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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. Pah, I have zero tolerance for a silly low life of a human such as you. May you be left to die in an open casket thanks to your lack of comprehension. ok that was too far, and also very crap. i'm currently spending every spare minute of my life finishing our own album artwork as well as the finishing touches on the last couple of songs, but I will get on to the bonesaw onet when I'm less tied up. Busy times, busy times, good sir!
  2. Bollocks! Whisper Supremacy is the only Cryptopsy album I don't have, I'd have gladly taken that one off your hands for a measly 3.
  3. Bolt thower is a wicked name! It's one of those ballistic/projectile weapon thingies. Quality band too. I've read some pretty appalling/funny band names in Terrorizor over the years; Cock and Ball Torture and Fuck! I'm Dead to name a couple. And bumsnogger, who played Aberdeen I seem to remember. Anyone remember that all-girl british band from about 10 years ago called tampasm? Or Pansy Division, an all out-and-proud gay punk band? I've always though Poison The Well was a good band name. EDIT: just noticed teabags has mentioned fuck I'm dead
  4. That is the standard blackmachine headstock, everyone has the same one! I got to choose the woods, finish, binding, pickups, hardware, custom flame at the 12th fret and number of strings(!) though Beautiful man! I was worried for some reason that I'd get it and be disappointed, but it is just insane. The tone is awesome, and it plays so, so well. I honestly couldn't be happier with it, even if it bought a winning national lottery ticket whilst whacking me off to the james bond theme tune. i can't remember embarassingly enough! I basically said, "uh...give me the best!" whatever that maybe. For someone whose knowledege of gear and music theory is pretty in-depth, I'm an idiot when it comes to knowing how and what a guitar is built from. ?( i'll look forward to seeing pics of the hanneman
  5. Wayne, wayne, wayne. I've never missed the point. I have been well aware for ages that your sole purpose in life (or at the very least, on these message boards) is to wind me up. And guess what? If you throw the bait I will ALWAYS enjoy rising to it. You should be thankful that I manage to come across as vain, paranoid, egotistical and as easily wound up as you think I am - because if I didn't, you wouldn't get to have your fun. However... Regarding my little character assassination there; I take comfort knowing that those are attributes that you can't really judge someone on unless you know them properly, rather than via internet banter. I'd return the favour and offer my well-informed opinion on you, but it would without doubt get deleted by the moderators on sight, largely due to it's accuracy. So you can keep on winding me up and we will all eventually get banned, OR you can find something better do with your time and we'll live happily ever after
  6. Me and ben are off to see Kreator in march actually... we both grew up on vintage thrash, and in my opinion the stuff we are writing now is clearly influenced by it. I know you never will like or even listen to our music, and that's up to you... but if you took the time to check it out, you'd find it has infinitely more in common with Carcass/Testament/Maiden/Metallica than any "floppy haired emo" or whatever else in that bracket you might come up with. But what you get out of music is clearly different from what I do. I love music with crystal clear production as it always sounds so much heavier and just generally better. That's not to say you can make a shit song good by having good production... To have what is generally considered a 'good quality' recording costs money, whether it's studio time or musical equipment. To me, working a good job and then spending thousands of pounds on decent equipment, is a much better way to go than spending it on binge-boozing, drugs, smoking or takeaways and such like... And the money we spend on recording comes from the band pot from being paid for gigs and selling merch (although due to our experience in recording, we did our last one, and will do half of the album for free). I'm in no way suggesting that listening to the music you do is wrong, if you enjoy it. But I personally don't see how working hard and then spending your money on making the band sound better is as evil as you make out. I might add that bands that play relatively complex/complicated music are always after a better production on their cds which just isn't as important when playing 3 chord punky/thrashy noise. Only as much as you mention haircuts for us (I've cut my own hair with a pair of kitchen scissors for years, hows that for vanity...) It's simply a (largely inaccurate, I'd imagine) perception based on a limited knowledge of who you are actually 'debating' with.
