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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. A guy in my class' girlfriends has her birthday today. so basically every one in the world was born on the 14th feb
  2. But I can't actually understand why people like Mortician at all! I can understand why people like almost every other death metal band, but Moritician have a crappy drum machine that goes from silly and plodding to hyper speed impossible and you can't hear Will Rahmmer's vocals cos they are SO low and silly. The riffs are all rubbish too ,and he rhymes death with flesh in 80% of the songs. Good artwork/logo at least though... and some cool samples. Descanting the insalubrious would be far better with a better production... I'm still a heartwork man, I'm afraid (and Scenes from a memory, when it comes to DT)
  3. See this is where I think Decapitated are far superior to so many death metal bands these days - because they actually ADD something to the genre. And that being that they are so removed from bog-standard death metal. Decapitated and in particular Necrophagist are the best two death metal bands I've heard in years... although I do like The black Dahlia Murder too. Those bands also sound RAZOR sharp unlike a lot of the old death metal troupe... And Moritician are the worst band I've ever owned an album by.
  4. touche rachel I'd kinda forgotten a few of those details over time...
  5. Fucking ace. Great riffs everywhere, much prefer Covan's vocals to Saurons as well... a lot less bog-standard low growl death metal. Its not really death metal, just extreme brutal metal - More for strapping young lad fans than deicide fans...
  6. Heather had a pretty good theory regarding Lenny Sims (the mental guy who Hurley got the numbers from) She thought that the crazy guy was stationed out on the island as one of the original researchers - and that just pushing a button all day made him go mental (and hence repeat 4 8 15 16 23 42 all day long). I reckon that's an ace theory, and would tie up how those numbers made it back to Hurley in the first place. However, this would mean that the numbers lose pretty much all their 'curse' as there is no coincidence between Hurley having the numbers, and the numbers appearing mysteriously on the island (because he indirectly got them from the island)
  7. yeah dude, it was charlie that took sun - not the others! Sawyer got charlie to kidnap sun and track Locke so that he (sawyer) could get hold of all the guns and piss off Jack... and charlie would benefit by making locke look like a tool. Although charlie turned down the smack which was pretty good of him I guess. I always thought sawyer had some good in him... but that episode kinda made him look like a pretty bad person. He has all the best lines though so he can be partially forgiven.
  8. What were the two particular revelations you were talking about in e.13 alex? The fact that Charlie and Sawyer are teaming up as bad guys (although charlie's stills not on smack) I'm assuming is one of them. And the other? And just to get this straight... sawyer ended up fucking over his missus to keep the 600k for himself yeah?
  9. Has anyone else noticed that polar bears keep popping up everywhere? For instance they were on that magazine Hurley/walt had. Also they were on that nappy advert that drive shaft did. And I'm sure I saw them at least somewhere else as well... EDIT: and like alex says - on the dharma initiation video.
  10. Just a few things to add to all this that people may like to comment on: wasn't kate's capture fee £23k? (I'm sure theres loads of other number references) She has also killled (at least) two people... Serial killer Rose is the one 'non-extra' that we haven't found out about her background (maybe so they can do a joint one with bernard?) Still haven't found out how Locke got mobilised/immobilised... but like Walt, wasn't he a 'special' child? Sawyer IS Hans Solo in every way - "the yeah, yeah, chewie, I know" being the best quote ever in anything ever Desmond will be back... "See you in another life brother" (again)
  11. dude, that looks fucking sweet!
  12. I agree with yeti - B is low as sounds good to my ears. Any further than that it doesn't add any power to the music, only muddiness. Even A#/Bb sounds too low in my opinion.
  13. I'd say it was more like this: Celtic - 5% of everything that's wrong with Scottish football. Rangers - 5% of everything that's wrong with Scottish football The fact that the remaining teams are all full of pish players - 90% of everything that's wrong with Scottish football
  14. agreed G, especially on the treble side of things!
  15. Booooo! If you are referring to the song that was playing, then I believe it was 'the great dividers' by Unearth - one of the greatest bands of the present day! You shall face the wrath of the gods for such blasphemy, ross.
  16. Actually, if Rune was a star wars character he'd be Jabba the Hutt's disabled child that never got a proper mention...
  17. I was just about to say words almost to exactly that effect.
  18. I thought dedalus were pretty good in places, some fantastically over-delayed 80's style ambient indie, but I'll be honest there was a few tunes that grated on me slightly (and certain bits that grated more than slightly). However they should take this as a compliment, as it's not totally my thing. In contradiction to the above post I thought Dedalus singers voice was really good, and all in all, I would say good band if you're into that sort of thing. Too much treble.... Colon open bracket - thought their set was particularly tarnished by the stupid amounts of feedback throughout it's entirety. Some good ideas, in particular the sonic or mario samples... haha. Drummer was great - battered the shit out of the kit! I think however with this style of music it is hard to do it well, and to my ears all the songs just ended up sounding all the same. 'Original' is an adjective that springs to mind... Genevieve were great. I'm praying, however, that the matching long-sleeve brown tops is a uniform rather than a coincidence. Surprisingly I thought the last couple of songs were the weakest, but other than that there were a few crackers in the set. Sounded to me like my vitriol playing sigur ros songs - make of that what you will. Beautifully ambient in places, and a bit rockier in others. I would have stayed for jenniferever on any other day of the week, but I was so fucking ill that I had to go home. Definitely shouldn't have been there in the first place. Testament to that is the remains of my stomach in the tunnels toilets... don't worry guys, I didn't make a mess and if I did I would have cleaned it up... Lovely stuff.
  19. i think the one shit bit is those fucking polka sections/song!
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