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Dan G

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Everything posted by Dan G

  1. so far 50% of atom have answered this thread... We all agree on the same album. Therefore we must be right
  2. I bought that album on vinyl fucking YEARS ago! And it is a great album. Find the song 10 Scene points for the winner by said band. Listen to it. Tell me again you think that they are just emo. That songs sounds more like In Flames than you guys' perception of emo...
  3. Ok, well I can't give an opinion on the song as I can't download stuff. But World needs a hero.... it was a good album to listen to at the time, and I still think it isn't that bad. I just don't think in terms of classic songs it compares to peace sells, rust in peace, so far so good, countdown or youthansia. To me it's on the same level as cryptic writings... I have loved megadeth for 10 years now though and I always will buy whatever they put out - even if it's shit!
  4. I was 8 when it came out and haven't been able to get it since But "temptation" by Dearly Beheaded in the gatefold is a pretty good replacement
  5. thats homosexual. Can I play instead?
  6. well I am greatly looking fwd to tonights shebang. however, robertson, if you do not rock I will demand a full refund. my expectations are high
  7. A) I have a gamma ray CD B) They sound almost exactly like Helloween C) that's because the guitarist from Helloween formed Gamma Ray
  8. Dan G


    Opeth are awesome. My younger brother kept trying to get me into them a while back but I never really gave them the time if day to fully appreciate the genius at work. The intro/outro four chords of "The Drapery Falls" is one of the simplist yet most awesome pieces of music ever. "Deliverance" and "Master's Apprentices" are also fucking ace songs.
  9. Indeed that is true about emo. But then again the ONLY vaguely emo album I own is funeral for a friend... who are MASSIVELY inspired by Iron Maiden anyway. And European power metal? Guilty. Though I don't have too much of that cos a lot of it shite. A little Helloween here, a bit of Nightwish there... but at least it is all inspired from Maiden. Infact Maiden were the first power metal band...
  10. all three bands kick ass though so it's ok. Except for quik. (joke )
  11. that's because you got into metal 17 minutes ago Don't try and hide those Savage Garden CD's Paul...I can see them from here.
  12. Jeez, you guys are admitting this stuff? we're meant to be a metal band... not a see-who-likes-to-admit-to-being-a-man-bummer band! I'm glad my music taste has no blemmishes whatsoever.
  13. On a side note...I'm not a HUGE fan of infinity*, but Accelerated Evolution is a nice second place to Ocean Machine... *although 'Christeen', co-written by Ginger is an awesome song.
  14. Ocean Machine album is possibly one of the greatest pieces of music ever written. If god exists, that is the album he chills to.
  15. I designed their logo.. :] Bastards never gave me a free t-shirt though.... *hint hint*
  16. No prayer for the dying? more like "no prayer for the rubbish"
  17. The MMW artwork is almost as good...we just don't have the naked little boy involved. We're in discussion about a contract with him though...
  18. Well including mine, that is two replies.... ....which is probably double the amount of listeners the show itself gets
  19. Please fudge people...give them a gig. The bass player used to be in my brother's old band!!!!
  20. check out the song "the awakening" mouse.
  21. Biomechanical? check em out hog, Think vulgar-era pantera playing a speed metal version of short Dream Theater songs in a Judas Priest style. Effectively a shitload of grooves, technical wizardry, thrashy riffs and atmospheric overtones.
  22. I believe the BIOMECHANICAL album is actually called "Eight Moons", Mac...
  23. To be fair though, the killswitch engage album will more than likely destroy every other album out there....
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