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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. You mods look FAR too hard into finding conflict within wayne Scorge's and my discussions. I see so many fucking arguments that are equally if not more pathetic than ours (other than the fact that they are not as infamous/amusing). If it's pathetic it's for one of two reasons: a) because Scorge will ALWAYS find a petty way of attempting to put down anything MMW does, no matter how fucking incredible it is (and let's face it, we are pretty amazing these days*) b) because the same old argument has occurred time and time again. If the answer is b) then why don't all those "emo is this, that and the next" arguments get closed instantly, because they happen just as (if not more) often and they are not even a little bit funny. And for the record, that last 'frankly pathetic' series of comments that got removed didn't have as much as petty name calling in it - and unless it got removed due to a final Scorge comment which I didn't get to see then it was no more waste of bandwidth than: 300,000,000 page threads of self indulgent "what CDs are you buying?" in which no one gives a toss about anyones else's posts except their own. or Element 106 forum posts which is basically inter-band conversations that could be held via phone, text, msn or god forbid in fucking person. or the afore mentioned "what is emo" threads, in which the same bunch of people have no clue whatsoever, followed by other people going, "oh, real emo is this - you are stupid", and it goes full circle again and again with the same old result of no one being any the wiser. If you dig up the last few arguments between wayne and I, you will see that I have tried to resort to nothing more than mild sarcasm here and there. And if you can EVER find a single fued that was actually started by me, by slagging off SPD then I will buy you all a pint, and that is a promise. Say for example I responded to every one of you moderator's posts with "you guys are bell-ends", what would you do? Leave it? I doubt it. It would get removed. But what would you do if you didnt have those almighty moderating abilities and could therefore not remove it? Because I'm pretty sure you wouldn't just ignore it. Finally, these are NEVER "MMW vs SPD" fueds. 4 out of my 5 band members don't go on this site. And I don't have any beef with SPD. Scorge clearly has a probem with mmw and/or likes winding me up, and if he "comments" on a thread that I start, then I WILL respond; so at the very worst call it something gay like 'Scorge vs Dan' or some other ridiculous monicker it to make it sound like it's a bigger deal than it actually is, and therefore worthy of unleashing those moderating skillz. But don't label my entire band as being involved in petty arguments when it has nothing to do with them. It is as rash, lazy and unfair as the following: Mike Tyson is a rapist. Mike Tyson is black. So therefore, black people = rapists. *humour
  2. The reason I think it is a masterpiece, is the same reason that Burn My Eyes by Machine Head is. Both albums turned metal on it's head and allowed a completely new form of it to emerge. The first time I heard Last Serenade I couldn't fucking believe my ears. Granted it sounds relatively commercial these days due to every band and their dogs playing 'metalcore' but back then...: Detuned Pantera like groove metal riffs with almost death/black metal vocals, and then all of a sudden goes into a totally epic, anthemic and beautifully sung chorus. And then adding hardcore style beatdowns into the mix too. If you can tell me one band that did any of that half as well (if at all!) before KSE then I will be very surprised! (I'm not arguing here, just giving my 2 cents on why I think that album is very important in the grand scheme of metal )
  3. So any band with emotional lyrics (e.g. about love or losing a loved one) are an emo band? That means that Bryan Adams, Meatloaf, Iced Earth and Testament are emo bands by your standards, as they have all had "emotional" lyrics at some point or another.
  4. Regardless of any truth in that, it doesn't stop that album from being an absolute modern metal masterpiece.
  5. Agreed. I'm a man who doesn't mind Judas Priest/Forbidden style vocals, but those vocals were pretty poor... Chuck did a great job singing Painkiller, he should have sung on the Fragile Art Of Existence too.
  6. Sort of, but I reckon they have stylists... Although they didn't play their own guitar solos on their album. Not many people know that.
  7. People who get image and music mixed up are retarded. "ooh, a tight black t-shirt and tight jeans.... must be an 'emo' band". Metallica must have been an emo band in 1986 then.
  8. Yeah man, they have sung choruses and are vaguely popular so therefore MUST be emo! And agreed, those other's are basically pop-rock bands. Anyone who thinks KSE are emo needs to listen to their 'Alive or just breathing' album and then suck their own dick for being so retarded. That album is fucking brutal and is pretty much everything that is good about metal.
  9. Chuck would be my number one - total legend. As much as I like Bolt Thrower I wouldn't necessarily include them for techinal ability. Same with Nicke Andersson. Decapitated possible deserve a place instead...
