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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. I would love to have long hair, but for gigs only. I would be too lazy to keep it nice, and I'd get pissed off with it - and also I think it really wouldn't suit me! I have considered growing it on a number of occasions though.... but then as soon as it is even half the length of the 'beatles stage', I go; "nah... i'll just cut it" However I do cut my own hair and have done for a year now, using nothing more one mirror, a pair of scissors and about 15 minutes of my time...
  2. certainly not!!! Brown. Although they're meant to be white. Ho ho ho. classic.
  3. Funnily enough the best guitar I have played for shredding on is a Gibson Explorer. the neck is superb on it. (no floyd rose though) Andy, if budget isn't an issue... what about one of those john petrucci music man guitars? They're built for shredding but also have enough of a metal edge compared to strats etc.
  4. I like it all except the lead guitar section around 3:04 which in general seemed out of time to my ears! Other than that though, good job. Production ideas are very good, and you can tell a lot of time has been spent on it. "make your move..." section with double time drums is my is my favourite part of the song Reminds me of bands like A and the vines... or at least for fans of those bands.
  5. hahaha, I was totally thinking that! it would have been better at the end if they gave her a scary voice distortion so as not to dumb it down. I mean it wasn't like they needed to show her real voice on the tape recorder so that everyone watching knows that she is the next killer. Also... I can't remember too well. Is the cop left in that room on his own to rot (at the very end) as a punishment for failing his task? Cos if so they could have been kind and given him the tape recorder BEFORE his game started...
  6. The funny thing is every song you listen to will most likely be about someone's issues, whether it is love/loss/life/etc etc. (take all of Devin Townsend's lyrics for a start) Unless you solely listen to Mortician and Rhapsody, in which case i'm glad that all that Chainsaw disembowlment and magical Unicorns with wings doesn't add to much undue stress on 'your case'.
  7. Along with.. Tony McAlpine! Musically they're ok, I guess
  8. Not yet, but having to read text talk typing is slowly but surely contributing to it... I actually reckon there could be a really fun night to be had if that went ahead. Seriously!
  9. I'd be more embarrassed by the fact that you are a cretin. Pretty much all music is aimed at a teen audience for a start. Whether it is death metal or pop' date=' the core audience of live gigs and those that buy CDs are teenagers. "intellegence"... you clearly demonstrate your fair share of that. And if you listened to our songs at all you would hear that we ARE proper musicians. I CAN accept other's opinions. If some people (like you) want to have rubbish opinions then all the best with being rubbish. However I can also voice my own' date=' and my opinion is that you are an imbecile who knows very little. P.S. I am not in the music business. I play music entirely for fun. I thought there were 4 members... they must have a bass player now. My bad, sorry.
  10. I thought it was position suggested by the careers officer...
  11. I'd agree with most of the other poss here, regarding one guitar etc etc the song reminds me of a cross between "lost paradise" paradise lost mixed with the comedy major key riffs that arch enemy sometimes do (or the one also found 3/4 of the way through Corporal Jigsaw Quandary by Carcass). I'd say if the song was condensed to half the length it wouldn't have sounded as tired... however the riffs are all a little simple (not that that is alway a bad thing) but when there is only 4 of them in a 7minute song it makes it sound uninspired... The last minute of the with the eerie bits I'd say was the best.
  12. Dan G


    Not only is that a big fancy list of bands to be heard all on one CD... but it is also in alphabetical order! Are you trying dis-prove the common misconception that fudge is unorganized Brian?
  13. Taking back sunday are a stereotypical 'emo' band. Jake doesn't like emo that much. Apparently...
  14. I agree to an extent' date=' as I would say not seeing a band live is kind of important before judging them. However - I did greatly appreciate Mr Blastcap's post anyway, and find it pretty interesting all the same. Why not ask Jake to profess his love for Taking Back Sunday whilst you're there eh? Wishful thinking at it's finest.
  15. You used to make all your own cupboards yourself but now you get the lazy bitch to pop down to B&Q to do the honours?
  16. Mansons guitar shop in Exeter is one of only 2 places in Britains that sells Diezels. (the other one supplies them to Manson's!) That's where I got mine from and they are superb for customer services etc. They also custom build Matt Belamy from muses guitars in that shop... I also bought my '...And Justice For All' tab book from Manson's when I was down in Exeter about 4 years or so ago... Framus amps can be bought from Gak.com, but also Thomann.de which I think is german but apparently they are very good.
  17. comments like this i find slightly sad*' date=' in the sense that it gives the impression that you AREN'T allowed to like a band if they are on a major label. To me that's when music stops becoming about music and is more to do with politics - which is to me kinda like anti-racism being taken to the extreme so it is racist again (positive discrimination and all that jazz...) To me that comment would be akin to: I can't understand why you can't just like a band if you think their music is good, and not like them if you don't. Isn't that how everyone gets into music anyway? through hearing a song that they actually like? The whole reason I'm into the music I am, and have the life I do involving music etc is thanks to Iron Maiden. I loved them as a kid... but they were on a major label. So what!? they have released some great music, influenced thousands of bands and effectively made my life what it is. Just because some money grabbing assholes were inevitably involved in the company that put their music out to such a wide audience, doesn't mean that I shouldn't be allowed to like them! Then again that's just my view - maybe i'm wrong... I just think it's stupid when people involve nazi-esque views with music. * not as in "you are sad Kirk", more like "it is a shame that..."
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