  7. (As posted in the squire thread) I finally got this in december after ordering it to be custom made last february... sounds best through a Diezel. BLACKMACHINE:
  8. It's not the negative comments, mate - it's the degeneration into the bitchfests (which you said yourself that you hate) that was the reason we didn't/don't post our news up here. I guess in the near future we'll put up a news bulletin for those that are interested though. Cheers
  9. that was pretty cool, I enjoyed it! I'd say similar to what others have said, it's nearly there but just missing that little bit extra to push it over the edge, after the all the building up. Maybe finishing on a really doomy and heavy downtuned riff in A to finish with, a la Isis/Pelican etc etc. Good work though.
  10. Thanks for you post Austin, I realise that you are being honest and complimentary in parts, although if I could just pick you up on a couple of bits...: I don't think Jake and Scorge's comments are an attempt at keeping us level headed though - more a vain and failing attempt to burst our bubble, so to speak. If anything, it has an INVERSE effect on that level, and is pretty much the only thing that makes us want to go on about any of our "achivements". We never bothered announcing (on Ab-music.com) stuff like Taste Of Chaos, our album deal, sikth guys mixing it etc., because certain people would take it wrongly and think we were being egotistical/gloating about it. And also, we knew those two would jump in with abuse that would end up turning the thread into one like this... Furthermore, we don't need anyone to try and keep us level headed, because the more goals we do achieve, the more we realise how little we actually HAVE achieved in the grand scheme of things. We have good friends in massively high places compared to our own right now (Gallows/Enter Shikari/Flood of Red being just three examples) and that keeps us more grounded than anything, knowing how much work we really have to do before we're anything at all. Of course, we ARE proud of where we are sitting right now, and it feels rewarding, as well as exciting to see where we can go next. [Out of interest, do you object to Scorge's bitchy and snide remarks? Or doesn't he count, because he has nothing to be proud of and therefore can't appear to be gloating? I find it mildly amusing how I can make a couple of jibes towards him in a thread and recieve a critical appraisal on my behaviour, yet he can fill his posts with 99% abuse and no-one seems to really be overly bothered by it.]
  11. In most of these "discussions", I generally try and start out by defending our band in a civil manner (see most of my posts in this thread as an example), but as you well know it always ends up going down the same old path. And anytime anyone has a mis-informed or unnecessary dig at mmw, as much as I'd love to be able to leave it alone, I can't. There is a massive difference between constructive criticism and pointless name-calling, and if someone is going to indulge in the latter then I have no problem in resorting to it either - because as petty as that sounds, it at least amuses me getting to rip the piss out of someone who is clearly never going to see my point of view anyway, no matter how 'ferociously I argue my case'. On a side note, I don't think MMw have played a fudge gig in a year, therefore making us unable to be in this poll in the first place. I sense that Fudge put us in there intentionally so this whole argument malarky would kick off...
  12. What HE really is? Both you and Ben were into "...And Justice For All" by Metallica etc nearly 20 years ago. These days, ben is in a band playing similar to music to what he was into 2 decades ago - and certainly wouldn't deny those roots. Yet you have abandoned any sort of 'commercial music' that you used to be into because you're all about anti-corporation and CDR's from eastern europe. Scorge was waxing lyrical about power metal about a year or 2 ago when he was in with the ascension guys and his maiden cover band. Yet now he is all about the poorly recorded dribble that you feed him, because his old friends hate him these days and he is friends with you instead. But keep on throwing those stones at the kettle, Mr Lives-in-a-glass-teapot. We HAVE had poor reviews in music magazines though. You know what we thought? "Fuck it, not everyone is gonna like or 'get' our band". So we move on, content with the fact that the good reviews substantially out-weigh the bad. We got a pretty crap review in metal hammer for our most recent CD, yet we got a great review from Terrorizer magazine for the release before, even though that CD was nowhere near as good. People are always gonna have different opinions, and you never know if a reviewer who doesn't know you from adam is going to be into what you do. Like this guy for example: RoomThirteen.com - Where Music Rocks
  13. He was clearly talking to jake and scorge. Hence "You Two". But still, nice cheap dig at the end maxi
  14. It is derrived from 'rinky dink' pop band (a hilarious reference to My Mind's Weapon or MIND MY weapon as Scorge fantastically came up with) from people who apparently never resort to immature name-calling i.e. Jake and Scorge. Of course Scorge is a very funny person, although never quite funny enough to get threads closed or posts removed.... Urban Dictionary: scorge
  15. A one-sided battle of course! Having said that, they are both killer metal machines like you say - and anyone who has either model is clearly cooler than everyone else...
