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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. Well if you like the sound of badly produced albums that have lyrics made up on the spot and unfinished songs - on the basis that it is original and groundbreaking then that is up to you. Pish because we (i.e. all the bands) finish writing our songs before playing a gig, or because the lyrics contain real words?
  2. congratulations on being another year older Ross!
  3. bet neither of them were as good as George Best at football though.
  4. I think you'll find I got SPERM in my hair Adam.
  5. Angel of death is technically right. "Drop-D detuned a whole step" (or drop-D in C) is actually the correct way to call what most of us call 'drop-C' tuning, i.e. CGCFAD. But as this is such a common misconception (to call it 'drop-C') .... I still call it that - cos everyone seems understands it. EDIT: Oh and "drop-D" and "open-D" are ENTIRELY different things: 'Drop-X' refers to detuning ONLY the lowest string on the guitar to note X. 'Open-Y' refers to retuning all the strings to different notes, so as when all the strings are played open at the same time - they actually play a 'proper' chord, i.e. chord 'Y' (as opposed to something silly like Ymin7add4 when in standard tuning)
  6. If i could go through one of the cabs that would be smashing? I have my own head...
  7. One piece of advice for you, other than buying a floor tuner (i.e. Boss TU-2) I would highly recommend getting a Boss NS-2 (noise surpressor)... especially if you are playing rock/metal or have a lot of effects pedals. It really is the best 50 I have spent concerning equipment for a live environment. Anyone else got one/loves one?
  8. there is nothing shameful about that at all... Rust In Peace is one of THE best albums ever Marty friedman's playing on that album... fucking unbelievable! <----------------- CLASSIC
  9. Oh no they're not (etc) Remember how subjective music is ladies
  10. If 'shite' means, 'amazing, and have released one of the best albums this earth has ever seen' then yes you are right!
  11. All the worst albums by all the good death metal bands? fnar fnar etc etc (I'd agree with Calum - End Complete and World Demise is where it's at regarding Obituary. In MY opinion)
  12. Dan G


    Would you find it amusing if i told you that putting 4 smartie tubes on each one of a cats legs makes it move like an Imperial Walker from Starwars?
  13. Honestly, I'd really recomend Scenes.... my dad even loves it! Spot on about Vai, He is such an amazing player but like you say, in a band context (with David Lee Roth was also great!) Jason Becker used to play in cacophony with Marty friedman (ex-megadeth.. also my all time favourite guitarist). But he was apparently better than Friedman, and released a couple of solo albums before his disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) badly kicked in -and basically ate his muscles so he couldn't play anymore. the cacophony stuff is pretty impossible to get a hold of... but solo albums not so much. I'm not overly familiar with his actual songs so couldn't recommend where to start but I've heard his playing and it is very good P.S. even Marty Friedman's solo albums are shit....
  14. Nick Holmes from Paradise Lost... I win! "Lost Paradise" to "Host"... fuck me, the whole band nevermind just Nick sound entirely different.
  15. e-----------8---11---------------------------11----14----------------------- B------10-------------10---------------13---------------13------------------- G--8------------------------8--/--11---------------------------11--/-------- D--------------------------------------------------------------------------- A----------------------------------------------------------------------------- E---------------------------------------------------------------------------- keep going up in threes as far as possible, it's a nice alternative to the usual yngwie diminished lick.
  16. I think it's pretty good on first listen. I'm actually mildly dissappointed they have gone and written an album thats very different to their first - I was kinda hoping they'd just write another album of comedy AC/DC and Queen rip-off songs! English Country Garden has THE Best line ever in any song ever written ever: "She said 'have you got a match', I said 'Yes my cock and farmer Giles prize winning marrow'" Classic
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