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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. How embarassing for you...
  2. How embarassing for you...
  3. Here is another song I wrote. Master Of Storms The wind in my hair and the shield on my back, Together we stand as we wait for attack. Our swords in our hands as we look to the sky, The banshees and warlocks shall face us and die! The clarion sounds let the battle begin, Our magical dragons will ensure that we'll win. The crashing of thunder is heard through the land, I'm a master of metal and this is my band! Deafening, Frightening. My magic is stronger than lightning! CHORUS: Master of Storms - My magic defeated your swords and your steel Master of storms - My power reheated your microwave meal We ride across plains slaying all in our way, Our armour is spandex and metal we'll stay. We paint the hills red from the blood we have spilled, The wizards are vanquished and demons are killed. Victorious in battles from the snow to the sand, Our legend will reign and be told through the land. My sword has the strength of a legion of kings, I'm a master of metal and my axe has six strings! Deafening, Frightening. My magic is stronger than lightning! CHORUS: Master of Storms - My magic defeated your swords and your steel Master of storms - My power reheated your microwave meal
  4. There is some HARMONISED finger tapping in one of the songs on the forthcoming My Minds Weapon EP.
  5. Actually... I need a name for this new "band" Hmmm... any suggestions? Something along the lines of.... Orcish Plains Blademaster Steel Wyvern etc etc
  6. I'd have said Iced Earth are just old school metal. With a hint of power metal... they're not a prog band really. Syphony X are THE prog/power metal band. Awesome stuff.
  7. I was bored so I just wrote lyrics to a power metal song. Where Dragons Fly And Heroes Die (Swords In The Wind) The Legions of warriors They storm through the land, As dragons breathe fire To kill on command. Through forests and mountains With swords raised to sky, The heroes have come here To fight 'til they die! CHORUS: Swords in the wind! The dragon breathes fire Swords in the wind! To kill with desire Swords in the wind! The dragon flies higher Swords In the wind! These lyrics are dire A battleground plagued With the ice, wind and snow, As steel strikes steel Hear cries from below. I stand with my blade I'm defiant in battle. My magic destroyed Every band from Seattle. CHORUS: Swords in the wind! The dragon breathes fire Swords in the wind! To kill with desire Swords in the wind! The dragon flies higher Swords In the wind! These lyrics are dire
  8. Of course there will be! Track 2 is titled "where dragons fly and heroes die (Swords In The Wind)" (sing like Gamma Ray) Here are the lyrics: Where Dragons Fly And Heroes Die (Swords In The Wind) The Legions of warriors They storm through the land, As dragons breathe fire To kill on command. Through forests and mountains With swords raised to sky, The heroes have come here To fight 'til they die! CHORUS: Swords in the wind! The dragon breathes fire Swords in the wind! To kill with desire Swords in the wind! The dragon flies higher Swords In the wind! These lyrics are dire A battleground plagued With the ice, wind and snow, As steel strikes steel Hear cries from below. I stand with my blade I'm defiant in battle. My magic destroyed Every band from Seattle. CHORUS: Swords in the wind! The dragon breathes fire Swords in the wind! To kill with desire Swords in the wind! The dragon flies higher Swords In the wind! These lyrics are dire
  9. Man...I'd love to be there but I think I'm in the studio with weapon finishing off OUR EP (which has six tracks and will be available very soon ) Hope it goes well!
  10. well there are keyboards on the fothcoming mymindsweapon EP which is getting its final mix tomorrow.
  11. Gilman St Spike Piledriver - embarassed to say I have not yet seen either! Also the new element 106 (saw the old version many times) Apologies Hog my friend but soon!
  12. Area 54 - No Visable Scars Awesome British band, sound like across between Iron Maiden and Megadeth. Dearly Beheaded - Temptation British post-thrash band. To me this album is only bettered by Machine Head's "Burn My Eyes" in the genre Soilwork - A Predator's Portrait Soilwork are getting more popular, but this (their third album) combines brutality and melody with technical ability to perfection. In Flames - Clayman Their recent albums are no-where near as good as this...a pop melodic death metal masterpiece Megadeth - Youthanasia Awesome album, but for some reason not that popular amongst fans and critics alike. Death - Symbolic A death metal record that has so much more to it than bands in the genre. Chuck Schuldiner is a true legend.
  13. Thats actually Ebsus2. 2nds and 9ths are the same, but the name of the chord depends on what other notes you play. In the chord you showed there was a root (1st), a 5th and a 9th. But as you had no 3rd, 4th, 6th or 7th - it becomes a sus2 rather than an add9. An Eb add9 would more likely be: ------ --8--- --10-- --8--- --6--- ------ As now you are playing an Eb chord (which has a root, 3rd and 5th) with an added 9 (the 10th fret on the G string) Also add9 chords will sound either happy or sad, because you either play a major chord or a minor chord and then add the 9. A sus2 chord however is neither happy or sad sounding as it is neither major or minor.
  14. Hey man, good to know there are people that far away who like the atom stuff! Well we are hitting the studio to start work on our album this weekend so I hope you like it when it comes out!
  15. Here is an ace one: ---------------------------14-/-18-h-21-p-18------------ ----------------------14--------------------------19-------- -----------------15------------------------------------18----- ------------16------------------------------------------------- -------16----------------------------------------------------- --14-------------------------------------------------------------- Although it's an F# major sweep, play it in F# minor for that evil/eastern phrygian feel... Mac?
  16. last caress - metallica Actually all of the covers on the original $5.98 Garage Days Re-Revisited are awesome!
  17. Hog means "drop-D"...not open-D which is something entirely different
  18. It depends on a few things here really. Firsty, bigger stretches do come with time. As your fingers become more supple and used to stretching further you'll find it becoming easier. Also the neck on your guitar can effect this; eg my Jackson is harder to do bigger stretches on, because it has what is known as jumbo frets (nothing too out of the ordinary, but they are just larger frets than some other guitars) Whereas my Gibson Explorer is a lot easier to stretch bigger distances as the frets are slightly smaller) Finally - and possibly the most obvious of the lot - your finger size will inevitably effect how far you can stretch. If you are a 3 foot high midget you have no hope in nailing those add9/sus2 chords, whereas if you are pretty average in size (hands, that is) then you should have no reason to not eventually manage.
  19. IN LIKE FLYNN! Goodbye east west godbless... ...THE WILDHEARTS!
  20. VOCALS - Jesse Leech (ex-Killswitch Engage) GUITAR - Mike Ammott (Spiritual Beggars/Arch Enemy etc) GUITAR - Zakk Wylde (Ozzy/BLS) BASS - John Myung (Dream Theater) DRUMS - Daniel Erlandsson (Arch Enemy) KEYBOARDS - Sven Karlsson (Soilwork)
  21. Dan G


    ...is a drug against war!
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