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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. I think they play in standard D tuning. I learned most of Spheres of madness from Nihility once upon a time, and I know that was just tuned down a whole step. not sure about organic Hallucinations though.
  2. haha, if I could find it. I have over 8 years of every metal hammer issue stored in various places... so finding it might be of a bit problem!
  3. taproot - nu-metal plus a bit of alice in chains style vocals. and Downer... if anyone remembers them. And also tha band beginning with 'A' who had John Davis from Korn's brother singing from them. Aenima, but not that, but close. And powerman 5000? And I'm sorry Mr Angel Of Death, but I seriously suggest that Burning Red is nu-metal... One finger riffs and robb flynn rapping... lack of solos and guitar harmonies. You get the picture Hmmm... I'd say that the fact they released 'Burn my eyes' makes them one of the greatest metal bands there has been!
  4. i love machine head... but burning red and the especially terrible supercharger are nu-metal unfortunately. Bear in mind nu-metal only got a bad name due to so many shit bands in the genre. There were also a few good bands. I assume Drowning Pool got mentioned, can't get more nu-metal than 'bodies'...
  5. I would like that guitar if it was in black... but novelty paintwork... uh uh
  6. I didn't realise it was out yet?! Alex, get your ass on to bitcommet and then get your ass (complete with episode 15) round to my flat pronto!
  7. To be fair, we don't often* wear our OWN size small MMW t-shirts anywhere, nevermind when playing gigs *ever.
  8. I really enjoyed the night, and thought the edgar prais and Fickle public were both great - even though not particularly the sort of music I like. Thought we (My Minds Weapon) played a bit of a 5 out of 10 set... but it happens. Don't understand how the sound was bad (as I understand it was). Had a bit of fun though and fortunately we played much better last night in glasgow. The awards themselves didn't have any real surprises though..
  9. Cheers Philip' date=' I remember that now! I'm just guessing the answers to these; the fact it sounds out of tune? Being IN tune. Out of tune. I never go anywhere without lipstick on, but that's not to say that I've done a proper job applying it... But seriously. I'm guessing Graeme thought either the singing or the instruments were slightly out of tune. Even if you use a TU2 doesn't mean that your guitar is therefore *definitely* in tune. The intonation on the guitar could be out for a start. And also if the strings haven't been tuned PROPERLY, there's a chance that even five seconds after tuning them they could become 'un'-tuned. I feel that tuners should be used as a very good rough guide (if that makes sense), and then your ear should be used to make sure the instrument is in tune.
  10. So where's a link to the thread?
  11. Apparently the best part of the gig was when the Butchers of Bakersfield mentioned My Mind's Weapon on stage, thus improving the night tenfold. Even though it was slagging us off....
  12. hahaha, when/where was that said? I missed that one!
  13. An oil rig scale model being sold for 10,000,000 (currently) http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Oil-Rig-Model_W0QQitemZ6037064588QQcategoryZ4248QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  14. hahaha, I just got this in an email and checked it out. It's kinda ironic, in that much of these photos will be used for selling/promoting/advertising make-up... when in reality they are only REALLY promoting photoshop!
  15. I would like to bump this. This guitar is still for sale at 395.
  16. Thanks to the above post courtesy of Mr Popcorn Fiend, I need not reply to Steve Temple's comment. Well said sir.
  17. Surely that isn't good then? You may mean the only thing Rick Rubin does well is make bands shit. But that is subjective.
  18. i've not heard it but well done to fickle public - that's brilliant!
  19. yeah that looks like the herbert... awesome! Mine's is the VH4. Good show man, it's a beautiful amp
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