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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. What a fucking awesome photo! I recall being dressed up as a cross between phil lynott and a one of those guys Tav described... (i'd taken my afro off in that photo) What a great night that was.
  2. Argh' date=' we're getting confused. You said "I'm 16 anyhoo", after I just said there was a 5 year age gap. Obviously I knew you were 16 to be able to make my 5 year age gap statement. I knew you were 16 cos i checked your profile... However I thought you'd just done some appalling mathematics because they way you said it sounded like you thought that 21 (my age) minus 16 (your age) [b']wasn't 5! Sorry, but that i think were thinking different things
  3. Not the smartest obviously. 21 - 16 = 5
  4. What... are you only 13 Calum? I'm only 21, so that surely only gives me a 5 year advantage. I was practically born on the day Kill Em All came out. (I was born 26th Jan '83 - it was released jan/feb '83)
  5. Yeah man, it's fucking difficult. Especially for those of us who like metal as most bands I like were releasing albums when I was about 8 years old! And then other bands who I like (Soilwork/In Flames etc) only vaguely hit the mainstream on their 3rd albums!
  6. No, you have to have bought the albums before the next one came out. i.e. you have to have bought "Kill Em All" before "Ride The Lightning" was RELEASED.
  7. Wow... including their debut in 1996 and Hang Ups in 1997?
  8. Ok here we go: How many bands in your recorded music collection have you bought EVERY official studio album they have released...in order? You must have all their studio albums (no need for live or bootleg albums) You must have bought them, i.e. not copied/downloaded them They must have been bought in chronological order, BEFORE their next album was released. (i.e. an album released in 1998 must have been bought before any albums released in 1999 or later) And for the sake of this being worthwhile, the band must have released AT LEAST 3 albums. Off the top of my head, Machine Head, Devin Townsend and the Haunted for me. MACHINE HEAD: Bought "Burn My Eyes" in 1996 "More Things Change" when it came out (1997) "Burning Red" when it came out (1999 i think) "Supercharger" when it came out (2002 i think) "Ashes Of Empires" in 2004 THE HAUNTED: "the Haunted" in 1998 "made me do it" when it came out (2001 i think) "One Kill Wonder" 2003 DEVIN TOWNSEND: "Ocean Machine" in 1998 "Infinity" in 1999 or 2000 "Physicist" in 2001 "Terria" in 2002 "Accelrated Evolution" in 2003 It's not as easy as you think!
  9. Thank fuck Mac came along to replace original guitarist, Hank Marvin (far left) - otherwise they'd probably be rubbish. I have also just noticed they have the world's smallest man behind the drum kit, and the worlds largest man on guitar (Hank Marvin)
  10. If Frosty Jack is about, could you please tell him to turn the twat filter back on. It appears not to be activated right now.
  11. drapery falls doesn't have sitar in it. I also wasn't at donnington so couldn't tell you....
  12. orchid was their first "observation"...
  13. please do - it will be muchos fun!
  14. I would DEFINITELY suggest you get "Blackwater Park". It's amazing, and the song with the long ending that you say is possibly "The Drapery Falls" on that album - one of my favourite songs ever. (however most Opeth songs have long instrumental outro's so I'm probably wrong - still, great song) It's funny Mr R. Borlax because my three favourite Opeth albums are Blackwater Park Deliverance My Arms Your Hearse In that order - which are the three you didn't mention.
  15. This is an interesting subject and it's a shame I've joined late. I'm not homophobic AT ALL. I don't have a problem with gay people at all and I treat them no differently to straight people because I have the same attitude towards them as I do towards ethnic minorities and woman and everything else that isn't an average height white caucasian male. That is to say I think of them as equals. Doesn't homophobia mean simply fear of gays? I thought giving a beating to a gay would be simply assault or unjustified violence. Or even being gayist*...but not homophobic? (*sexist/prejudiced towards gays? I don't know what the correct terminology is...) Now I personally hate it when gay people are OVERLY gay. Great, you're gay. Well done. If you're so happy about being gay, then why not just be normal about it rather than making it obvious all the time. I can cook ommelettes but that doesn't mean I go around with a frying pan and a packet of flour and eggs 24/7. If you're happy and you know it clap your hands. Or pat yourself on the back. But don't parade around as if you are a fucking brilliant exception to the human race for being gay because you are not. You are like everybody else. Now, anyone who disagrees with my bluntness, then think about this: if it is ok and acceptable to be gay then surely it is equally ok to take the piss out of gay people like you would to a straight person. Equality and all that... I personally don't give a flying fuck if someone is gay or whatever, I just can't stand the hypocrisy of both gay and straight people in a lot of these debates. Don't think I got my point/beliefs across very well there but never mind.
  16. With all due respect man, that is a pretty stupid thing to say considering you're speaking to Jim here... I'm on the fence, I like Shadows Fall and Killswitch Engage...however I can UNDERSTAND why someone like Jim dislikes them. It doesn't make him right or wrong, but calling him a child when he has been into hardcore etc music for years is a bit silly. I personally think Killswitch are the better band, which really says something as I am a big fan of guitar solos. I just prefer their songs and feel their sense of dynamics is superior. Howver you will still notice that I am wearing a shadows fall t-shirt in the latest MMw photos.... Also, you CAN argue that Killswitch are a better band musically than shadows fall...that isn't to say that they are or not, however. Just because killswitch never play solos doesn't make them worse musicians. If you compare art of balance to alive or just breathing, you will notice the latter is actually tighter musically - even though it is less technical. But someone like Dream Theater or Symphony X PISS ALL OVER shadows fall in terms of musicianship - but that doesn't make them better bands. But hey, i'll be nice here and just say go check out the band All That Remains if you haven't already... you will love them.
  17. So bob, what you are effectively saying is: FeSTR MISLED YOUTH POINT OF ORIGIN MY MINDS WEAPON Are all playing at moshulu on June the 18th? And what's that? The new 6 track MMw E.P will be available for a very competitive price as well? What a great gig, I'd definitely go! etc etc
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