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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. I'm really enjoying Ziltoid so far to be honest. Possibly my 4th favourite Devin Record, and to be honest I quite like the silly bits. Prefered it slightly more than Synchestra. Another dev album will be cracking.
  2. I'm well aware that not all americans are retarded. But this is still funny....
  3. What about this tribute band.... www.myspace.com/metalliban
  4. Is he a homophobic virgin that goes around getting fucked in the ass by lots of men?
  5. hahahaha. Great. Bollocks, brain, blood and guts basically.
  6. Fillet is brilliant! I buy a 40 lump of it from Costco every few months, and it is honestly superb. Get about 12 steaks out of it so it's not that bad value. Don't have time to go fishing myself but i often buy fresh salmon fillets... teryaki sauce, or olive oil and cajun spices and then grilled for 15minutes... yum yum. I make sushi too! Takes a long time to do it properly about worth it. I will probably never make my own sashimi but I've had it 2 or 3 times at various restaurants and to be honest it seems no different to eating cooked/smoked fish. Pigeon is also surprisingly tasty. Again, I don't "shoot my own" but had it a few times in restaurants and it is delicious. I'm getting hungry thinking about it all...
  7. That is down right appalling. Hitler should be rolling in his grave after being compared to such a downright filthy retard such as alex salmond.
  8. this is brilliantly beyond words. (apologies if this has been posted before)
  9. still obsessed with mmw I see. The 2 people that buy your CDR will neither get or care about such a witty reference.
  10. Could be. It used to be 25 an hour but may have gone up. Taylor should know?
  11. Cool! I do too, and so do all the little boys that I rape.
  12. Agreed fully. Although this is what I do to counter-act all that annoying stuff you've just mentioned: 1. Put DVD in DVD player. 2. Clean teeth/do dishes/other 3 - 5 minute mundane task that is unavoidably essential. 3. Check on DVD, it has most likely got to the menu. 4. Press play/fast fwd the annoying animation. 5. Notice it's the wrong DVD (disc 2 "special features" instead of disc 1) in the player. Repeat steps 1 - 4 with disc 1. 6. Enjoy the DVD, content with the fact that those shitty copyright thingies that you can't fast fwd were not watched. Except on Ross Noble DVDs where he has funny words instead of shitty copyright thingies. Safe.
  13. The first couple of minutes remind me more of the first few songs from train of thought, but not detuned. Agreed on the portnoy vocals thing... stick to the kit you skinny version of macho man randy savage bastard. The solo would have been ace if there was a better riff underneath. Still love JP's shredability though. It's better than Octavarium anyway which is a start! I'll still buy the album. P.s. James Labrie looks menacing, and almost glenn benton like with his evil beard.
  14. I think B is as low as possible that actually sounds good, any lower and it loses clarity and doesn't get any heavier. G is as low as sounds good (to my ears) if you're playing meshuggah style polymetric stabbed riffs. I personally use "drop-C", as it is most commonly (and incorrectly known) i.e. C G C F A D. Effectively drop-D but all strings tuned down a whole step. Drop-D tuning is really handy for certain suspended chords, and playing in C is heavy enough, yet clear enough so that it has the best of both worlds.
  15. You all KNOW that if cloud started slagging off that unplugged magazine you'd all start singing its praises....
  16. And surely you can see what I was trying to say: Person (you) criticises someone about their use of english with a 2-sentence post that is riddled with errors. Technically... no. A typo is a typing error along the lines of 'teh' or 'fro', i.e. a completely accidental mistake. Whereas you spelled the word "there" correctly, but the wrong version of it, on two separate occasions and in 2 different contexts. To my eyes, it seemed you were pointing out their bad english in general rather than a particular aspect of it. You don't need an editor to know that it would be wise to at least have a brief check over your posts if you are going to criticise someone regarding their poor grasp of english. [i wouldn't normally try and be so petty and pedantic regarding poor use of english, it's just that it only seems fair, given the nature of this thread.]
  17. At least we can both appreciate irony Fucking hell. Kettles and pots mate. It's "They're", not "there". Also it is spelled "sentence" rather than "sentance". Furthermore, it's "their" rather than "there". Lastly, this is not very good use of the english language: "Also, some of the writing is just... well." So before you judge others....
  18. Mate, don't get me started on appalling spelling... I hate it, yet due to the text message generation I have come to naturally expect 90% of the people under the age of 18 to be partially illiterate. EDIT: yes, I originally misspelled 'illiterate' I'm not going to defend any band (other than my own, if need be ) But I know what you're getting at with the above.
  19. To be honest, regardless of how bad the reviews might be that's a pretty bad attitude to have. (I'm not sticking up for them because they gave us a good review, which in a lot of places I actually disagreed with - still very nice of them, though I have no idea who they are). Remember when you'd just picked up a guitar for the first time or attempted to write your first song, or even tried to drive a car for the first time (assuming you have)? I bet you were bollocks at all three... I know I was. That's not reason to give up, especially if it's something that they enjoy doing and aren't forcing down your throat. You don't have to read it. If they were parading around on here claiming to be brilliant, or in 3 years time they are still going and terrible, then maybe have a dig at them. But for the time being I'd rather see a bunch of kids who are into music try and do something constructive - no matter how illiterately - rather than pretend to be in a band only has a cliched name, and will never see the light of day.
  20. I've never heard about that before. A very valid point though.
  21. Or failing that, be like meshuggah and sack your bass player because you don't need him anymore. On another note, just because you tune to G doesn't mean that you need to play in G all the time, but it does give you that option of going that low when you need it. I'm not planning on going that low anytime soon, but wrote a few polymetric ideas in G yesterday and it sounds wicked. However, you have to write tight rhythmic ideas and play them accurately otherwise it will just sound like an muddy mess. Listen to 'Nightmare' by cryforsilence and tell me that there's no room for the bass in this song? (particularly at 1:55) www.myspace.com/cryforsilence (think they tune to G#, but alex plays 8 string blackmachines)
  22. Anyone else fancy that tall female cat from heathcliffe when you were younger? Just me then. The best theme tune by miles is M.A.S.K. though. Fucking ace tune. YouTube - M.A.S.K. theme Also, why was the british version of turtles 'hero' rather than 'ninja'? I also remember the Bravestar and Gobots themes being a lot better than they actually are...
  23. they're all black except for george bush and michael douglas.
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