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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. Dan G

    The Darkness

    who the fuck are the darkness?
  2. I'm not sure Steve, I personally think tampons are more comfortable when you don't lick them first. EDIT: Oops, sorry - wrong thread!
  3. The Best Haunted album in my opinion is their first one, (self titled) folloed by "Made Me Do it" and then "One Kill Wonder" At the Gates are ok. But far more influential than they were actually good. "Slaughter of the soul" is a very classic album and "Terminal Spirit Disease" is also pretty good. "Red In The Sky is Ours" and "With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness" are both terrible. I wish I'd never bought them...but I was young! Regarding Devin Townsend here is what I'd suggest: "City" - Strapping Young Lad (if you want brutal as fuck but somehow beautiful industrial extreme metal) "Biomech" - Ocean Machine (this is Devin's most beautiful piece of work, amazing songs) "Accelerated Evolution" - Devin Townsend Band (similar to Ocean Machine but a little heavier. Devy sings rather than screams through it and it has some beautiful progressive rock but still with heavy guitars. Not a million miles away from the deftones in places!) I'd say "Infinity" and "Terria" although 2 favourites of Hog's and still really good, are not the best way to get into Devin, as I think you have to already love him to appreciate and even "get" (without sounding like a Devin elitist snob)
  4. But they've been around for about 10 years!
  5. I've got a copy of it with copies of it's covers and stuff, but it's not an original.
  6. ....But also with enough heartfelt melody to make the emo kids cry... Will that do James?
  7. What about the use of as many guitarmonies as your average power metal band?!
  8. Did you like the guitar solo(s)?
  9. Good stuff! I love those tracks, but that whole album is pretty consistant, and there's no weak stuff going on. The album before it "Colony" is also good... "Embody The Invisible" - great track
  10. Yeah man, sorry... I wasn't knocking your opinions - I mean I as expecting some dissing of ye olde synths, but more from the none prog elite! And cheers for the kind words, it's all nice.
  11. Sweet... Well Natural Born Chaos is a fantastic album all the way through. I couldn't pick it's strongest tracks, although "As We Speak" is probably the most well known... "The Flameout" is a big favourite of mine... I love soilwork
  12. Leslie you are doing well! Soilwork - "Natural Born Chaos" Soilwork - "Figure Number Five" Two of my favourite albums of all time... I'm guessing you've heard something from "Figure Number 5"? In Flames - "Clayman" (this album is a million times better than "reroute", however I'm not sure what aspect of In Flames you like, so therefore I'd advise downloading the songs "Bullet Ride" and "Only For The Weak" to see if you think they are better than the stuff you've heard from "Reroute to remain"
  13. Get the album's "Deliverance and "Blackwater Park" Please? And then we can both go on about how amazing they are...
  14. 'Rotten Soil' by Entombed, now that was an awesome tune!
  15. My favourite Obituary songs are: Don't Care from World Demise World Demise from World Demise Solid State from World Demise Threatening Skies from Back from the Dead Dead Silence from End Complete End Complete from End Complete I don't like "slowly we rot" album...
  16. I don't care-don't care-I really don't care
  17. Ben does a good impression of John Tardy from Obituary.
  18. I would have said carcass...but symbolic would be a very close second!
  19. Wait til you hear Karma...
  20. REALLY? I didn't expect that from you calum...being a theater fan and all We thought it would be a bit different than other 'emo' bands and also tried to use it tastefully
  21. If you like the haunting acoustic-ness then you'll love damnation. If you like the acoustic bits but also want to be battered about with some awesome technical extreme progressive rock then check out deliverance. P.S. there is death metal singing on deliverance...
  22. Cool, cheers. By the way the vocals sound fine on the CD... must be the reduced quality in the mp3-ness.
  23. Because they're extreme progressive metal... the album damnation is all acoustic though. Check out "the drapery Falls" for one of the best songs ever. It might bore you. Or it might open your eyes to whole new world Opeth are great.
  24. Can I be a total dummy and asked what "to stream" is? I know it's obviouly downloading it of some sort, but is it reduced quality or only available for play back or something? Yes, I am a dummy.
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