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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. What bands are you not ashamed (but possibly should be) of liking, or indeed just ashamed of liking? Linkin Park Michael Jackson Duran Duran "Big whoop wanna fight about it?"
  2. I wouldn't really say it sounds like bad devil at all... more like bad SYL. Not a great song, but I'm looking forward to the album still. I once met a white bear who was half gay. Think it was a bi-polar.
  3. Indeed it was! This was one of my favourite stories, and contained one of THE best quotes of all time. Basically, a cannibal from germany put out adverts for someone he could eat. After going on a few dates to the cinema/restaurant (seriously) with a few potential candidates - who subseuently eventually bowed out - he finally found a guy willing to go through with being eaten. They cut off his dick and ate it together, and it was at this point the penis-less man who was chomping down on his own shlong said, word for word: "If I'm still alive in the morning, can we eat my balls for breakfast?" Amazing. EDIT: just found the story on wikipedia Armin Meiwes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  4. I'm looking forward to this, like Maxi says Inglorious is possibly the best wildhearts song ever. Infact the Schitzophonic/Channel Bop/Sky Babies/Inglorious combo makes possibly the four most epic and brilliant wildhearts songs, although that could be supreme nostalgia of when I was a wee lad on holiday kicking in here... Your enthusiasm is getting me positively moist in anticipation gentlemen.
  5. G, Dsus4/F#, EminAdd9, Cadd9 (or perhaps Csus2) I'm guessing but that is roughly the right ball park. G5, Gmaj7 (with a 5th in the bass) Emin7 Dadd4, Emin7, Csus2 I'm totally guessing the actual names but they're just about right.
  6. Godflesh were one of the few bands of the early-mid 90's earache roster that I was never that into. They were a great label up until the millennium.
  7. I've never actually heard Yoni - why was it so bad? out of interest... 6/6 people gave it a full 5 star review on amazon.
  8. All the best mate, hope it all goes well!
  9. Dave is a legend! I well enjoyed working with him. Pass on my regards please, I've only seen him once recently (about a year ago) and his hair/beard was pretty long. There must have been a lack of barbers in australia/the rest of the world. back on topic; I will purchase this album immediately.
  10. Tool are comparedable to knowone. how dare you say there name you truth asshole. lern to spell before you think you know everything you scene core looser [but seriously, Endless Nameless is rubbish and I could tell that when I was 14 years old. However, horses for courses and all those other metaphors ]
  11. there are no words to describe that.
  12. I'll be interested to hear this, I've really not been into anything the wildhearts have done post '96 (re-release of fishing for luckies which was cracking). It's a shame because 99% of what they did on their first four proper releases was absolutely stunning. If riff-recycling is on the menu... I'd much rather hear rehashed versions of classic wildhearts as opposed to the sonic excrement that was evident on that shit-album-that-was-so-bad-I-can't-even-remember-it's-title-and-haven't-listened-to-it-since-it-came-out-in-1997/98.* In fact even worse than that one was Clam Abuse which is possible the absolute worst release I have ever spent 13 on. I've given ginger too many chances in the past, and bought a lot of the shit that he has released so this better be good. *Endless namless, that was it. The only thing worse than the songs was the production. Makes St Anger sound like the black album.
  13. Fuck ross, those guys are brilliant! Never heard of them before... You have sold me on them. I'm off to caiman-usa... Like Beneath The Massacre (minus total mechanical playing) meets Into Eternity (minus the cheese.) Oh, and another band to check out is Capharnaum. If you like Death/Cynic/Carcass (i.e. technical - but not stupidly so - death metal. It's Jason Suecof's band. (wheelchair bound uber producer) Matt Heafy from trivium sings but I don't think that's a reason to be put off. www.myspace.com/capharnaum
  14. actually it's sundried tomatoes at the moment.... (seriously)
  15. Like Dayeth says, NO other bands are mentioned on their myspace. But wait a minute... THEY WROTE ON THE FRONT OF THEIR OWN CD "FOR FANS OF TOOL" Do you need me to scan the label from the front of their CD and post it up here? Now put down your banjo and go and look for your missing chromosomes.
  16. I don't own that or killing on adrenaline... maybe when cash is burning holes in my pockets!
  17. Totally second that. I was saying to someone on friday night how you can't really fault it... but it's just more Dying Fetus yet with slightly less good songs. I was hoping they would do something slightly different or write some kick-ass songs. Very 6/10. Destroy the oppostion (like you say) and Stop at nothing were both a lot better.
  18. The last 5 Cds I bought were: Beneath the Massacre - "Mechanics Of Dysfunction" The End - "Elementary" Dying Fetus - "War Of Attrition" Sabbat - "History Of Time To Come" (re-release) Nasum - "Shift" "FUCK!" Awesome stuff. Does that have the cover of Kiss' 'God of Thunder' on it?
  19. Rune doesn't strike me as the sort of person that has any teeth. *hums theme tune to Deliverance*
  20. Well I have a pair of ears and more than 7 brain cells for a start... however if you want proof I will go ahead and waste 5 minutes of my time just so I can read how hilariously simple your response will be. from amazon: "Editorial Reviews From the Artist For Fans Of: TOOL, The MARS VOLTA, The DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN, ISIS, IN FLAMES, AS I LAY DYING " Notice tool is first in the line. Lets see what the reviewers think shall we. 1. "Now, you can hear a little bit of Tool..." 2. "Ill keep it short. If you like Tool..." 3. "They sound like Tool in some songs with blatant rip off riffs, time signatures, and tones that would remind anyone of Tool." ** Now, moving onto the ACTUAL PACKAGING the Cd came in; "For Fans of Tool, Isis..." I'm sure you'll find some way of ignoring all the above though. [** notice how this guy doesn't even like the album but basically says that even the biggest of cretins can tell that it sounds like Tool. You obviously don't know very much about Tool at all.]
  21. For a start, I've been listening to Tool since 1998 so that's nearly ten years of not knowing what I'm talking about. Maybe tool DO have a sound of their own, but that doesn't mean that other bands aren't influenced by them and sound a bit like them. Both the End and Tool write progressively structured songs that are based largely on complicated shifting time signatures, whilst retaining a relatively dark and ambient feel to them, and without being too heavy or extreme. Which band is 'better' is totally irrelevent, but the fact remains that 'Elementary' by the End has many attributes that are very comparable to Tool. I also wrote a short story that features both bands: You are a Tool. The End
  22. It's probably only getting panned by people who used to like them before the change in direction. I never knew them before this album and therefore don't care about their previous work when it comes to judging them. Shit, does that mean if you like Tool you're not allowed to like any other bands ever because they're not comparable? What about Katatonia/A Perfect Circle? And anyway, I said "for fans of tool", not "check out this band that are as good as tool". And what are "scene core" lyrics, anyway?
  23. This song is fucking ace, more up my street than previous Pig Destroyer releases. Looks like the artwork for the new album is done by Pushead of metallica/misfits etc fame? I'd imagine the pan flute thing is taking the piss... by the sound of it he's doing a load of random shit, eg. samples rather than playing bass.
  24. Ho ho ho indeed. www.myspace.com/theendmusic The first two on their myspace; 'Throwing Stones' and 'The Never Ever Aftermath' are probably the most catchy and accessible songs on the album, but also the least technical or heavy.
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