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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. Exactly! why spend £8 on having a good night' date=' when you can spend £500 on 10 pints of guiness, half the stock of the little belmont hut, and some drum triggers that will never get used properly. For anyone who actually cares and doesn't own a Pile Spikedriver (see what I did there...) translatory dictionary: [b']Rinky = Ben, singer in Mind My Weapon (derived from 'rinky dink pop band') Mind My Weapon = Extremely funny and clever play on words of Aberdeen-based rock band My Mind's Weapon Wet Knicker Brigade = derogatory term for people who attend rock concerts, often known as an 'audience' or a 'crowd'
  2. Or on the other hand it isn't pish at all. If I was being diplomatic I would agree and say Master Of Puppets is actually their greatest achievement. HOWEVER... And justice for all; It doesn't matter that there is no bass on that album, the guitar tone is crushing - possibly the heaviest ever album I can think of using standard tuning. Hetfield's vocals had matured considerably since puppets and kirk's playing (like Angel of Death said) was at it's best. Lars' drumming was great - even though the drum sound isn't that fantastic. I love that album - when my cousin first let me hear Blackened all those years ago I didn't even know music could be that heavy.
  3. I didn't really like St Anger... but I did like Load and Reload and everything else Metallica have done. In MY opinion, St Anger lacked a number of things; Production (ok, some people like it but I HATE that snare sound), Song length/strucure (3/4 minute songs being played for 7/8 minutes), NO solos or guitar harmonies (Oops. At least that doesn't totally date the album as a nu-metal album...) However, I recently listened to And Justice For All and it reminded me that Metallica are indeed one of the greatest bands ever.
  4. Actually the Creators WANTED to kill of Jack in the pilot, but the Tv people or whoever they are said that in the first episode alone you get attatched to Jack and need a kinda figure of hope, that audiences would be pissed off if Jack died... so instead they killed the pilot (who was found dead in the tree)
  5. To be honest dude, i think that's the point... ?
  6. the worst thing about aberdeen-music.com is that it is so much better when it's worse. if that makes sense.
  7. I think that even if you took the best features of all the nominees and stuck them together, you would still end up with a repulsive mutant. That is the most disgusting list of inbreds I have seen since the "list of people who have additional limbs and animal excrement instead of facial features"
  8. As the ultimate stirrer of shit, maxi - you should be delighted that people are 'saying what they think' and being complete fuckwits.... It's more fun for everyone this way.
  9. Indeed - Architects are quality.
  10. i thought it was a pretty good episode... but sayid did go a bit mental, everyone seems to have started going a little bit mental. Hmmm that guy henry, like has been said, i think he is neither an other or what he says he is. I thought he died in 'saw' anyway??
  11. Shut up Scorge, you are useless. Ascension have now parted ways with Scorge anyway, meaning that they probably shouldn't be the worst band anymore.
  12. See, like with everything i think it sounds good if in context - or if done to benefit a song rather than for the sake of it. Bands that continually play blastbeats for the sake of it is to me as retarded as bands that have unnecessary shit guitar solos, or 10 beatdowns per song etc etc etc...
  13. I find blasts boring after about 10 seconds. Even Cryptopsy would be better with half the blast beats. Every now and then its great, but for 2/3rds of every song... BORING!
  14. essential?! they're the fucking most important member of the band BY FAR!
  15. Licking crusty scrotums, or misquoting people? (or both?)
  16. Actually he MIS-quoted you... And intentionally, I believe...
  17. you wanna kiss every man. And i believe I have seen you do so in moshulu no regular ocasssions
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