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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. I don't think the second Down album is anywhere near as good as the first. Not a bad album, I just think 'Nola' was FAR FAR superior.
  2. I'm 100% with you on this one chris. A lot of bands mature; Paradise Lost. Machine Head. Megadeth. Metallica. All have changed over the years, but not necessarily to be 'cool' and certainly it didn't win them any critical acclaim! But a lot of these pop-punk bands do seem to conveniently "grow up" and stop singing about poo and erections just as whiny-girl-music beomes popular.
  3. Great album, I got it the week it came out (1998!) Planets Collide is easily my favourite song, and I love December's Spawn too. Love the intro too. The thing that surprised me was how SLOW it is, possibly with the exception of Scattered Pieces Lay (I think) Haven't listened to it in YEARS! Good choice though!
  4. I haven't been subjected to that much shit since I fell into the septic tank.
  5. Re: Re: what a great point about so called "emo" Yes, just look at the long list of debating about MMW that has ensued Your post has just highlighted your dislike for Ben...as I mentioned in the thread on the wasteland.
  6. I'm not really a punk fan, and 10 Easy wishes don't do much for me... but that is certainly no insult, as I think they are pretty fucking good at what they do. Now that may sound like a very contradictory statement, but in my eyes they have everything that all the bands along that line also have. I've seen them a shitload of times - but have more in common with their fantastic sense of humour more than their musical tastes Regardless of how much you love or hate them, you can't take away the fact that they are talented.
  7. It's not kids who are into metal that piss me off - naturally, being a total metaller myself - I think that's a good thing! You dont' get awards for being "the most into metal" I really do understand where non-metal lovers come from when they say how narrow-minded a lot of the metal kids are.
  8. What an excellent post. I find these days I am permanently defending emo, just because the lazy bashing of it is so annoying. Generally, people seemingly don't have a clue on what they are talking about or what emo even is! Especially all these 'metal kids' who always slag emo... that pisses me off. Slagging off emo is actually the new emo to me. The way emo is stereotyped is equivalent to saying all metal bands sing about demons and dragons and wear spandex and have mullets. It's stupid. I don't actually like "real" emo...and that includes everyone from Far, Fugazi and Shelter through to dashboard confessional and Brand New. The only "emo" album I own is the Funeral For A Friend one, which isn't even emo anyway. But I'd rather simply say it's just not my type of music as opposed to going around spouting off uneducated drivel which to me is jumping on a bandwagon every-bit as much as those who grow their hair like the "faggy emo bands".
  9. Actually, I used to have a 100Watt Marshall valvestate of some sort and it actually did sound really good. It's just my brother and Russell Loaded both have AVT100's and the distortion sounds absolute balls to me.
  10. Either way I would say it is the sonic equivalent of finding out that your parents are actually father and daughter.
  11. I think you're wrong there Andy... Valvestates sound like an extremely pissed off wasp. With a megaphone. A dying wasp would at least be a little quieter and would eventually stop making a noise. i have a valve amp, and I love it.
  12. Sure man! Accordian's rule because... they are the instrument of satan! Seriously, I imagine hell couldn't be any worse than having to listen to an accordian all day.
  13. No he didn't. He was straight out of Hendrix. He wasnted to BE Jimmy. Even ask him. My favourite guitarists are: John Petrucci Michael Ammott Marty Friedman
  14. Not sure about Synths, but PC World do good keyboards. The Logitech Cordless and optical mouse all in one package for 79.99 looked especially good.
  15. Whats the difference between my pants and Femora? After a wet dream, Sludge is still in my pants.
  16. Indeed good sir! how was practise last night?
  17. I don't mind paying any entry fee to Drakes whatsoever...I love the place and the value is excellent! What I hate however is paying 5 to see 4 local bands at kef... My comment regarding the price increase is valid, however in regards to it...I do believe it was usually a local band or two with no touring act that cost practically nothing.
  18. Lars didn't use a snare on St Anger... he used a biscuit tin.
  19. I do. Loaded used to play *lava* for about 3. Now it's 5. Drakes used to be free/2, now it's 3/3.50 Although I don't mind paying it for drakes as much.
  20. Wow...didn't expect that! It's kinda weird cos I did think crocker was a good focal point - and like mr lucifer says - was also unexpectedly good! All the best in finding a replacement though.
  21. Two layers of dan-age... but Jamesy's playing on the CD is pretty fucking good!
  22. If you like Mistress and Iron Monkey, how about these bands: Mastodon December Bolt Thrower Carcass Not exactly the same, but maybe worth a look!
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