  16. Come on ladies, put away the pop-guns and let the real men play. (lucky this isn't judged on photography skills)
  17. An Ibanez TS-9 or Maxon OD808 tubescreamer, and use it at the same time as the amp's distortion....
  18. Fair enough, I certainly don't disagree with that - although even now we're signed we'll still be doing pretty much everything off our own backs (engineering our recordings/artwork/booking gigs etc). Yet as the DIY thing also refers to pushing down buttons on a photocopier/Cd burner and sending them out to places again and again and again, then I'm very glad to be out of the loop!
  19. Boss NS-2 Noise Supressor ESSENTIAL.
  20. Well in that case, I think the term "DIY" (in the musical terms that you guys refer to) is relatively far removed from what I percieve to be the literal meaning of Do-it-yourself; considering one band can pay captain to Tom's to record them and be "DIY", yet another can do it all themselves for free and not be "DIY". The lines seem pretty blurred to me on that one...
  21. Not really. Our last EP was written, produced, recorded, engineered and mixed etc by ourselves - everything from Mic'ing up the guitar cabs and drums, to the home-made vocal both in Nick's bedroom, and then the artwork and the copying of CDRs. If you could get more "DIY" than that i'd be interested to hear how, exactly. Consequently, it was very well recieved and we ended up getting signed off the back of it - to a record company that gives us complete control of EVERYTHING, except with the added bonus of paying half our costs for us releasing a proper album and getting us international distribution (so you and Scorge can buy our CD from HMV or amazon.com when it comes out in the summer )
  22. F.Y.I. the C.E.O. of D.F. knows that C.P.L. is D.I.Y. (like M.F.I. or D.R.I.) and therefore the 411 on R.F.R is that a takeover is T.B.A but will hopefully be resolved A.S.A.P
  23. I agree fully. This thread should have been titled "name the bands that you're friends with".
  24. I'm going to see Necrophagist in march, listened to "And Then you'll beg" by Cryptopsy, and "...Perseverence" by Death, too and from work yesterday and have a heap of death metal shirts that I regularly wear out and about. I have no idea where you got the idea that "I ditched" death metal from!? But all is forgiven, 'cause I'm sweet like that... Come to think of it, I probably listen to and buy more death and thrash albums these days than any other subgenre of metal by a country mile! (although mostly the modern ones like the faceless/the arcane order/decapitated/carnal forge etc. because I already own all the classics that I like, haha) I'm still only(?!) 24 - just was lucky enough to have an older cousin who knew his shit back in the day and forced fed me the stuff. Unfortunately that meant I wasn't really old enough and couldn't afford to go the gigs back in the heyday. I missed out too in some ways.
  25. * indeed. See, I know you're "only kidding" and stuff but I don't see why that is such a massive compliment coming from ME in particular... Of course I could go on about how I owned cannibal corpse and obituary tapes when you were 5 years old, or patronise you about how only a few years ago you DJ'd at Drakes and when I asked for some quality Carcass, you only had one song from 'Swansong' on a downloaded mix CD... but I wouldn't want to ruin your awesome Death metal credentials and deteriorate this thread into one of my usual 'boring-for-everyone-else" arguments. So lets get back on topic shall we? Bonesaw: quality stuff, although not really THAT heavy or extreme. Which in my eyes (or ears) isn't a bad thing.
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