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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. I really like this song, especially the spacey bits and ewans drumming, which is pretty damn good. Love the over use of delay on the clean guitars. I agree with what everyone says about the vocals in that they are the weakest part of the song but ONLY on record - I'd say to be honest, that live the vocals are the strongest part of your set! Live, the vocals are really brutal and similarly to most vox of this ilk, come across far better in a live environment when you can get into watching a band rather than listening to being 'raared' at for 6 minutes. I think you guys have started to find your sound, as this sort of stuff comes across a lot better than continual breakdowns in every song (which is what a lot of bands are doing at the moment.) Constructive criticism, I'd say the recording quality is great especially for a bands second (?) demo, although it lacks a little bit of tightness here and there, mostly with the guitars. good job though.
  2. "no more". There. I said it. Do I get the silver?
  3. THURS OCT 19th (tomorrow night) at the tunnels. Tickets 6 I think... I also heard Second Thought might be playing.
  4. If bands take year or so to become good... then how can "having something in the pipeline" mean that they are gonna be any good at all!? Seeing that 'pipeline' stage to being brilliant would take a good length of time. Surely your above quotes contradict themselves slightly, in the sense that if a band were on their way to becoming YOUR opinion/standard of 'good' anytime soon... then you would have probably already heard of them, as they would have had a year or so of hard grafting put in... Unless of course the pipeline is two years long, but god knows what can happen to a band in that length of time.
  5. SikTh were absolutely outstanding, musically and sound wise this was one of the best gigs I have been to. The musicianship was ridiculous. Architects were great too I thought... especially due to their age. Tight as fuck.
  6. i have never heard about Matamp?! What sort of stuff are they used for playing... it looks pretty sweet in a retro kind of way.
  7. Check out INTO ETERNITY. Their new album "The Scattering Of Ashes" is phenomenal... Musically it is very similar to very latter day Death (i.e. Symbolic/Perseverance), thrash tempo melodic death metal but with a lot of cool time changes and signatures and almost prog elements. For those who aren't familiar with Death, i'd say prime Megadeth meets Dream Theater with a hint of classic In Flames, perhaps(?!) Vocally it again sounds like Chuck Schuldiner from Death, i.e. a death metal Rob Halford, although then it changes to brilliantly cheesy 4 part vocal harmonies, like dragonforce but more layered, and also in my opinion - better. Production wise it has been mixed by Andy Sneap so it sounds phenomenal as does everything he touches. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=25567571
  8. haha, what a great idea! And good luck indeed. Out of interest, couldn't you just bang out 7 tunes on one day every week, thus having a nice 6 days to relax?
  9. If you know anyone that can act out movie samples or orchestral segues without taking up any space on stage then please forward their phone number to me...
  10. My favourite ND output was in the mid-nineties, Greed Killing EP, Diatribes and Inside The Torn apart were awesome. not the stuff they are particularly reknowned for, mind. I would definitely be at this gig if I wasn't playing a gig myself that night
  11. Dan G

    SPD interview

    "ripping us to bits"? With all due respect Jake, I wouldn't say repeatedly calling someone 'rinky' or 'dink' is the height of wit, never mind 'a ripping'. And as for "falling for it everytime", it's not like you can ever leave it alone either... Hardly the behaviour of someone nearly ten years my senior, is it? The best thing about you is that you ACTUALLY think as a band we are after the rockstar dream as you so call it. If that was really the case we would have all quit our jobs, and I wouldn't have bothered completing a 6 year-long masters degree. Furthermore we wouldn't write continually less accessible songs, and we CERTAINLY wouldn't have parted ways with Jamesy, because if there is anyone I have ever met that could help a band get further in the music industry, it's him. If you DID take us seriously, 'knowing' what you do with this internet forum as your only source, then you'd be a fool. Anyway, this is about SPD - a band who I gather should be taken very seriously - so onwards with that...
  12. I have a feeling this will be along the lines of the Frederick nordstrom technique of putting one 57 dead centre, facing the cone - and then another 57, half an inch to the side but at 45 degrees to the other 57. Apologies for the appallingly crude drawing... this is what I mean if looking directly above the cab: o I \ the 'o' is the very centre of the speaker cone. The 'I' is one 57, and the '\' is another 57 (but the angle should be 45 degrees rather than about 30 as in the diagram) Then mix the two signals in accordance to what you like. The one facing the cone directly should be brighter and the angled one should be smoother.
  13. Another new track has been put up ('for you'). Similarly to the other tracks it's really good, yet doesn't stray from the KSE formula.
  14. That one always amused me. Glasses are worn to help a disability (poor vision being a very common and relatively mild disability) You don't see people wearing hearing aids, sitting in wheelchairs, or dying their hair ginger purely as 'fashion' accessories... so why pretend to be disabled if you're not?
  15. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=68376939 Mildly disappointed to be honest. They're decent enough songs with some good riffs, but it's nothing that wasn't done as well as or better on 'End of Heartache' which in my opinion was good but not as good as the mighty 'Alive or Just Breathing'. I'm still well looking forward to the album though.
  16. Except Entombed were WAY better! Shame they haven't bettered Wolverine Blues though. If you're into that sorta stuff check it out Dismember as well.
  17. You can with guns like mine. What do women and cheese-graters have in common? They're both fun to rape, except for cheese-graters.
  18. BOOOOOOOORING! If everyone shared that view the world would be rubbish, and everything from films to music to art to literature to fucking penis-shaped-buildings would have to be censored 'cause some pillock can find something offensive somewhere in it's content. On a side note, has anyone every noticed that neds/chavs don't EVER wear glasses? I fail to believe that they either all have perfect 20/20 vision or wear contact lenses...
  19. Negro isn't really racist anyway, as it comes directly from 'Negroid' which is/was a proper term for people of african descent. With the other two races being 'Mongoloid' (i.e. chinese/korean etc) and 'Caucasion' (i.e. Normal people*) Surprisingly, Pakistanis and Indians are actually caucasion and therefore the same race as your typical 'white' person. *joking
  20. Negro isn't really racist anyway, as it comes directly from 'Negroid' which is the proper term for people of what is most thougt of as african american or afro-carribean race... With the only other two true races being 'Mongoloid' (i.e. chinese/korean etc) and 'Caucasion' (i.e. Normal people*) Surprisingly, Pakistanis and Indians are actually caucasion and therefore the same race as your typical 'white' person. *joking
  21. I'd like to add my two cents on the racism issue... I don't believe there is anything wrong with stupid out of context racism/offensiveness if it isn't actually directed at someone. Same with jokes about shagging dead babies, beating up woman or whatever sick topic you can muster up. Like I read Frosty jack saying the other day; it's like the difference between merely saying the word 'cunt' and actually calling someone it... So anyway.... A black man walks into a bar. He has a massive dick, but on the down-side he steals a tv on his way out.
  22. what's brown and runny? Linford christie. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How many paedophiles does it take to change a lightbulb? Four. One to change the lightbulb, and three to gang-rape a helpless, beaten six year old boy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How do you make a baby cry twice in one night? Wipe your bloody cock on it's favourite teddy bear. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What's the difference between a monkey and a chip shop? You can't buy chips at a monkey.
  23. What's the "rockstar dream"? Playing more than 14 gigs in only Aberdeen in about ten years?
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