  10. haha, yeah you're probably right. Well the album has been finished for while, but Basick don't want to release it til the start of 08 so it can be labelled as "new for this year" rather than the tail end of 07. We're also hoping to get an early 08 tour with a bigger band to coincide. However, the video we shot on sunday was looking cracking so we'll have that as well as another download only single available at the very start of november. So enought to keep ticking over at least! That's fair enough, you can't please everyone all the time
  11. Well I don't know if it's the feedback forum, ab-music or mmw that has changed over the last year - but when we previously recorded this song (a year ago) I posted an identical thread and it got ten pages of replies.... http://www.aberdeen-music.com/forums/feedback-forum/37351-brand-new-my-minds-weapon-song.html An enjoyable read indeed. ha.
  12. There's a quote that I will never forget that I read in a music magazine (metal hammer, I think) about ten years ago. Reviewing the first Haunted album the reivewer said; "I never really understood At The Gates - noisy fuckers that lacked direction" And nearly a decade later, it seems that every metal band sounds like them in some way or another.
  13. Date rape is hilarious - about the only Sublime song I know. (except for 'Sublime' by Prong, ho ho ho) '...And Justice For All' and 'Far Beyond Driven' are my two favourite albums by Metallica and Pantera respectively. Most people would say Puppets and Vulgar are their finest work, but to me there was always something darker and heavier about Justice and FBD. The lyrics to both albums also seemed more personal and spiteful too, especially the last minute or so of '25 Years'. "We're fucking you back, fucking back" - try singing along to that bit without doing the Phil Anselmo frown-and-upside-down-mouth combo.... Impossible. Fuck it, I'm gonna listen to that now.
  14. It can be. Try searching for some long prog songs such as 'change of seasons' by Dream Theater, 'the oddysey' by Symphony X or such like and they won't have them, or let you play them I'd pay a pound or 2 for a song if you get 25 mins, but alas those sort of tunes not allowed.
  15. Shattered is awesome man! Basically pantera wanting be judas priest. Probably the best Pantera song that no one bangs on about. Their 'Shortest Straw' if you will! I agree with chris on 'floods' - I'm not overly aroused by it. My favourite Pantera song is probably Slaughtered though. Absolute brutality, and without needing to tune down either.
  16. "the red in the sky is ours", and "with fear..." Are both pretty rubbish. Or by 'Slayer'-era do you mean when they changed a few members and called themselves the Haunted? Because the first Haunted album is incredible.
  17. Bang on. I haven't paid for a haircut in about 3 years now. My trusty pair of kitchen scissors must have saved me a small fortune in that time.
  18. Great result last night for Scotland, would be ace to see them win the group. Not bad for england either - although the second half was a bit dull.
  19. I wasn't actually referring to your post at all, Phil.
  20. Yes, we parted ways with Niall a while back, for various reasons. Mark (Your Fears/ex-everwicked) is our new guitarist and we're well happy. New photos on our myspace, so pleez comment lolza omg rofl etc etc.
  21. What I find quite amusing is how so many of you people bang on about haircuts in music. If you don't care about image in relation to music then why care if other's do? Yes, I personally think oli sykes looks like a total bell-end - but I dislike Bring Me The Horizon because their music is shit, not because they dress a certain way or have certain haircuts. And most people into a particular style of music will dress accordingly whether it is seen as "fashionable" or not... so whether it's following the masses or just following your peers, it all equates to roughly the same thing in as much as that people will dress in a way that they want to be percieved by others in the same group. In the same (generalising) way that neds wear white and pink tracksuits and trainers, death metallers have long hair and wear oversized t-shirts, crusty types wear camo and patches, and the likes of bring me the horizon wear childrens-sized clothes and have girls haircuts. What's the fucking difference? Well to me, the only difference is that the oli sykes look is becoming mainstream and therefore easier to despise due to the ever increasing numbers of people immitating it.
  22. I've got that EP - haven't listened to it in years! But yeah, agreed on that last point. But like with anything that becomes popular and then saturated and then very, very stale - it is a passing trend. Unfortunately we are in the process of being awashed with loads of 'deathcore' bands. Which is basically a heap of kids playing a heavier (but worse) version of metalcore, whilst pretending they've been into Suffocation for more than 10 seconds.
  23. haha, I love the artwork on Leprosy. Same for Spiritual Healing. But I was more thinking mid-to-latter period death i.e. "Human" onwards, with Symbolic being my particular favourite. (one of my top 10 albums of all time in fact). Death - 'Symbolic' and 'The Sound Of Perseverance' Testament - 'The New Order' and 'Practice What You Preach' Forbidden - 'Twisted Into Form' Essential classic (yet still relevant) metal! And I would recommend 'Epitaph' by Necrophagist fpr anyone that likes their metal brutal, fast, extremely technical and also melodic (musically).
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