suggested so in any of my posts on this thread. If you are going to brandish me with lavish titles, please at least do so accurately.
  17. Dan G


    haha, that's exactly what Andy Sneap said when he saw it! Cheers dude.
  18. Dan G


    yeah man, it's all my ideas! Good practise for my photoshop skillz too... Check this one. Khyber Lightning Pt2: Lyrics to follow shortly...
  19. Up on our myspace page. 'ALPHA CENTAURI' MySpace.com - MY MINDS WEAPON [ALBUM PREORDERS TODAY!!!] - Aberdeen, Scotland - Metal / Hardcore / Progressive - www.myspace.com/mymindsweapon From our forthcoming album.
  20. Dan G


    o_O No, those are actual photos of metallica...
  21. Dan G


    A couple of years ago, I came up with the concept of Metalliban - its really quite self explanatory. I made a myspace page and the fuckers deleted it. Anyway, the idea recently cropped up again so I thought I'd share it here: Cliff Turban - bass Durka Mohammed - lead sitar Jihad Jetfield - vocals/rhythm sitar Large Oilrig - drums It featured reworking of classic metallica songs, including: Sikh and Destroy Trapped Under Rice Osama Said Enter Sanjeef Saddam But True ...And Justice For Allah Sanskritarium Islam I Evil? Disposable Hindus Not stricty Taliban related, but amusing nevertheless The above is my personal favourite. Line of felt becoming clearer... ENTER SANJEEF Say your prayers little one, Don't forget my Son, To include every bomb. I tuck you in, wires within, Suicide isnt sin, When the infidels come. Creep with one eye open, Gripping your semtex tight. Exit life, Enter flight, Take my Qur'an, We're off to Afghanistan Something's wrong, flashing light, Are my wires on sight? Think Im on the wrong flight. Dreams of war, dreams of fire, Taliban's Empire, Hope I blow up tonight. Creep with one eye open, Gripping your semtex tight. Exit life, Enter flight, Take my Qur'an, We're off to Afghanistan Now I lay me down to sleep, Pray Allah my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, Ive done my job, for Islams sake Hush little Sanjeef dont say a word, And never mind that noise you heard, Its just the turban on your head, Ticking faster BOOM! Your dead. Exit life, Enter flight, Brains on sand, Exit life, Enter flight, Take my Qur'an, We're off to join Metalliban INVADE IRAQ Muslims seem to fade away Detonating every day Been brainwashed to kill myself Allah matters, no one else I have lost the will to live Afterlife has more to give There are virgins all for me Need a bomb to set me free Things not what they used to be Sold or shot my family Theft has cost my chance to feel Got no hands because I steal Dynamite is filling me Burqa lined with TNT Glowing jacket make me warm I was me, but now hes a bomb No one but me can save this plane, but its too late Now I just think, think of my seventeen wives Afghanistan seems as though it never existed Death greets you all, infidels just say good-bye!
  22. Yeah, "...Malice..." and the first Textures album (Polars) were/are massive influences on me. I really like all three Textures albums, but it was their first album in particular that blew me away when it came out. It's the off-beat grooves and polymetric drumming that I love. You can definitely hear some of that rubbing off on our more recent songs...
  23. But before the 'metalcore' skinny jeans/sideswept fringe look there was emo (glasses, fringes, converses, etc) Before that there was 'nu-metal' (baggy jeans, chain wallets, korn hoodies etc) Before that there was grunge (torn jeans, checked shirts, messy hair etc) Before that there was 80's rock/metal (denim and leather) And it goes on. Trends in music are always there, and image goes hand in hand with it.
  24. I guess that is the downside of metal becoming popular. Maybe it's an age thing too!? But there is definitely less and less new metal that interests me, yet that is still very much my genre of preference. When I was at school I was literally the only person into metal. Now it seems to be a 50/50 split between "goths/moshers etc" and chavvy degenerates. I was more of a Jesse (previous singer) fan too... he left I think, to pursue different musical ventures and he's now in a relatively gay-ass poppy light rock affair called sleeping girl.
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