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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. In places you have a point Doc. HOWEVER' date=' I occassionally dabble in power metal and some of the shit that Hammerfall/Gamma Ray/Primal Fear/Stratovarious etc etc is awful! Here are a few classic lines that i can think of by some power metal bands: [i']"Metal Eagles - Flying Side By Side Silver Heroes - Hear Our Cries" "If This Is Armageddon Then Who The Hell Are You The Soldiers Of The Holy War Are Bringin' Hell To You" "Hearts On Fire, Hearts On Fire Burning, burning with desire Burning for the steel Hearts on fire!" "We're drowning in madness, the heart of the Unicorn Dwelling in sadness, the heart of the Unicorn" "Look at the sky as the dragon flies by Storming across heaven like fire pierce through ice"
  2. HAHAHA! Ace. If I thought you'd care I would award you some scene points mr jack. (if you actually do care, PM me and I will award you those points)
  3. Unlike Hog's unnecessary ripping of MMW of course... oh how fresh that is!
  4. But surely they should have continued regardless of what people said about them... and that their demise was not entirely due to a few people bitching about them on an Aberdeen message board? They were/are in my eyes (and I'm sure yours too Graeme) the best band Aberdeen has seen - or at least the band that could have potentially made the best stab at being 'successful'... I'd have thought they'd have been strong enough to get through the backlash after being so loved the previous year. I am pretty sure that MMW will win the 'worst band' category at the fudge awards this year, and I am hoping that we do as it would almost be an honour after AW won it last year.
  5. EDIT: This was originally posted a long time ago. I now own two dragonforce CDs hahaha... The solos still get on my nerves a little as they all sound the same, but Dragonforce have truely redfined power metal so deserve some respect. I doff my plastic sword to them...
  6. No one has mentioned Thomas Haake of MESHUGGHAH yet. He is a machine!
  7. And always hangs around in Moshulu wearing a St Anger t-shirt with a smaller (in comparison) guy who also wears a St Anger t-shirt.
  8. I wasn't saying "Who else could play?" in a MMw-are-the-only-ones-good-enough way. I was actually trying to find out who people think are good/professional enough to do so. Filthpact - I haven't seen you since the VoA days I'm afraid but I'm not disputing that you guys could've played. Broken Oath - amazing. They would have been awesome on this line up. Fall of Boss Koala, I'd agree would have been good too. But those two bands and other's mentioned are from outwith Aberdeen. It does make sense for Moshulu to want to help out Aberdeen bands on these sort of bills in the same way I'd imagine Allergo get the good Perth slots and Broken Oath etc get the good Glasgow/Edinburgh slots.
  9. For fucks sake Hog. This is getting boring. I honestly don't know what you have against us, you've never seen us play and we even put you on the guestlist to get in free at one of our shows and you still didn't turn up...but you continue to give us shit on here. While we work our asses off trying to make something of our band, you sit on the internet all day discussing how shit we are with kids who are 12 years younger than you. Scene-points? I think Loser-points is a more accurate description.
  10. they weren't too low. They just 'scoop' their guitar tones so there are no mids at all - which sounds good in the bedroom but doesn't cut through in a live setting.
  11. I had a fucking ace night! Enjoyed all the bands a lot, and it was nice to speak to Bleeding through - who all seemed like pretty cool people. It was nice to see a decent turn out because this will surely keep Moshulu keen when it comes to getting big touring bands in the future. Massive thanks to Ross for putting us on such an amazing bill - but that leads me to... I'm not trying to be a dick at all here, but out of interest which other bands in Aberdeen would you say are ready to play on a bill such as that? Like you say, it would be great if another band came out of the woodwork for these type of gigs - but until they do Moshulu won't have anyone else to really choose from.
  12. I think Christmas and Easter should be abolished because Santa and the Easter bunny don't exist. It's just a marketing scam. The only REAL holiday is Pancake Day, but it's not even a holiday.
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