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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. Dan G


    that's an awesome line up except for coheed and cambria!
  2. Yeah i fucking love the roadrunner album... 75% of it is great! And corn is right - Jeff Waters is a legend. Most underated of all the thrash guitarists - he can run rings around kerry king with two fingers.
  3. Are you sure...? Even though you still play the 5th, except an octave up? (10th fret on the B) I dunno though... you maybe right.
  4. anyone got any interesting chords they would like to share: my current favourite one is: e---10--- (optional) B---10--- G----7--- D----8--- A----5--- E--------- Although I play it using C G C F A D tuning. It is the first chord in 'A Sense Of Wonder' (MMW) and I'm not sure what it is really called... however by looking at it I would say it is an interesting way of playing D6 - - - or A#maj7/D. It's a pretty long stretch, but sounds dischordant in a cool, non-abrasive way.
  5. Donkey Kong Country on SNES was ace C&C Red Alert on the PC both awesome games that haven't been mentioned yet. My other favourites are: both Zelda's 64 Goldeneye All Mariokarts Mario World Grand Theft Auto 3/Vice City/San Andreas Pro Ev 4 Banjo kazooie
  6. Exactly! Sorry, that was my point. Scotland (unfortunately) are shit. And it is the national sport, along with rugby. They can be forgiven for being awful at cricket... but not at football and rugby. I'm not sure how my last point came across but what I was trying to say is that; it doesn't matter how big a country is - if they don't have the facilities, or the sport isn't popular in that country, then the population size shouldn't affect how good they are (at the sport in question). I also blame celtic and rangers. Remember back even 7-10 years ago when scotland had a semi decent team... both glesca (hahahaha) teams were full of scottish internationals. Where as these days, the international Scot's stay on the bench whilst 2nd rate European players still keep them top of the league (until this year).
  7. Size of country doesn't have much of a relevance to a team's, uh... 'goodness'. it's more down to opportunities within the country, and how much of a priority the sport is in that country. e.g. India/china - both have a billion people. New Zealand - 3 million (or something close) people. but when it comes to rugby... a similar model can be applied to Mozambique, Wales and international darts EDIT: And look on the bright side; at least England beat Argentina. Again.
  8. As Mac says - I am the lucky, proud and extremely happy owner of a Diezel VH4
  9. Which model H&K do you have? With all amps from marshalls to H&K and everything either side, cost again comes into factor here i.e. there are marshall's that will be infinitely 'better' than some H&K's due to which model it is, and vice versa. However to say H&K is better than Marshall as a rule of thumb is pretty redundant... especially if you were to look at the number of pro players that use marshalls! Like guitars, and music itself - this is a pretty subjective topic. The H&K tri-amp MK II was on my list of potential amps recently, but there were a few more I would have rather gone for. Still - a pretty impressive piece of gear.
  10. I personally feel the typical 'myspacer' is hilarious, and it is funny seeing people put up pictures of themselves taken from a certain angle so they look way better than they do in the flesh - so then other people can comment on them saying that they look really hot etc. However it can be an extremely useful tool for bands to network and make new fans, as long as it's used in a semi-intelligent manner. As far as MMW goes, we have had loads of people come to our gigs that wouldn't have ever heard of us, were it not for myspace.
  11. I wasn't 'guessing' that you only listen to Mortician and Rhapsody. That was simply an extreme example (to make a point) that you naively took seriously.
  12. My two cents to everyone: You WILL get exactly what you pay for if you spend x-amount of money on a guitar, or any piece of musical equipment. I have never encountered a situation where this is not true. A 250 guitar will sound and play like exactly that, although maybe you won't realise that until you play and get used to one that costs 2, 3 or 4 times as much. Secondly, you don't need 'mummy and daddy's money' (stupid comment) to afford good equipment. Fucking WORK for it. Give up beer/ burgers or whatever... Finally, arguing 'who is the better guitarist' is retarded - especially when you probably haven't heard each other play.
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