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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. Laughing at me or with me?
  2. That is because he typed it relatively quickly during a lunch break. You'd have actually thought the interviewer would have edited spelling mistakes etc. That bit didn't really amuse me. I am more amused by jokes and humour as opposed to people mentioning their age TWICE (holy shit that's almost a million) in an interview. You must be boring. I bet you wear grey y-fronts and play countdown with a pen and paper. yes, lucifer and highroller used to fight regularly, but they are actually friends who know each other very well. No one likes you though so shut up. Do you now. Well I think it does. I also think you're the sort of person who licks the sperm off his hands after masturbating over the lastest edition of fly-fishing weekly. You are horribly off the beaten track I'm afraid. But thank you, I assure you we will take on board this vital advice so as a band we can improve our performance greatly in our next interview. Well I am very sorry. We will from now wear our best tweed jackets, speak in upper class articulated accents and we will especially disregard our 'hipness'. Maybe that way, intellectuals such as yourself may appreciate such 'outfits' as ourselves. Ben simply typed '2000' twice because that is when Quik formed and therefore it is a date stuck in his head. So shove your investigation up your arse Detective. Oh very risky indeed, I'm sure you would know ALL about that because you seem to know all about everything... I find you amusing. I think you're a complete tosser and I also believe you are the reason bullies pick on people. Here's what to do with that pot and kettle: 1] Fill them both with water. 2] With stopwatch at the ready, place the pot on the stove and switch the kettle on - make sure you do this at EXACTLY the same time. 3] Now time how long it takes each one to boil and compare the results for your own personal satisfaction and fulfillment. 4] Finally - with the boiling water, pour yourself a nice cup of tea, sit down and reflect on what a complete cunt you really are. I honestly recommend you re-read your entire post.
  3. [sky] "Ooooh, I know all the answers!"
  4. on american website. www.ecromper.com interviews section thanks to steph x
  5. well after seeing em in manchester and qmu at small-ish venues it was great but carling academy puts me off a tad so...but i was maybe gonna go cos i love TBS but now that its MCR supporting...FUCK THAT...I hate them! ben
  6. Happy birthday mr contra. Remember last night when you turned 18, and we were watching Eighteen Visions?
  7. I'd say they sound very like Megadeth, but instead of 4 old guys there are 3 young girls, and instead of playing speed-metal they play pop-punk. But other than those two things...identical.
  8. Ben posting: im afraid JJ you are wrong... I know you were only kidding anyway. I used to go see them when they played to no one in the old drakes and watched it get busier and busier for them. Me and Craig would constantly go on at people to go see Liber8...we actually made it our mission to get them a fan base. I also remember going on and on at Paul Stewart to give em supports cos at the time quik were getting great, busy shows at lava. Im going back a LONG time here. It would literally be quik, whatever band was playing with Liber8 at the old drakes, Katy (kris' then lady friend) and caroline (a friend of the band) watching them...Then the word spread and they were pulling more and more gradually. When they would play lava they would play to no one. And support bands that didnt really pull then when they landed one of the double headline nights by Capdown I knew it would happen...and it did...they became the biggest band in Aberdeen...I was so chuffed. I remember these times fondly. After Liber8 cleaned up at the fudge awards of...oohhh 2002 ? Yeah 2002, Me and Kris decided to have a cheesy style "clash of the titans" show at the old drakes and we wanted an awesome up and coming new band to play then...TEW were awesome that nite as were Quik and Liber8. Kris and I were so close then...I miss that from time to time... Oh well...onwards and upwards... ben
  9. One of them is called Mr Michael, because his son Paul used to be in my class. I believe his other son is Justin (of Solinus fame....)
  10. Holy shit' date=' dude. Your interpretation of a joke is quality. Do you wish death upon [i']everyone who has a sense of humour?
  11. Well if you can get 5 semitone bends, who's to say you couldn't get 6!
  12. Nah, jamesy just deleted it without asking anyone else. Gid ein.
  13. Nice one Milner, you're a true legend
  14. Lamb of god aren't bad, although I would love to see unearth. Their new album is absolutely monstrous and to me, the only better record this year has been Killswitch's new one.
  15. Jamesy deleted it - rather spontaneously I might add.... I would also like to say immense amounts of thanks to Alkaline for this thread. Really appreciate the kind words and always glad that someone 'new' to the band enjoyed our set!
  16. We try not to label ourselves' date=' but sometimes you have to give people new to your band at least an idea of your sound... Given the oppotunity I wouldn't really call us a hardcore band anyway. Although there are elements of hardcore in our sound... If you asked Ben to label our sound he would say "a modern metal band" more than a hardcore one anyway. Also, when I origainally said "hardcore kids" I wasn't meaning those who are actually into hardcore, I was meaning the select few that try oh so hard to be cool and hardcore. So I apologise if you feel that I lumped you specifically in with that group as that wasn't intentional. I wasn't actually referring to you AT ALL with regards to my initial post, but I appreciate your comments man.
  17. i tried to stream them but the uni comps don't like purevolume player! looking fwd t ohearing them though.
  18. haha... I hoped someone would pick up on that one
  19. Agreed. I'd say he was camp us fuck, but he pulls it off really well. Calling someone camp isn't an insult in that context.
  20. Although not too much of a fan of that style of music, Allergo were unbelievable from a musicianship/stage performance point of view. These guys deserve to 'make it', as to me they do it better than a heap of signed bands in that genre. Evacuating Heaven - great name, although I was dissappointed to find out they didn't come up with it themselves (as it is a Pig destroyer song title, apparently). Definitely needed some low end though - either a bass player or a new guitar tone. Still, nice to something a little different in Aberdeen circles. Johnny T - wanted to watch their whole set but felt really sick so only stayed for the first 4 or so songs. Nice guys though and the Bloodening is an ace tune. I love it how the 'hardcore' kids refused to watch MMW, even though we're not that less heavy than the other bands. I love even more how some people at the gig who used to really like us a few months ago, now refuse to even acknowledge we play at all, even though we're heavier than we used to be. I don't get that one I'm afraid. Maybe we're not cool anymore. Either that or just shite.
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