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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. Hooker With A Penis, for example - amazing song, and brilliant lyrics too...
  2. Also, I never usually quite get into the lyrical content of albums quite like this... But the song 'The Pot' - has anyone noticed it's doubling meaning; It attacks weed-smokers with a bunch of cool of metaphors ("eyehole deep in muddy waters...", presumably referring to bongs), but also the fact the song is bashing hypocrites and liers ("Now you piss all over my black kettle"). Before I heard the song I assumed the title was about a ceramic container, but I now know is about weed and a metaphor for a hypocrite Maybe I'm just stupid and everyone already 'got' this, but it's fucking clever...
  3. hahaha, my hair is shit - I cut it myself! By yeah, I don't wanna get my hands dirty either... i'm not practical at this sort of stuff...
  4. Yeah its angled! Comes with vintage 30 speakers, read numerous reviews on it's quality as a cab... and it's either that or a Diezel cab, though not sure how much one of those bad boys costs! But yeah, either the recto or the traditional cab would do me nicely... but was thinking about the former.
  5. A lovely cab - 1960 lead - on sale for £260 (Bought for £370, two and a half years ago). Only selling this so I can afford a mesa recto cab!
  6. Hahaha. That's why I don't vote labour. Thieving bastards.
  7. I have listened to the album about 5 or 6 times now. Favourite songs for me are definitely Vacarious, Jambi and The Pot - three classics. The last 'proper' track and the one with 'the patient'* speaking in a mega fast distorted voice are also pretty decent. But Wings 1 and 2 are a bit average... Artwork and packaging is incredible! Took me a few minutes to adjust my eyes to the stereoscopic lens, but once you do the art looks brilliant. Overall i would say a marginally weaker album than lateralus, but with three such brilliant songs it's still worth the tenner, and still Tool stand in a league of their own. One thing that I was pretty gutted about though, was the fact that ALL the reviews said it was a lot heavier and meshuggah-esque. Uh... 'fraid not. In fact that is the biggest pile of bollocks ever, and I didn't even hear the vaguest HINT of meshuggah in any of the songs whatsoever.... just seems like Meshuggah are the name to drop these days. EDIT: *hoho, didn't even realise what I did there first time round!
  8. Pissing in the street can get you on the sex offenders register or so I've been told. I saw a couple shagging on the seat beside the monument across from the library on Wednesday night on my way home from work. She was fat and semi-naked...not a nice sight. Ewww. Heather (not Dan)
  9. That's actually Seth from Anal Cunt that does that scream
  10. Does this mean he can still moan?
  11. 'The Grudge' by Tool.... must be about 25 seconds but if anyone fancies timing that for me I'd appreciate it
  12. You're fat. At least rubbish is subjective.
  13. hahaha, and maybe get gareth southgate and phil neville back in the squad along with darius vassell and emile heskey. DREAM TEAM.
  14. nah' date=' just a [i']country of shite.... I JEST, I JEST! To be honest, and I can say this from the point of view of an englishman who has lived in Scotland for 13 years: The english media probably DOES mention the World Cup '66 victory more often than necessary. This is because 90% of Britain is actually england, and therefore only a small percentage of the british (in particular those north of berwick) get sick of hearing how fantastic the English football team was 40 years ago. If Scotland won the world cup, we'd be hearing about it for centuries. And I bet the Uruguayans still go on about how brilliant they were 76 years ago, we're just not overly familiar with Uruguayan Newspapers and TV.
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