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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. Because Hog is a legend!
  2. I'm afraid I can't download the song cos my work comp has no soundcard but I will purchase a CD at the next gig. Where did you record it Mr Hog?
  3. a 20 minute song is a little difficult to start with... try "Drapery Falls" for size...
  4. I don't like this Here's my imput: EVERYTHING is relevant if it is relevant to YOU. Ben likes a lot of metalcore etc (which to be honest a lot of it I find a bit stale - 18 visions for example) but he likes it so it is relevant to him. I don't know Dave as well as Ben but know the kind of stuff he listens to (which to be honest, probably isn't my cup of tea) but that's cool because it's relevant to him. I listen to a lot of the increasingly popular "melodic death metal" (which most of you probably think is shite) but I don't care because it is relevant ot me. Relevance is down to the individual in my opinion, but the one thing that is fact is saturation of a market. Emo and Hardcore have been saturated because they are the latest thing, that is a fact. Like Nu-metal before it, it will die and the true/popular/good/original bands in the genre will continue. Everyone knows that though... Atreyu I think are great though. It's nothing 'new' in the literal sense of the word, but I think they are a good band and good at what they do. The 2 tracks off their forth coming album were great. Regarding the interview and 'influences'... I don't really like At The Gates although I've tried to (yet I own all their albums...) yet I love most bands that are influenced by At The Gates. Does that mean I "don't know anything about my influences"? Bullshit. I just don't like At The Gates. Iron Maiden are the same to a lot of people - they hate Maiden but love a lot of band's who Maiden have influenced. Good point about Imprint by VoD, Lucifer - although it was only released in 1998, which doesn't seem that old to me!
  5. Without sounding like a complete music elitist: "You obviously don't get them" hahaha...
  6. I'd love to But if someone asked me what they wanting to know it's better than me saying some random shite that may be no use to anyone!
  7. Basically Shaun has other commitments i.e. family and running a business, and Kris and Steve are planning on jamming/forming a new band, apparently.
  8. I think you might wanna learn some theory if you want to "turn shred"... The 'alphabet' are the mucial notes that you can play. They are C D E F G A B and then it goes back to C again. These notes make up the C major scale, ie if you played all these notes in order then you would be playing the C major scale. If you played these notes buts started and finished on D rather than C, then you would be playing a MODE of the C major scale. It's very complicated to understand for a theory beginner however... Here are the notes of C major along the low E string (the notes in between are sharps) I-E-I-F-I---I-G-I---I-A-I---I-B-I-C-I---I-D-I---I-E-I I-0-I-1-I---I-3-I---I-5-I---I-7-I-8-I---I-10-I---I-12-I like you say, C is the 8th fret. It is worth learning all these and then learning the notes in between - eg 6th fret is A# (A sharp)or Bb (B flat) It is also worth noting that there is NO E# or B# - it just jumps from E to F and from B to C.
  9. Yeah I enjoyed the whole gig. I was disappointed that I didn't get the best position for God Forbid, cos they're awesome. Was up on the balcony for the other three bands and it was amazing. Shadows Fall - wish they could have played for longer, great set albeit only 5 songs long, and they didn't play Stepping Outside the Circle which would have gone down a treat. Chimaira - had a great stage show. Unfortunately played a few songs from Pass Out Of Existance which bored me. However their newer material was far better and their drummer impressed me greatly. Killswitch Engage - Easily the kings of the night, and I'm not just saying that as I like all the bands a lot. Howard coped well, and although the crowd did a hell of a lot of the singing for him, it was still far better than I've heard he is live. Adam Dutkiewicz was hilarious and his onstage antics and banter were fantastic. They also had the best sound of the night although didn't play Temple From The within - one of my favourite killswitch songs. However I'd imagine that was so they didn't have to go from drop C to D tuning and back again. AWESOME night.
  10. Went through a phaze of loving speultura about the time Roots came out. In fact it was one of the first CD's I bought. I was still buying tapes up until mid '96 y'see... Other than Roots - Chaos AD, Beneath The Remains and Arise are all classic albums but nothing else by them really does it for me. I would however still pay to see them play if they were to come to, ooh, say... Aberdeen. But I doubt that would ever happen!
  11. Take alll the notes of the C major scale C D E F G A B Now play those notes but start and finish on D instead of C. That is D Dorian, the second mode of the C major (or Ionian) scale. If you play all the notes but start and end on A, you would play A aeolian - which is simply A minor. the common ones to swap between are the major (ionian) and minor (aeolian) scale as they are the most commonly used. I am a big fan of the lydian and phrygian modes though.
  12. I thought they were quite good. Although not my cup of tea they played pretty well and their sound was good. Attendance wasn't that great, couldn't have been much more than 300 people there. Opening song which has the "She is the blade and you're just paper" lyric in it is was my favourite. Surprised that they didn't play "How does it feel" - I reckon they were gonna do an encore but everyone pissed off so they didn't come back on. haha. Both support bands, Cardia and the Fight were dreadful - especially Cardia (the second band on) They were like the worst bits of Wheatus, Radiohead and Weezer all put in a big bag of shite, and then mixed up with even more shite. The whole gig was a bit different to the Killswitch Engage/Chimaira etc gig from the night before...
  13. Not ALL the scales... What about scales that don't use the standard intervals that the modes have, eg the harmonic minor? Harmonic minor: |-R-|---|-o-|-o-|---|-o-|---|-o-|-o-|---|-*-|-o-|-R-| * note that moves up one fret. If you were to play that in the major position it would have an augmented 5th and sound whack... Oh and like Monk Rocker says, learn all the rules so you learn how to break them... Craig Hexpen is the master of that sort of shit!
  14. And no one ever actually told me this and it seems obvious these days, but the minor scale - like Ian says - is exactly the same as the minor pentatonic but with 2 extra notes (the 3rd and the 6th) Here are the intervals along the minor scale, all along one string: |-R-|---|-2-|-3-|---|-4-|---|-5-|-6-|---|-7-|---|-R-| |-R-|---|-o-|-o-|---|-o-|---|-o-|-o-|---|-o-|---|-R-| Where as the pentatonic: |-R-|---|---|-o-|---|-o-|---|-o-|---|---|-o-|---|-R-|
  15. Sorry, that was going by the fingering patterns that Tav used. I showed the minor scale in the same pattern as his 4th position of the pentatonic. But what I showde was actually in the 5th position. Sorry.
  16. Madonna Dahmer. Legendary stuff.
  17. Yeah guys thats fucking ace! Well done, and well deserved as well. You nerds.
  18. "Masters Apprentice" by Opeth... "plung-ing in-to the deep-est void de-parted shell left drained be-hiiiiind" duh nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuuuuh!
  19. I know that wasn't one of the 'real' pictures I think it looks awesome! Pretty fucking spooky
  20. BLACK ATOM Empty Sky is a great tune to play live, great fun. Broken Alive is awesome too. But The Watcher off the forth coming album is amazing. I don't mind saying some of our new stuff rocks like fuck because I didn't actually write it (gets down on hands and knees to worship Len) MY MINDS WEAPON I Killed Rock And Roll... because we all wrote it and it's fun to play. However the new one we are working on is a monster. LOADED Not that anyone will remember song titles but The Beginning was a cracker and Agony Within was the best ("Can You Feel The Pain Inside" in the chorus...)
  21. Well if someone is gonna not like My Minds Weapon then I am glad it is you, because you're rubbish.
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