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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. Actually I don't know if colin did "Reek" but he definately did Symphonies, Necroticism, Heartwork and Swansong
  2. NO!!!! Colin Richardson did the early carcass stuff. Actually he did ALL the carcass stuff. He is an awesome producer! I just think he was shit back then. He also did Burn My Eyes, Demanufacture, the dearly beheaded stuff and loads more which sounds ace!
  3. Yeah, it's funny how Scott Burns did all those death metal bands and they sounded root! (Obituary, Sepultura, Death, Cannibal Corpse etc) A fair amount of them were on roadrunner too....
  4. She looks like the result of some bolts being thrown at her... Their artwork was ace! Like Warhammer style (of course, I don't like warhammer - but the artwork is cool) Bal Sagoth, also have similar looking ace artwork.
  5. HAHAHA! And let me guess calum, to get Scott Burns to produce it too!
  6. Wasn't Andy Sneap in Skyclad....? I know he was in Sabbat - but I'm sure some awesome producer was in Skyclad?
  7. Ben's answer is awesome. Here's more of a synopsis; Icon, is really heavy but somewhat beautiful too. Every song is great and like Ben says, there are lead melodies over everything which totally add to the gothic vibe. Classy but totally none cheesy doom metal. Draconian Times took the Icon formula but mixed it with (arguably) even stronger songs and made PL untouchable at what they did. The song's were awesome and super-memorable, and although not quite as heavy it was equally as dark. I also prefer Draconian Times by a whisker, but that's only like saying that a Blow job with a mars bar afterwards is better than a blow job.
  8. No Ben, I like Shades of god but the songs aren't THAT good and the production is a bit thin! Calum, I'd suggest you buy "Icon" It's heavy, got amazing songs but also a sound that was like no one else. If you want their death stuff, go for "Gothic". I think it's balls but much better than Lost Paradise. To me, Paradide Lost have a very similar path to Carcass in terms of progression/production on albums etc: Lost Paradise = Reek Of Putrifaction Gothic = Symphonies Shades Of God = Necroticism Icon = Heartwork Draconian Times = Swansong (then PL did a bunch of really crappy albums after that, whereas Carcass split up)
  9. I was kinda lucky, I got into all those bands when they were at their best form Paradise Lost - Icon/Draconian Times Napalm Death - Greed Killing/Inside The Torn Apart Carcass - Heartwork (although not properly into them til later) Bolt Thrower - heard them but never got into them But even though I was into them, I was still kinda young and no one else I knew would go to those sort of gigs!
  10. That probably because the first two paradise lost albums were attrocious!
  11. ?( I answered your question before you asked it!
  12. Dismember... "like an everflowing stream" That's apparently a classic album though haven't heard it myself. This month's metal hammer reminded me of them. I had the song "Casket Garden" on that 1995 Terrorizer free CD...was fucking awesome!
  13. I may very well do that some time! And there is nothing wrong with plugging... My Minds Weapon - EP available, Ep launch gig 18th June Black Atom - Album Available, Album launch gig 13th August
  14. nope... it was last released in 1994, but originally in 1990 by a different band.
  15. I'm with Ben on this one and that is stay away from early Sepultura and go with Arise and Beneath The Remains. More thrash than death metal but far superior. Having said that, I haven't listened to Sepultura properly in about 6 or 7 years now! I still think Symbolic by Death and Heartwork by Carcass are the two best death metal albums ever.
  16. hahaha..good thinking Ben! Dave, i think St Vitus were a late 80's band which featured Wino (from Obsessed) on guitar and vocals. Could be wrong, but that's what my head tells me.
  17. Yeah like Dave says, Sabbath are a given. Always wanted to check out Trouble too... Oh, and although it's more doom than stoner, I think "Supernatural Birth Machine" by Cathedral is fantastic.
  18. Hmmm... my favourite stoner rock bands are not the obvious ones: My favourite proper stoner band is without doubt the Spiritual Beggars - I have all five of their albums. I also LOVE "Nola" by Down one of my favourite albums of all time. Their second album was good but not great. I don't know if they can be counted as stoner AT ALL, but "Wiseblood" and "Deliverance" by Corrosion Of Conformity are also two of my all time awesome albums. "Powertrip" by Monster Magnet is also a great album. I have a couple of Kyuss albums, and they're good but not my style really.
  19. I know, but I'd see if anyone else does! And don't bother cheating by copy/pasting into google: "Since I was born I've lived in the cold I've lived in the dark Now I want heat now I want light igniting spark I'm not a martyr but I am truth and you are a liar But now my life of constant sadness goes up in the fire I will Be heard And I will Be heard All my life I have been used by you Time has come our game of love is through A burning passion from a burning mass reaches up for the sky I've called you here my devoted family turn to watch me die I'm not a martyr but I am truth and you are a liar So now my life of constant sadness goes up in the fire"
  20. Indeed it is an awesome song... other than the fact that they rhymed these two lines together: "I'm gonna make that promise to you, A stained glass cross looking down on you"
  21. I would say, judging by your listening section, here is what to go for: Carcass - Heartwork Death - Symbolic Entombed - Wolverine Blues Obituary - World Demise Cannibal Corpse - The Bleeding Morbid Angel - Domination Mortician - Zombie Apocolypse (just kidding, it's fucking rubbish!)
  22. Fashion-wise yes. As can I to a certain extent. However I made a point of mentioning musical examples as well, in regards to the perth bands. Slaphappy, who I actually really like, are a good example. Used to sound like NOFX, now changed their name, wear the fashionable get up and sound like Thrice. All music needs to evolve, including punk rock, it's just with pop-punk the change from singing about knobs to being "serious" seems to be far more obvious than in other genres... the drive-thru records seem to really know how to take a pop-punk band, make them learn how to play, wear cooler clothes and then become an emo band.
  23. Now you see I see both points of view on this. Take a band like thrice...their progression was very smooth and they turned from slightly thrashy pop-punk band into a fucking awesome metalcore band. And I'm not disputing that Blink matured/changed style for their own love rather than records sales. But for a good example of what Johnny Lucifer is on about look no further than Perth; Even though I quite like many them - there's no doubt that skinny black T-shirts, trucker hats, metal belts and maiden-meets-hardcore-riffs have replaced the long shorts, atticus t-shirts and pop-punk music! It's as much an observation as it is a criticism!
  24. Totally agree, although if it means the local band fans actually watch the touring band, surely it is worth it for the touring band? And I know what your saying Bob, we need more metal fans. Agreed!
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