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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. Mastodon/Norma Jean/Deftones/Meshuggah... Check out the new album 'elemental' by The End. they used to be a Dillinger Escape Plan style math-tech-noise-metal band but their new stuff is a lot more soundscape-y and very tool-esue in many places. It gets better with each listen as well.
  2. hmmm, they're all ok. However I've recently found that if you listen to the last couple of DTB/SYL albums followed by Ocean Machine or City then there really is no comparison. Actually on second listen this is pretty entertaining, and better than first listen. Devin is mental. In a good way.
  3. Tesco's called. They want all their cheese back. It's funny to think that 13 years ago that song sounded a whole lot better. I like Christina Scabbia, vocally and visually. But I wish she hadn't done that. Although it's not her fault that Dave desperately wants a number one hit single... That whole telephone conversation bit was embarassing, as is Dave's life size crucifix round his neck. I'll still buy the album though, though I dare say I'll listen to that song more than once more.
  4. I often think that myself, after reading any single one of your posts.
  5. Just ran a quick google search. It appears Cloud has been "pwned". To be honest, I think that the overwhelming stream of offal that eminates from his fingertips is simply due to him being someone who has never been part of a band that has played a proper gig. In addition, I believe he genuinely wants to contribute helpfully to certain topics (i.e. the music 'scene' and 'industry' in this case) but fails massively on accounts of having absolutely NO clue or experience on the subject whatsoever.
  6. I use it more for artwork rather than photographer (cos I'm a terrible photographer) , but I guess it can be useful for whatever you prefer! I like making collages of hundreds of images or just drawing straight in photoshop with nothing but a blank canvas.
  7. I find if you go to hue+saturation and bring the saturation down manually (say around 80%), before going into 'colour-balance' and altering according to taste can get some pretty nice results. Anyone got any pieces of work they want to post up? I've only been using photoshop for a year or so but absolutely love it. If anyone drives past the new CIS offices that are currently under construction in Arnhall business park, Westhill - you will see a signboard gracing the roundabout, with an image of what the building will look like... I did that
  8. Dan G


    Good stuff! --------------------------------------------------------------- What do Kodak and Gary Glitter have in common? They both come in small yellow boxes. --------------------------------------------------------------- 2 men are driving carelessly through london when they accidentally hit a black kid on a bike. On noticing the boy is dead, they panic and dump him and his bike in the boot of the car. Driving along hastily, it isn't long before they get pulled over by the police. One of the coppers seaches the car, opens the boot and gets straight onto his radio... "Sarge, I've found a nigger's nest. One of them's hatched and he's already nicked a bike." [i'm not racist in the slightest by the way. But jokes that stereotype race are no worse than ones about sexism, dead babies and paedophiles etc]
  9. I have had the misfortune of hearing the new album, and every song just sounds like 'hey mickey'. And I thought her previous 2 albums had some decent moments here and there. Deryk Whibley should be happy with himself though... EDIT: Noticed how she hasn't taken his name and called herself Avril Whibley - which is quite possibly the funniest combination of names you could ever wish to not be called.
  10. Her Words Kill call themselves screamo... Am I missing something here?
  11. Who do you get to revalve your diezel? It's just that I have had mine for just over a year and know that sooner or later it will need to be redone... it still sounds fine though, but then again I only use it for live/recording. [Must have played about 50 half hour sets with it]
  12. I've just run a quick google search on Cloud. Turns out he is a bell-end.
  13. I believe it is actually "46 fucks"... I predicted a while back that Limp Bizkit will definitely be cool again in the next five years. I listened to both significant other and chocolate starfish the other day, and surprisingly enough, enjoyed a large amount of both of them.
  14. Nice. What colour is it and how much did it cost?
  15. salad fingers is brilliant. You hold a welcoming texture. a pleasure on the tips. Did anyone ever see the fat-pie milkman episode? That was FUCKED. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hQLzjdGYbg
  16. I'd say the bit that suggests that maximo park and kings of leon are good is more worthy of being shot.
  17. Totally and utterly agree. Polyrhythmic drumming is fantastic, so much more interesting to listen to. (that's not to say I don't like the odd bit of blastbeating)
  18. CLAWFINGER!!! HAHAHAHAHA. Amazing. Worryingly, I still remember most of the lyrics to the songs "nigger" (which wasn't actually racist) and "The Truth". Oh and "Warfare". Fucking brilliant. I like Biohazard and various other similar bands so therefore having nothing against rap-metal as such, I just think Supercharger is awful. But then again Bazz doesn't like pantera, and my mum doesn't like Nasum so everything is relative to your music tastes really.
  19. It's well performed although not particularly to my tastes. Usually I can at least give some sort of criticism but this sort of music is so mental I don't what is meant to be what! Now Spastic Ink on the other hand... ron jarzombek's (formerly of watchtower) band. [in case none of you have ever heard spastic ink then do so NOW: ]Invalid User
  20. Music is subjective. However there is no ambiguity regarding the quality of Supercharger, for it was - and will always be - absolute tripe. It is one of, if not THE most disappointingly balls albums of all time and I would rather have St Anger as the repeated soundtrack to my life than be forced to listen to Supercharger ever again. And that says something... Now go and sit in the corner and think about what you've just said.
  21. Because he was ALSO a spurs keepeer, and therefore an absolute legend.
  22. That was the first fudge awards I've missed other than the very first one - didn't sound like I missed that much really, which is a shame as I used to enjoy it. I'm glad to have been in a couple of bands that won awards mind you, especially the "worst band" which I take as a pretty big compliment as everyone knows what that award really means.
  23. last week against Watford. Being a spurs fan, I was naturally delighted: YouTube - Tottenham Hotspur v Watford - Paul Robinson 2-0 Fucking class.
  24. I heard that Danko Jones album and I think I thought it was pretty rubbish. From recollection. Trivium, on the other hand... Everyone would be shitting over them if they didn't have a similar metal status to My Chemical Romance, Bullet For My Valentine, Him or any other band that is loved by all those little "goth" children from middle class britain. The fact is, if you listen to their album(s) there is no denying that they can shred like fuck on a guitar, and have obviously been big metal fans for years and years. They also, (in my opinion) write some pretty good tunes that ARE relevant, because they take the mid-late 80's thrash blueprint and make it sound like it is 2007. If people don't want to like Trivium, then I couldn't care less. However, I really get the impression that far too many people dislike them for the wrong reasons (not necessarily meaning you, Hog) In defence of Calum... I haven't heard the latest Annihilator song, but their last bunch of albums HAVE been shit.
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