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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. yeah it's got the stock tubes in it still. All these sort of high gain amps have a deep or resonance knobs so they can be as bottom end as you like. I'm having a slightly more scooped tone on the 6505 and a slightly more midrange tone on the Diezel. Also using a maxon overdrive in front of both amps, tightens things up nicely
  2. Dan G


    Surely that should be the most violent book he's ever read? The other ones were good though! A man and his 5 year old son are having a bath. The young boy points at his dad's crotch: "Daddy, why does your willy look different from mine?" "Because yours isn't erect, son..." Why do you put a baby in a blender feet first? So you can come all over it's face. A man goes into the family planning clinic and asks for some birth control pills for his 10-year old daughter. "Your 10-year old daughter is sexually active?!" asks the astounded doctor. "nah, she just lies there like her little brother does" Why did Hellen Keller masturbate with one hand? So she could moan with the other. What's black and eats cunt? Cervical cancer.
  3. i'm the opposite! I prefer the Diezel (VH4) for leads, and well pretty much everything actually, although the 6505 (effectively the same as the 5150) has a massive rhythm sound for metal. Then again I have my 6506 set up exactly the same way as Andy Sneap does... I'm going to be recording the guitars for our album in 10 days time - gonna be quadrouple tracking the rhythm guitars: peavey 6505, doubled with Diezel VH4 both through a Mesa Cab panned hard left. And then exactly the same panned hard right. All clean/lead guitars played through the Diezel. It should sound killer, but it's gonna need to be TIGHT!
  4. No they don't!!! Triggers completely REPLACE the sound of the kick drum, with a sample (most likely of a nicely eq'd kick drum.) Triggers are small sensors-type devices that are attatched to which ever drums you want, most usually the kick drum. Every time the kick drum is struck - no matter how hard - it will 'trigger' a sample that will sound out of the PA system. As it is a sample rather than the natural kick sound that the drummer is making, each hit will sound identical, so you therefore can hit lighter yet still have a battering kick sound. However, it will make sloppy drummers look even worse as the clarity of the kick is so consistantly punchy and loud.
  5. I drew that picture AGES ago in about ten minutes whilst sitting in lava/kef for that fudge fanzine thing. I had absolutely nothing to do with the myspace profile though. I also appear to be in "Paul's" top 8 friends. ?( And i haven't been paid royalities for my 'artwork' either.... I'm playing there with MMW on sunday actually... haven't played kef in literally years. Looking forward to it
  6. Steve T13 was in a death metal band?! Steve's a good lad, but I would never have guessed that.
  7. I find it amusing how many people who are vegetarians own leather garments of clothing. If you want to be a vegie then that's cool and i don't have a problem with it, however - wearing leather but not eating meat is massively hypocritical... (unless it's because you don't like the taste) at least if you eat an animal and wear it's hide then you are getting more use out of it! I'd like to add, I in no way condone the brutal nature of killing animals. I think it's fucking awful and could never do it myself. However, humans are top of the food-chain for a reason and ARE meant to eat meat, whether you choose to or not. That's how we got here... the difference is, people have different morals. Yet it is the ability to think for ourselves and not rely purely on instinct that has also lead to humans becoming by far the most powerful animals on the planet. Put it this way, if any other carnivorous animal could kill with spears, guns and knives then they would. And I'd like to add, no-one has a go at the sharks/lions that rip open humans/seals/gazelles etc in a brutal manner.... it's animal nature to survive, and eating other animals is one way to do so.
  8. I've got a Gibson explorer, black with a white scratch plate (which of course I sprayed black about ten minutes after buying it). Lovely guitar, bought for just under 700 about 7 years ago... Hetfield was (and still is) a total hero of mine, although I didn't go for one of his ESPlorer models. How did you aquire yours Jimmer? (i.e. did you order it or buy it off someone else, etc)
  9. www.myspace.com/megadeth a couple of new megadeth songs up there off their forthcoming album, both sound relatively promising, in particularly Sleepwalker - which at around 3:20 brilliantly rips off one of the intro riffs of 'take no prisoners'. After the pretty appalling 'risk' nearly ten years ago now, each subsequent megadeth album has got gradually better (in my opinion) with the latest stuff sounding better than their last effort, 'the system has failed'. Still not as good as anything between 'peace sells' and 'youthanasia', mind. However, it is comparitvely far, far superior to the latest offerings from Metallica. www.myspace.com/machinehead 'aesthetics of hate' is up there - a new Machine head song recently and I must say it is sounding incredible. Other than the annoying obligatory-machinehead-clean-intro riff, that is. All reviews of the blackening, their new album have been very good. I wasn't particularly impressed with their last album, even though everyone else seemed to think it was a return to form (probably due to the fact that 'imperium' was a good track). Now if only metallica could get in shape, and someone could dig up dimebag and tell him to write a good pantera album then we would be sorted.
