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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. Yep... it was in total guitar a couple of months ago, the one with kirk hammett/trivium and stuff on the cover. Meshuggah play them too now I think... Black Machine
  2. hey dudes. I had the dime 2ST - it was my favourite out of all the dime models, and one that dime played in his latter washburn years I think - wasn't anywhere near as deluxe as James' though, but was still a pretty decent 500 quid guitar. James - your geetar look sweet as hell man, well done on tracking one of them down! I sold mine because I realised I wasn't dimebag. The guitar looked bloody amazing until I strapped it on and it totally didn't suit me. So then it kinda got left in it's case... I'm disappointed to say I don't miss it in the slightest, which is a shame cos I was so delighted when I got it 4 years ago. However I spent the cash I got for it on a quarter of my new guitar which came today! I ordered it nine months ago and got it custom built to my own specifications It's a blackmachine - Devin townsend plays an 8 string model, although I only wanted a 6 string. Here's effectively what it looks like: I don't have a camera handy to take photos of my own one, but mine looks pretty much exactly like that but with EMG's It is ridiculously beautiful in every way.
  3. I've played through them both and preferred the VH4 - although to be honest, there is hardly anything in it. the vh4 has more channels, but no one uses channel 2 so that is irrelevant. The herbert has a more overly compressed sound, yet it is generally the 'metal' players that use the vh4, and rock players who opt for the herbert. Hetfield and Sambora being respective users of the different models, just as an example....
  4. still young enough to get paid for sex by your dad though, so swings and roundabouts.
  5. This thread was quite an interesting read to be honest. I agree in essence with what ben and tom are saying regarding battle of the band competitions, however I wouldn't say estrella are a joke band. If they enjoy what they do, and can play their instruments to a decent enough level - then calling them "a joke" because you're not into what they do is a bit unfair. Most of that thread wasn't actually that negative (for a change), although I seem to recall most of it was thurizas saying how crap the taste of chaos organisational skill must be...
  6. To be honest I agree with some of that, and I don't agree with some of that. But I think the 'scene' whether it be an internet one or a people-who-actually-go-to-gigs one, was very different a few years ago. You get out of it what you put in - totally agreed. But if not many others put anything of worth in either, then it becomes a place where there is little of decent interest, and consequently people resort to being idiots to pass time/be involved with the site. [see many of Ben's - and even my - contributions over the last year or so.] Agree or disagree with the above, I'm not gonna change my opinion on it. I used to be able to spend an entire day on ab-music.com - now I get bored after ten minutes, or less. and that has absolutely NOTHING to do with MMW's "profile". That would have been an extremely valid point, had Ben been completely slagging this site's existance and his roots on it. But as far as I'm aware it's the activity on this site these days (rather than it always being just 'light entertainment') that he has a problem with. As you've both sorted it out though...my two pence isn't really required!
  7. Looks beautiful man. Looks really sweet! And quality to own one of THE replica dimebag guitars.
  8. I dunno, I hear he's pretty good at playing with his eyes...
  9. They used to be as good as each other, but these days I'd say Friedman is possibly slightly better.
  10. Didn't he try out for limp bizkit after wes borland left? Alex Skolnick of Testament and Jeff Waters of Annihilator... both incredible guitarists.
  11. i'll be honest Camie, I hate that colour too... but not using it would be missing the point! The shirt, and in particular the logo, is our tribute to all the 80's thrash bands that Ben and I in particular grew up on. Check out old school thrash tshirts by bands such as nuclear assault and overkill etc, they all used that rank slime green colour. And 'scream bloody core' is in reference to the first Death album 'Scream Bloody Gore'. See what we did there?
  12. I prefer the dream theater stuff. A large proportion of what they write is utter bollocks, but still they have made about 3 hours worth of incredible music over their career - so in my opinion they're a great band. It's like the new Tool Record, there's only 3 and a half great songs on it... but 3 and a half songs for tool is about 30 minutes, which is still worthwhile.
  13. "best" is impossible to determine. My favourite's however are (for 'lead' playing): Marty Friedman (Megadeth) Chuck Schuldiner (Death) Michael Romeo (Symphony John Petrucci (Dream Theater) Michael Ammott (Carcass/Arch Enemy) All of them wrote brilliant solos as well as being able to play really well, and have influenced me greatly.
  14. I bet you're not. I bet you buy fish suppers instead.
  15. I wouldn't get too bothered by it. One of my mates left us a comment suggesting *JOKINGLY* to ask for donations, and our drummer Nick decided to go head and post a bulletin saying so. Whether he was being serious or not, I have no idea.. Reading it, it sounds like he is completely taking the piss. But on the off chance he was being serious, it certainly wasn't a planned thing by any of the rest of us. Having said that, if anyone IS taking it seriously... you know where to send your cash Or you could just buy one of our new tshirts....:
  16. Dan G


    forgive me for being stupid, but what do you have to do? Keep watching it/listening to it until you get really annoyed and can't listen to it anymore? rather that than razorlight anyway...
  17. I would say their self titled debut is definitely their best - incredible album. Then 'made me do it' is my second favourite. I'll buy the new one at the weekend.
  18. your drummer is called Dave Gilmour. That alone is amazing [i'd listen and comment on the songs but myspace player is being rubbish at the moment, and not letting me do so]
  19. Dan G


    The guy blowtorching that girls eye out was messed up.
  20. Cheers buddy. I play all the synths over the mmw stuff, and I love big pompous key changes so it's not as far removed as you'd expect
  21. I have always liked epic film scores so I thought I'd have a bash at writing something like this myself... only about 100 times shorter. This is my first attempt. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=127523637 "Williams For A Day... Fool For A Lifetime" All played on my trusty keyboard. [if anyone's interested there is 20 layers of 'instruments', ranging from Timpani to clarinets]
  22. korpse fukka - "Sedated, cremated, penetrated" Bukkake Syndrome - "there's a fist in my anus"
  23. What with this forum being for humour [EDIT: just noticed this is actually the tv and movie forum] I'm thinking this thread is in the wrong place... But has anyone ever seen this most godawful excuse for a comedy? It's only funny because there isn't a second of the promised 'hilarity' as it describes on the back of the box. It's an early Adam Sandler but also has Billy Bob Thornton and Billy Zane in it... how the hell any of them got work again after this is a miracle. Even the cover looks completely shit (it looks like its printed off the internet using a 1980's colour printer) I recently aquired it as a gift, albeit a £1-bargain-bin-from-Tescos-gift. And it wasn't a bargain.
  24. I wouldn't say it was 'better' than the other two, but was definitely even more fucked up and gorey. Never have i watched a film through my fingers as much as that. I didn't find the twist as 'holy-shit' as the last 2 saw films, but that could be cos I was expecting one for sure this time... The vat full of rotting pigs carcasses, the rib-remover and 'the rack' must be some of the most brutal things I've seen... along with that girl getting her eyes blow-torched out in 'Hostel'. Saw movies are definitely the best horror/gore films I have seen, the fact they are vaguely clever as well as messed up makes them well worth a few quid.
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