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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. Dan G

    SPD interview

    He loves them all equally as much, and couldn't possibly pick a favourite. That's the word on the street.
  2. what were your reason's for leaving sir Hog?
  3. Well not entirely new... This is a slightly older song that we have re-recorded for our forthcoming EP. The version of "At Least You're Not Dead" has been updated as well... it sounds a fair bit better than before. http://www.myspace.com/mymindsweapon Oh, and here is the artwork for the frontcover for anyone interested:
  4. Except Dedalus songs, in which case the 'song' is easily the most boring part of the song
  5. I'd say learn other peoples solos first, for basic grasps of phrasing and techniques etc... then practise improvising simple blues/rock stuff with help from total guitar and their backing track cds - they totally helped me with that stuff! but then for writing solos i basically record the rhythm track on a multitracker, and then improvise thousands of times until i almost play the exactly the same thing each time. ocassionally i'll think the odd lick through if it has an interesting/awkward rhythm section behind it.
  6. Yeah man I know, but I could see how my comment along with my previous comment about tone/fingers sounding like I was being condesecending... but it wasn't meant that way. (I mean I play a diezel through a mesa cab and there are lots of people that could still make a 10 watt laney sound better than me haha....)
  7. ??? I have no idea how good are you are, and neither do I have any pre/mis-conceptions! I was meaning that 'All Hail the new flesh' is an easy-ish song to play as a band, (more specifically the vocals and the drums) - the guitars are probably the easiest thing about syl. And like Hog says, vocally and drum-wise OMFG would be impossible, even Devin can never do the vocals 'properly'
  8. I think you'll find it was actually called metalcore... but it's not worth being cross over (that was shit)
  9. Nah, that was someone elses post you must have read.
  10. Woah-oh They are aliens They're illegal aliens They are dirty Spics in new york
  11. Well tone comes mostly from the fingers, so your lead playing will be shaping your sound!
  12. yeah, that's the one i've got... I'm now running it through a Mesa Recto cab with vintage 30s... sounds the business!
  13. write songs like these..... http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=2079244
  14. The old stuff was far simpler, poppier and with every instrument poorly performed both live and on record in comparison to the newer stuff. Now it doesn't bother me if people don't like the newer stuff, that's their opinion. But I do find it amusing how anyone who is a fan of heavy music could listen to the newer music and say they think the really old one's were better...
  15. A very generous offer indeed! What cab are you running it through?
  16. More emo for the masses to be found at: http://www.myspace.com/mymindsweapon This one has more time signature changes than an orchestra being conducted by Mohammed Ali. teh rofl. ENJOY
  17. Exactly mate! Hence my suprise at freddiesoffspring's comment regarding hamish being shredder on bass.
  18. That was possibly the worst sentence since Barry Smith' date=' the mass murdering child rapist got 20 hours community service and a £150 fine for "breach of the peace". It wasn't even Riki on the demo - it was Stu. It wasn't even Theo on the recording - it was Scorge. Who in my opinion is also one of the '3rd' best drummers I know, along with Graham the paraplegic Turtle and Meg from the white Stripes. I'd say everyone else with a pulse were the 2nd best drummers I know, and everyone else who can actually play the drums are the 1st best drummers.
  19. He is simply amazing. What a legend. Shame his music is 'boring and derivative'. (lol)
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