  10. Symphony x - twilight in olympus
  11. [geek knowledge coming up...] From rice-fields; for "sushi" is actually the rice rather than the filling/topping. "Sashimi" is the word for raw fish or seafood, and is what is used in a lot of japanese dishes, including sushi. People are often put-off at the thought of sushi assuming it contains raw fish, but any sushi that you buy from supermarkets will contain vegetables or cooked seafood.... definitely no raw fish. I love japanese food, however that video is pretty upsetting - but nowhere near as bad as some of the peta ones I have seen...those were gut-wrenchingly awful.
  12. If this was a "mmw vs spd" argument, the mods would have been all over it like scorge on a chip supper.
  13. oh, this just keeps on getting better!
  14. Actually, if you sign a contract and it can be proved that you were heavily under the influence then the contract is void. I learned that at uni a few years ago, and then actually got to test it out on the same day: there was a raise-money-for-the-uni type function on later that evening, and one of the 'highlights' was the auction, where lecturers auctioned off really shitty stuff. I bid 35 and subsequently "won" a crappy 3 plastic board game because I thought it would be funny, and then didn't cough up because I pointed out I was pissed (which I was), referencing the lecture we had earlier that day. Ironic? Possibly. Sad? Probably. Amusing to me and my friends at the time? Definitely.
  15. My point about ascension sounding like everwicked was more inline with the fact that they were pretty much the ONLY two powermetal bands that gigged in aberdeen, as far as I am aware. And sounding similar is relative, i.e. wouldn't you agree that there was another band in Aberdeen/Scotland that sound more similar to ascension than everwicked did?
  16. haha, cool cool. I don't know much about the current crop of metal style pedals so I can't give any advice... I used to have a mt-2 and a marshall 100watt valvestate (which was still technically a solidstateamp) and used to be pretty content with it. If you consider getting a valve amp at any point though, it's well worth using an ibanez or maxon tubescreamer WITH the amps distortion it sounds cracking
  17. Bob the drummer from the Fightback used to be in the (montrose-based) band Everwicked. Everwicked were a power metal band that sounded like Ascension, who are playing the above gig. The bass player from Everwicked has a younger brother called Mark, who is one of the guitarists from Your Fears - who are also playing the above gig. There's a link or two in there somewhere if you look hard enough.
  18. it depends... what amp do you own... and is it solid state or valves? because metalzone style pedals work well with solid states but sound terrible through valve amps.
  19. I'll be honest, i completely agree with Angel of death on this one. I have a 500 guitar. I also have a 1600 guitar. It isn't even close which one is nicer to play, and which one sounds better - even though they have the same pickups in. Like he also says, it does come down to musical snobbery - but if you enjoy it, and can afford it then I'd much rather spend 5000 on a good musical set up then constantly pissing it down the pub/on fags which was a heap of people I end up doing with their paychecks.
  20. that spd logo reminds me of Korn meets communism.
  21. Do SPD have t-shirts!? Because unless Jake made the shirts by sewing fluff and horse hair together using a sharpened stick as a needle, before manually printing every design with his fingers and using paint made from berries and chalk found in the cairngorms... then I don't want to know about it. If it ain't DIY, it ain't shit.
  22. in one-up!? that would have been our old, old EP! Our first release... things have changed so much since then!
  23. ??? I was quoting random death songs in one sentence... surely it should be delivered in a death metal style? I believe this is the offending article: [the mmw logo on the above shirt is remeniscent of kreator, destruction, metallica, nuclear assault, overkill and Iron Maiden... I assume this is unexcusable behaviour as well?]
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