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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. Bloody schitzos...
  2. Although mildly amusing, they're just like anal cunt song titles but less funny, offensive and not original at all because AC have already done that 50 times on each of their albums.
  3. If the thought of Opeth and Tool jamming on Lacuna Coil songs sounds good to you, then you could do a lot worse than checking out the new Katatonia album "the great cold distance". Vocally in particular it sounds VERY similar to those of Michael Akerfeldt when he is singing nicely.
  4. s'cool' date=' I've got one. [img']http://www.jimjagger.com/EricCantona/Media/Kick/Cantona_6.jpg
  5. Its ok. still just sounds like same old slayer, a la god hates us all/diabolous. As in, like everything else they've done, except less memorable/good.
  6. It sounds like reload-era metallica, covering st anger-era metallica songs. Woopee Stop playing 8 minute songs if they're not good enough. James' vocal lines are rubbish too. Nice to see kirk playing solos again though... even if they are TOTALLY ripped off from all his solos on Garage Inc. eg 'It's Electric' and 'So What'.
  7. ACE!!!!!!!! Thanks to everyone who voted, that's wicked
  8. Not overly impressed I'm afraid... they sound kinda like a crap Entombed! I remember getting a Gorefest song on a 1998 Metal Hammer sampler. They haven't done too much in 8 years obviously!
  9. HOLY SHIT. That was an amazing episode, with some quality bits and bobs (was it an eagle or a pterydactyl!) If I can find it, I also recall previously posting in this thread that "Henry Gale" was the main other... hahaha, I'm so cool. here you go:
  10. You. Lucky. Fucking. Bastard.
  11. 3 songs to make one song sounds ace! I am in fact trying this out just now... so far it seems to be working, but that might be due to the fact that viginti tres is just windy noises for ages.
  12. i don't think I have ever seen a less official-looking piece of merchandise, ever...
  13. My brother owns one of these... the JSX. Quality amp, although not quite the 5150.
  14. you should have used my last image as your signature hog...
  15. Will as you clearly control my every move, it was marginally silly of you to make me post one of your photos...
  16. Damn you got me! My plan is foiled. I can't believe you're sad enough to think that i'm only nice to Hog to piss off you guys. Ha. I've probably known Hog longer than Scorge anyway... (?) And wait a minute... isn't this the element 106 forum? Not the SPD forum. That's right, so it is.
  17. I counted AT LEAST two chords in that song.... Haha, sorry. Whilst not particularly my thing it didn't sound entirely awful either, but not on my list of to-buys.
  18. Thats fucking class. Of course I have no idea how hard or easy it is to make graphics that good/bad. Please say that the thing looking out of the cave at the end is one of those 7-headed things from jason and the astronauts, but instead of dragon's heads it has the heads of Gary Glitter, Jonathan King, Michael Jackson, Herbert (from Family Guy) etc etc... that would kick ASS. Sorry i couldn't be constructive, I know fanny-all about doing that sorta stuff. P.S. I agree with everyone else about the double writing thing though
  19. I'd pretty much agree with the first post. Aliens is the best, and although as a film, Alien was better than resurrection - the cast and the all-out guns blazing action of Resurrection made it thoroughly enjoyable for me. A3 was a bit rubbish, and that might be because it was an action/shoot-em-up film with NO FUCKING GUNS.
  20. To Aaron Lennon's defence - he is a quality player, and gets a lot more match time than Shaun-WP. And he can play on the left. I reckon he could be worth a shot. However, no Defoe... what the fuck. I'm a spurs fan (gutted, by the way - 4th ALL fucking season), but with such a wealth of talent in the england midfield, but nothing up front... why take jenas, but not defoe? OH NOW I GET IT.... Sven is about to quit his job and he's in the same group as his home nation, so might as well royally fuck up the english. So up front we have; A teenager who has never played in the premiership and Timmy from Southpark crossed with a lamp-post. Woooo, look out brazil.
  21. haha' date=' yeah I that was one of the more obvious references! hmmm... I assumed "Now you piss all over my black kettle" was in reference to the expression "the pot calling the kettle 'black'"... i.e. a pot is a hypocrite, as they are dirtier than kettles. Also "liar, lawyer - mirror show me what's the difference" - again referring to liars, and the stuff at the start about robbing the grave to snow the cradle before burning the evidence down... has to be stoner jargon
  22. Scar Symmetry - Pitch Black Progress Textures - Drawing Circles Tool - 10,000 Days Micheal Jackson - Off The Wall Micheal Jackson - Thriller Micheal Jackson - Bad Micheal Jackson - Dangerous After owning the latter 4 on cassette since the late 80's/early 90's, I figured it was about time to buy them on Cd. Quality stuff!
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