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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. GIG TONIGHT PEOPLE! Can't fucking wait, should be great. I live by a gate....with my mate. Nate. Anyway, rubbish rhyming aside, this will be fun except that we'll only have time for about 2 and a quarter songs.
  2. some not-at-all bad stuff going on there. I listened to them all, some pretty good riffs and solos too. Liked the vocals as well actually, and although the echo/delay is overdone, after a while you get used to it and it gives the singer more of an identity of his own - as if it was actually MEANT to sound like that. On a downside I would say, that recording quality wise, the distorted guitars don't have much presence and sometimes you know something is being played but can't really hear what.
  3. Cheers for the comments man - and thanks for coming along - much appreciated! as ben is banned I will just say in his defence that the whole camp mic-swinging thing is very much like a lot of things in that you either rate it or hate it, and that we have quite a few long instrumental sections where he has nothing else to do! Cheers, Dan (yes it actually IS me people)
  4. Marty Friedman's scale's of choice are; Fifth mode of harmonic minor (also known as Spanish Gypsy and a million other names): I - bII - III - IV - V - bVI - bVII (are the intervals in roman numerals) which when played in C, the notes are: C - Db - E - F - G - Ab - Bb or along one string, with an open string being the root note: 0---1---4---5---7---8---10---12 Japanese Kumoi pentatonic I - II - bIII - V - bVI C - D - Eb - G - Ab 0---2---3---7---8 Hope that helps.
  5. it was me that posted it. So not as to confuse matters more I'm gonna avoid one of those 'cheers, Stuart' type jokes that has taken over.
  6. baa baa black sheep, have you any wool? Yes sir, yes sir, I stole it from a shop.
  7. no, no... it was the Lockjaw bit. haha, Quik were also on that compilation so I guess we could do the same!
  8. I own ALL the Dream Theater albums (expect their very first one which Labrie didn't sing on), the DVD's and have seen DT live. (Can't compete with Stuart's 'met him' though... ) I would actually say Labrie is the weakest part of the band. He is a good vocalist and has a pretty damn good range however I don't think he compares to Devin Townsend. I bet Devin could also do 100 times better job of singing all of Master of Puppets (the album) and Number of The Beast (the album) than Labrie did when DT covered them...
  9. I had a fucking ace time! Great night all round. I actually thought that At Long Last played the best FIRST gig I've ever seen an Aberdeen band play... bear in mind people that this was actually their first gig. Some nice riffs and guitar parts between the guitarists, good drumming and Jason has the potential to be a great frontman. Also nice to see the bass player going for it a bit! Reminded me of a twin guitar version of Quik in places. I think I'm the only person who actually likes Dirtbox. Although now they have moved from sounding like Blink 182 to sounding like Lit. Tight as fuck, catchy songs, nuff said. First time I'd seen Stayover since they've changed and the one thing you cannot deny them is their ability to write catchy songs. Obviously the comparison between them and point of origin is going to be obvious... Where I think they suffer compared to PoO is the songs are less energetic and happy compared to old PoO songs - (bear in mind I like energetic music), HOWEVER the professionalism is ten times better and I know this is the sound they are going for. To me their progression has been so similar to Blink 182's in the sense that their new stuff may alienate old fans slighty, but there's no denying they have actually just got better. Not gonna say anything about MMW's set except that my neck's still sore. Cheers for coming people, was a really good turn out.
  10. I'll add you when I'm next on However' date=' Mr Lucifer.... remember all those times you had a go at MMW for over selling ourselves etc... [i']"...including the mighty We Become Less (Lockjaw Records) " Now that isn't 100% true is it... NAUGHTY!
  11. I think someone wrote a song about it.... Dah rockin' ladies around the world Got a weird thing to show you, So tell all the boys and girls. Tell your brother, your sister And mama too, Cause theyre about to go down And throw some shapes at Bleeding Through Wave your fists in the air Like you dont care, Mosh by the people as they start to look and stare. Do you dance, hardcore dance quick Mama, come on baby, tell me whats at ONE, ah ONE UP! ONE UP!
  12. they're the times that tell the bands what time they have to go onstage.
  13. you know it is amazing that a gig so huge as this (within metal circles) has come to aberdeen. Lets hope it is fucking rammed.
  14. wow ive said that about you before as well...how odd!
  15. Ill tell you how. A demo was submitted to a well known british label. They said they really liked the quik stuff and would keep an eye on them and want more demo's. Their roster was full at the time but they said they wanted to give a few copies to some other labels. Thats how impressed they were. For a label to pass on a bands music to other labels at no request of the band is pretty damn good. Lockjaw approached Quik about using one of the tracks that Quik werent even aware Lockjaw had. Now thats fucking cool. Too little people pay attention to the quik material post "here comes the fall..." Well too little people in Aberdeen at least so i suppose thats not a big deal. Tracks like "in dreams", "...and hope to die", "point blank", "Nicotine", "Burning", and some even newer stuff that they began writing before Ben left, will be unleashed when the band have the new drummer upto speed, are awesome. Real metallic punk that is pretty original and fresh sounding. Not that they really care as far as i know as they are quietly getting on with things and getting on compilations like this (looking at the company theyre in this already puts them above MOST bands in Aberdeen) but maybe its time a few people here went and saw them again when they return to playing live.
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