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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. I don't have the slightest problem with Spike... I can't recall ever saying a bad word about you at all! I''m not even arguing "with Spike" - I just think jakes comments are about as accurate as a blind man on a see saw pissing into test tube attatched to his head. This thread was merely a response to such wonderful comments as: 1. your rinky-dink pop outfit 2. not using your money to try and sneak up the ladder and whore yourselves out to some record label. 3. your musical career being spent on your knees in anticipation of the occasional glancing lick of the corporate cock. DIY all the fucking way' date=' winning the moral high ground by a mile. 4. I'll have to stop here, I'm busy organising trades and getting our stuff out around the globe, doing things entirely off my own back, without resorting to the chequebook. We don't believe in shortcuts. Enjoy your little gig.[/i'] HOWEVER, I do believe that it does raise a few questions about "what is DIY music?" in the opinions of those who take it to the extreme. Petty insults aside, I'd be interested to what the likes of jake would say about that...
  2. haha, i though thurizas was on that YEARS ago... just to let you know Dave, my rant actually had NOTHING to do with DIY bands, and the hard work bands like yourselves put in. I think its awesome what you guys have done. I just feel damn insulted that people like Jake (and Gregor) accuse us of putting in no work at all and having everything laid out on a plate due to cash, which couldn't be further from the truth (we are all skint anyway...)
  3. MMW aren't a DIY band obviously. For a start we use our mummy and daddy's money towards buying onto every gig going. I also don't even play my own guitar, someone does it for me. We also never drive to our own gigs. Someone does that for us to. We also don't finance our own recordings etc etc etc However what IS DIY when it comes to music? If paying for an advert for your band is sucking corporate cock, then what isn't? For instance, how does a band fund they're own equipment, if they are so called 'DIY' that is? Stealing? Make it all themselves? I'd guess they probably whip out their cheque book and PAY for it actually... How does a DIY band get their message spread to the world their own way? The internet? Phone calls? Postage? (stamps) Flyers? How are they all funded I wonder.... hmmm. Last time I checked none of that was free. How does a DIY band practise? I wonder if jake the ape's band practises in Captain Tom's etc or if he practises in his house? Tom's ain't free y'know and I'm sure whoever owns the house doesn't get it gratis either... How does a DIY band record? Argos Kareoke machine with one Mic in the middle of a room? Granted, it SOUNDS like that but I'm sure this isn't how it is done. I reckon they BUY their own equipment maybe? Or perhaps pay for a studio. Maybe borrow someone's 4-tracker... although that would mean dealing with someone who isn't DIY cos they ACTUALLY paid for something. How does a DIY band get to their next gig? Taxi? Bus? A Car maybe... walking would be the best DIY option in my opinion but I doubt that happens what with all the equipment to carry etc... I could go on and on, but I am boring myself let alone anyone who took the time to read the above. But please Jake, before you open your banana loving gob, please think with that tiny simian brain of yours what you are actually saying before you mash it on your keyboard with your hairy flea infested palms.
  4. would keepers PT II on 12" vinyl be rare/worth much?
  5. I'm guessing that its maybe more of an all day thing? No idea just yet, but i promise we'll let you know as soon as we find out. EDIT: the organization has been a bit shit for bands playing etc (I mean we only found out yesterday we were actually playing)
  6. yeah man we have been confirmed, its on punktastic as well. jamesy has been speaking to the 'people' in the know, and we're are DEFINITELY on. however it was originally an acoustic set but it has been changed to electric.
  7. 15 ono i'm selling this as I now have a backstage pass, what with My Mind's Weapon having been confirmed for the glasgow date. EDIT: Oops, wrong forum sorry. If a kind moderator could please do the honours...
  8. haha no-one cares Mr mac - it's only, like, the biggest gig of the year by a country mile
  9. hahahahaha!! THIS IS ACE! And shit at the same time... although to me it sounds every bit the same as 'REAL' dance music... I listened to the whole thing. However, what is that melody that starts at the beginning on piano and is then played through most of the song? ....I think it was on an old Natwest advert or something? Top marks.
  10. Cryptopsy would be fantastic to see live...their drummer hits some of the fastest blasts I have ever heard and some of the guitar work is amazing! Still think Lord Worm's voice is shit though... However, for those who like Cryptopsy - you should really check out Necrophagist's latest album, "Epitaph" as it is the best tech-death metal album since Death's "Symbolic".
  11. Anyone heard it yet? it's actually my third favourite of their albums... possibly on a level with Shades Of god (although it has much better production) Nothing they do will ever touch the mighty icon or draconian times, but it's nice to see a decent effort after a string of very average ones.
  12. that would have been a lot funnier if you were currently dying of bird flu.
  13. happy birthday dude... I know its late but then again if i wasn't then it wouldn't be over there this badger. have a nice cake
  14. But surely that depends on WHO is actually using the amp? eg I have heard some people get MILES better sounds out of a 5150, than others using a mesa. Yet the opposite is also true... FYI, the 5150 Mk 1 won the amp test with Colin Richardson (producer Carcass, Fear Factory, Machine Head etc etc etc!) over Mesas, framus and all that lot. And the records he has produced have the BEST guitar tones ever!
  15. Dan G

    Steve Vai

    i think it IS a good thing having Vai play on a devy record. Fair play - he doesn't write good songs for his own name, but some of vai's playing on other peoples records has been incredible.
  16. Agreed. Dimebag Darrell used solid state amps. His guitar sounds was just about ok I guess...
  17. out of interest, what death metal bands (or bands in general) do you like?
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